


You'll never know what you're capable of if you don't try - SMG

Happy Holidays all!

So since I last wrote lots been going on. As I have mentioned my daughter has speech delay/ she has been diagnosed as a slow learner. Well lately she’s been on a word incline is the best way to describe it. Just this past week for the first time she said all the colors & counted to 10! She’s also saying family members names now; like her Uncle Bear, Aunt Lolly (wowwy), Granny Green (ranny reen), Dada & most recently Mama! She can tell us when needs “help” with something and wants “food”, which she uses both a lot 😂. Also asks for many “big hug”, which we love to give. She also likes to start the day now by slamming the master bedroom door now, shouting “HI!” Jogging up to my side of the bed while I’m still kind of processing being awake & then saying , “up now mama” while putting my glasses on my face upside down 🤣.

I’m so proud of her. She keeps me, mostly, sane in the midst of everything going with my mom. Which I have started going back to therapy for now. I’ve been going since October and it’s so refreshing.

That’s all I have time to update on- work calls/ daughter is about slam into the room 😂


Update on my mom.

She’s been diagnosed with diverticulitis (stomach condition)- hence her weight loss. She can’t have red meat anymore or dairy but the kicker is she forgets that and will Uber herself a Reuben with cheese and get sick. My dad actually had to get child settings on her phone to stop this from happening. She’s now in the last stage and it seems she’s also in the “wasting” phase as well now. She’s 65, will be 66 in October and I honestly don’t have high hopes she will live to that birthday.

My sister and I have been very open and honest with each other about “all of this” and it’s made us even closer. Meanwhile our brother who has always been in denial every step of the way, fighting it all, fighting the doctors and each kind of treatment- even going as far as blaming our dad for her getting dementia. It’s to the point with him that we want to go no contact once mom passes

I know this is super depressing but I have to get this off my chest. I keep crying about 2 or 3 times a day. I know I’ve been radio silent


As I mentioned in two posts ago my mom has dementia. Well recently it has gotten quite aggressive. She is now sleeping most of the day, about 19 hours a day, has lost 55 pounds in 6 months since she is only eating one meal a day/ vomiting most the time. My siblings and I have come to realize this week she at most has 4 months with us now which is very tough to come to grip.

And while we realize this over Mothers Day weekend this past week my Dad/ her husband took a bad fall and shattered his left femur. He just came out of his second surgery fixing the leg now today so to say we feel a bit overwhelmed to say the least. There is lots of crying at the moment I’ll be honest- I even mentioned to my sister that I know I have something to wear for a funeral. I’ve been keeping my eye out in my closet the entire pandemic just in case, I just didn’t want my moms funeral to be the event


Btw here’s everything I’ve read thus far:

Ice Planet Barbarians🌟🌟🌟

Lore Olympus Volume 1🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Love Hypothesis 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Midnight Bargain🌟🌟🌟🌟

A Court of Wings & Ruin🌟🌟🌟🌟✨

Sing Me Forgotten🌟🌟🌟✨


A Court of Frost & Starlight 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Crescent City: House of Earth & Blood🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Music of the Night: A Gothic Romance 🌟🌟🌟🌟

My Lady’s Choosing🌟🌟🌟✨

Defy the Night🌟🌟🌟🌟✨

My Dear Bessie🌟🌟🌟🌟✨

Anatomy: a love story🌟🌟🌟🌟

Spoiler Alert🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Anne of Manhattan 🌟🌟🌟

Barbarian Alien🌟🌟🌟

Love Letters of Great Women🌟🌟

The Night Circus🌟🌟🌟

Electric Idol🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Lights of Prague✨

The City of Brass🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Spanish Love Deception 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

It happened one summer🌟🌟🌟

The invisible life of Addie LaRue 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Shadows Between Us 🌟🌟🌟🌟✨

A beautiful poison 🌟🌟🌟✨

Dreams lie beneath🌟🌟🌟🌟✨

Stone Heart: A Dark Olympus Novella🌟🌟🌟✨

To Love a God🌟🌟✨

The Unhoneymooners🌟🌟🌟🌟✨

Only a Monster🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

To Love Jason Thorn🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Star Touched Queen🌟🌟

