
Powder to Repell an unwanted Lover

This banishment powder will send away an unwanted lover or suitor. Dust it on your body when going out or sprinkle it around your doorways and windows.

  • The rind of a orange, burnt and ground to ash
  • Black salt, ground to a powder
  • Dried rose petals, burnt to ash

To target a specific person:  Write their name on a slip of paper. Burn it to ash. Combine into the mixture.

Repeat as necessary.


Memory Bottle Charm

This memory spell is to assist in learning, and is best done on a Wednesday.

You will need:

  • A bottle or jar with a lid
  • Any of the following herbs: anise, caraway seed, cinnamon, ginseng, lilac, peppermint
  • lemon peels (preferably dried)
  • lemon essential  oil (or peppermint)
  • yellow candle(s)
  • yellow decorations (string, paint, cloth, anything)
  • a notebook and writing utensil

Charge the candle with your intention. Fill it with focused energy. If improved memory is your goal then focus on that. When you have charged your candle you can anoint it with oil if you have the means (you can use simple olive oil if you want to anoint your candle(s) but don’t have essential oils). Have your candle(s) lit as you work.

Decorate your container with yellow. If you have a specific topic you want to remember, write it on some of the lemon peels (you can do multiple topics, or none if you don’t have any in mind). Put the lemon in your container.

As you add whatever herbs you’ve gathered into the container, recite this incantation:

Oh cheerful yellow, Penetrate my mind Improve my memory Give me powers of great observation May I remember all that I seek to recall May my concentration be perfect in all things, big and small

Write whatever it is you need to learn in the note book, and as you write, imagine that what you wrote is evaporating into smoke, and you breathe it in. It then sticks in your mind.

Seal the jar when you’re done using it for the day. Keep it on your desk or workspace for future use. If you want to add new lemon peels with new intention, do so. If not, just give the jar a quick shake and open it up again to access the spell.


Sources: (x,x)


Rays Of Sunlight Tarot Spread

  1. What is something that you should be grateful for, and positive about?
  2. What is something nice that you can focus on for yourself?
  3. What may help you feel more like yourself?
  4. What should excite you about life?
  5. What’s the next best step forward from here? 

good things will happen 🧿

things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿



“I Send You Safety” Spell

A spell to send a friend or loved one protection and safety.

You Will Need:

❀ Salt ❀ Rosemary ❀ Angelica ❀ Dandelion Fluff ❀ Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, or Garnet ❀ Name of your friend on a slip of paper ❀ White Sachet


❀ Fill your sachet with the herbs, friend’s name and piece of crystal of your choice

❀ “I send you protection from all that may harm you, I send you the wish of safety, I send you the energies to keep you out of harms way.”

❀ Tie your sachet shut and gently kiss it it focusing on your desires to send your friend protection

❀ place your sachet in a window, if you can crack the window open to help send the energies to your friend. 


In regard to the relationship..

1. What I want out of this relationship

2. Expectations that aren’t being met

3. Underlying fears

4. Where you don’t see eye to eye

5. What’s not being confronted

6. What you need to let go of

7. What your heart says

8. Part of me that needs time to heal


I originally titled this “Rest without Guilt” but then I got mad about how normal it is to feel guilt over something as simple and necessary as taking a break. I feel guilt all the time (former Catholic here, can you tell?), and it ruins so many things I should be able to just enjoy, but can’t because there is always so much pressure to do better and try harder.

Fuck that.

Fuck the mentality that I need to be productive 100% of the time and the idea that my spare time needs to be spent on something I can monetize. I am entitled to free time that is just for me. I am entitled to moments spent letting go and resetting. I am entitled to rest. 

So here is this spread, meant for people who feel pressured to always be productive and who may feel guilty because they are not constantly grinding.

  1. From what do I need a break?
  2. How should I decompress?
  3. How can I savor my relaxation?

1. What can I do right now to stop my cycle of negative thinking?

2. What excuses am I rationalizing that are keeping me from living my ideal life?

3. What expectations do I hold for my self that aren’t rooted in reality?

4. How are my thoughts and actions misaligned?

5. What can I do right now to start living my ideal life?


So, I’ve kept an index of my “possibly useful posts" for a long time now and I just wanted to remind people that it exists. There’s a link to it on the sidebar of my tumblr, and you can also access it via this link.

