
Rysler's Tumblr

@rysler / rysler.tumblr.com


THE DEFENDERS (2017) | 1x03: Worst Behavior SHE-HULK: ATTORNEY AT LAW (2022) |1x08: Ribbit and Rip It THE DEFENDERS (2017) | 1x05: Take Shelter


remember when you were 10 and you would hang out with your friends in order to Look At The Computer together like you went to their house and experienced the information superhighway together. and then leave

How fucking old are you people?

normal amount


After studying three of the greats — Holmes, Poirot, Columbo — I have determined that in order to be a popular fictional detective you MUST be autistic you MUST be a nosy bitch and you MUST have a boybestfriend to bounce your theories off of.

‘But op, what about Columbo? Columbo doesn’t have a boybestfriend!’ You fools. His boybestfriend is the murderer.


"Why are you so obessed with found family?"

I watched this as a kid and internalized it for forever

Lilo and Stitch really said "This is my family. I found it, all on my own. It’s little, and broken, but still good. Yeah. Still good." And i still live by that

a family can be your gay uncles, the best disney prince, and your parole officer


sir that is my beloved mutual with whom i have not shared a fandom since 2013

SIR that is my- okay, look i can't actually remember why i followed them or why they followed me, but I LOVE THEM, it would be WEIRD not to see them reblogging gifsets of shows i have no interest in!


when the unresolved psychosexuality of the relationship is way better than whatever resolution it might hypothetically have and actually its own being unresolved is the crux and the paradigm of what the characters have going on between them:

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