At the moment, this is what I’ve got listed, minus the audio surveys:



Tarot & Divination

Double Decking Series

(using more than one deck in a reading)


If you want to ask me a question that you think I’ve already answered, this is the best place to check. And if there’s a post you think should be listed here but isn’t, you’re more than free to tell me that as well!


DIY Witchery Resources

Because tumblr now only allows 250 links on a page or some nonsense like that, here’s my DIY Witchery Resource page broken down. It’s not all of, but I did as much as I could for now:

There was more on the original page but this is all I’m able to get to now. Hopefully some day I’ll be able to add the rest and add more as these are at least 2 years old and there’s been some fun witchy stuff on tumblr in the last few years.


Feather-set’s Protection Satchel to Ward Off Ex-Lovers

This satchel idea was brought to me from a friend’s friend who went through a painful, abusive relationship. They left their harmful partner and wanted to find a way to protect themselves so that they can keep the ex-partner away. 

What it does: this satchel will help protect you from an ex-lover or abusive partner that you’ve decided to break contact with. This helps protect you from toxic people who might otherwise take advantage of or hurt you. 

Before making this satchel: make sure that you’re not going to allow your harmful ex back into your life. Don’t call them, text them, stop them on the street to say hello, etc. Do not allow them to puncture your space by any means. And if they do manage to come up to you, leave as soon as you can. 

What you’ll need:

  • A black satchel 
  • Rose stems with thorns 
  • Sea salt
  • Hematite, onyx, iron, or some black stones
  • Sage, rosemary, bay leaves (or two of these, or all three for maximum protection)
  • An item to represent you (charm, hair, clipped nails, personal trinket, etc)

Casting: You are free to cast the spell however you wish, though I would recommend burning a black candle while you put the items into the satchel, saying the intent of the pouch as you fill it. Chant something like 

This bag is my shield and these items keep it strong All these things protect me from (name)’s wrongs

Everyone’s casting styles are different, so you are free to do your own version of whatever spell you want to accompany this. 

Meditate on the purpose of the satchel. Feel the powers of the herbs and stones protecting and holding the items that represents you; in turn, imagine your psychic shield wrapping around you, protecting you from the harmful person’s presence. 

Wear the satchel on you when you’re out or feel uncomfortable, until you feel safe and secure knowing they will no longer bother you ever again. 

Why I chose these items: I’m very fond of plant/herb magick and crystals, so there’s one. Salt is a very protective mineral that is very commonly used to ward off negative presences. Rosemary, sage, and bay leaves are also protective. Rose thorns are the shield that roses, the symbol of love and frailty. Hematite, onyx, and other dark crystals are protective, especially hematite. Black is a strong colour, and is very defiant and protective. 


To Banish and Bind - Curse Jar for Abusers

✨DISCLAIMER - cursing and dark magic is always a controversial topic. If you do not like to practise or read about such things then feel free to ignore this post altogether HOWEVER - I ask that whatever your personal opinion on the matter, you respect the right of each individual to ply their craft according to their OWN morals and not yours ✨

✨This Spell Jar has a threefold purpose - to Bind, to Banish and, if triggered, to Curse✨The spell is designed to lay a powerful compulsion on the target, making them wary and fearful of approaching you✨If they attempt to do so regardless, the Curse will activate and rebound their ill intentions back onto them, sowing bitterness and misfortune through their life✨

THIS IS NOT A HEX, IT IS A CURSE - such spells are designed to be permenant and difficult to break - think very carefully about laying curses on others and decide if the wrongs they have done you truly warrant such a response from you

Although this is a curse, it is generally intended to give those who have been abused and feel afraid or vulnerable an means of defending themselves and exacting a level of justice against their abusers

Ingredients & Tools

  • A small glass jar with a cork
  • A taglock (hair, blood, name on paper, object belonging to the target etc)
  • Rock salt
  • Chilli
  • Lemon juice
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Black ink
  • Pen
  • A red candle
  • Black cord/yarn
  • Any crystals or equipment you require to ward and protect yourself (VERY important)


✨Cleanse my work area and create a circular shield to protect yourself and your home whilst you work (you may choose to ward yourself)

✨To bolster an energetic shield, mark out a physical circle using yarn (black for protection and banishment) and seal it with a crystal if you have one (you may also choose to use protective sigils for an additional boost)

✨Light the red candle and wrote the name of the abuser on a small slip of paper, wrapping it around a small object of theirs to create your taglock (ignore this if you are using a different kind of taglock - just the name on the paper will work if you have none of their possessions)

✨Fill the jar in this order, focusing on your intention

  1. Rock salt - for protection
  2. Garlic - for banishment
  3. Chilli - for banishment and suffering
  4. Onion - for banishment and sorrow

✨Coat the taglock in wax from the red candle and add it to the jar - mix it all by shaking the jar

✨ Add the lemon juice (for bitterness and suffering) and a drop of the black ink (to bring darkness to their life) and mix again

✨Cork the jar and seal it with the red wax, then bind it with the black cord and seal with more wax

✨It is up to you what you now do with the jar -hide it, bury it or throw it away - but it is advisable to make sure it won’t be found or broken as this could have unexpected and likely unpleasant results✨


✨Once you have completed your jar it is ESSENTIAL that you cleanse both yourself and your space to remove the residue left by powerful dark magic✨ Use sage, remove or sigils and cleanse your energy, but it is advisable to perform a more thorough and powerful cleansing than you might for a gentler and more positive spell✨



a masterpost by noonymoon



do it yourself – pocket sigil wax seals  // updated on dec 9th 2018



// updated on jan 16th 2019

Useful stuff!


ancient gods and goddesses with the blood moon in athens, greece // photographed by aris messinis


On Harmful Spells

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you decide you want to use witchcraft negatively on someone, there’s a lot of options to consider, and the distinctions are incredibly important. This list is not comprehensive, but it’s a good starting place to help you decide what you want to do.

1. Return to Sender. Sometimes, the ideal solution is to take the nasty energy the target sends your way and throw it right back at them. In this case, a ward that aims to reflect the energy away may be the right choice.

2. Binding. If someone is overstepping their boundaries, saying things they shouldn’t, or deserves to have their productivity stunted, perhaps a binding spell is the best fit. There are plenty aimed at causing the target’s actions to stagnate.

3. Jinx. A jinx is a minor inconvenience for the receiver and is generally low-effort for the sender. Most commonly, they cause bad luck, mistakes, twisted tongues, and things of that sort. There are exceptions to the rule, but jinxes are generally milder than hexes and curses.

4. Hexes. Typically, hexes are thought of as less-extreme than curses. Consider, when deciding to hex someone, how far you want to go. Consider the potency of your ingredients, the wording of any parameters, and the intensity of your intent. If you want to cause minor inconveniences, you probably don’t need to be impaling rusty nails through cow’s tongue. The ritual should be reflective of your intent. Be sure to cover loopholes where possible. Be specific in your intent. Wishing general bad days can have wildly varying effects. That could mean a bad hair day or an outright catastrophe that will change them for the rest of their life. Be specific. Better safe than sorry,

5. Curses. Curses are the most intensive option on this list. Curses can be anything from a significant inconvenience to a generational issue. Again, consider the intensity you’re going for, and plan accordingly. I am in no way anti-curse, but you do need to think critically before acting. For example, perhaps someone has done something horrible to you, and you’re thinking of doing a spell to worsen their mental condition. What impact might this have on them, ultimately? What is the strongest possible outcome? Are you okay with that outcome? If not, dial down what you’re aiming to do. You should never get yourself in over your head. Unless you are certain that you will be able to accept what happens as a result, don’t do it. Think before you act. This is not something to be flippant with.

6. Cleanse and Ward. Sometimes, after a little thinking, you may realize that you don’t want or need to expend your energy on this person. For any number of reasons, you may decide that inflicting harm is not the goal. There are many options to cleanse and ward yourself, your belongings, and your spaces. There are also plenty of sachets and wards meant to absorb or neutralize any negative energies that come toward you. If you do choose to something to inflict harm, you should still be cleansing and warding both before and after you complete the spell. You wouldn’t want any unwanted energies finding their way into your work, and you don’t want the harmful energies lingering around you.

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