Go The Distance 🌟🌟🌟🌟

King of Battle and Blood🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Cruel Prince (The Folk Air Trilogy)🌟🌟🌟

Jewels of Time🌟✨

The Lost Apothecary 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Also, here’s a teaser of my TBR


Personal Update:

Positive stuff first! My daughter is doing quite well in her speech therapy now. Still a bit behind for her age but working ever so hard at it, just this evening she said “chipies” for the first time! Was very pleased with herself. Slowly having a regular play date with a friend now since the numbers are very low in our area now, also weather is lovely too.

Another thing I’ve been up to is I realized that last year I only read about 10 books total for the entire year. That was a depressing moment for me. Like I usually can do that in a month, a slow one at that. Like, yes I adore fanfiction but I’m basically taking a break from reading it for the most part to check out what’s out there since I last went into Barnes & Nobles, 😂. Apparently a LOT. As of last night I finished my 39th book of the year! My goal is 90 total. This month I’ve read some utterly crap ones but it happens. But overall so far I’ve read some that I know I’m excited about re-reading them again and again over the years🤩

Bad News: As I’ve mentioned previously my mom has Dementia and has been dealing with this since 2013 now. She is 65. A week ago she no longer recalls how to work a microwave, can’t handle more than one person talking to her, no longer recalls difference between weeds and actual flowers. That last one hurt since she won yard of the month multiple times growing up. Like I know this disease isn’t her. But there are days I want to tell my mom how her granddaughter is improving or what cute thing she did that day- and she does not care anymore. Which breaks my heart SO much. Thankfully my Mother in law is nearby and is good health so we can do all the things/ share all the things but you know, it’s like when asked for chocolate ice cream but get mint chocolate chip instead? Does that make sense?


The real reason Bruce Wayne keeps training kids is so that there’s eventually a gradually cascading order of vigilantes protecting Gotham. When you defeat one, there’s a slightly smaller one just behind, ready to pick up the slack.

Batryoshka dolls.


I am going to fucking set you on fire


hey besties friendly reminder to drink water, feed your lab rats, turn off your evil nuclear generator, change out of your dirty lab coat, go for a walk and take care of yourself <3


…. Is that you Dr.Darcy Lewis?


So since the last time I did a personal update/ daughter post here’s what’s been new. Around her second birthday we did her pediatrician visit and found we couldn’t answer most of the questions they were asking for verbal skills. So she’s been speech therapy for about 6 months now & is now able to say “Dada”, “Pop-Pop” ,most of the alphabet, along with cheering and pointing. Her Speech Therapist (ST) says she’s like on the edge of her vocabulary just “exploding” as it were.

In the meantime we also are already are getting excited for the holidays- did a photo shoot for Halloween, since Dada is a photographer. Yes she’s Hermione. Yes she’s holding her wand upside down 😂. I’m not judging too harsh since she’s 2.5.

Well I gotta go into work- that’s a whole other (happy) post I’ll do later today- see yall later!!!







This is the closest gif that can really capture the utter chaotic energy that is released when people hear this song


The real secret is turning disadvantage into advantage.


tng is so frickin good, man

The bearded actor who plays Riva, Howie Seago, is deaf, and pitched the idea of doing an episode about a deaf mediator to the producers of ST: TNG.


So, this hasn't crossed my dash yet. (Not blaming anyone, there is soooo much going on in the world and I'd also missed it in the noise).

There is currently a strike at Frito-Lay. in Topeka. These workers are striking because:

They were being forced to work 84 hour weeks. The company's best offer so far is a 60 hour cap. This is shit we fought for a century ago, people.

Their generous offer also includes a whole 4 percent wage increase...over the next 2 years. I'm not sure what COL is in Topeka, but... Well, it's better than the entire 77 cents they've apparently gotten in the last decade.

There's also a report that a worker literally collapsed and dropped dead on the line and the foreman's response was to make them move the body out of the way and put in a replacement. (However, this is unconfirmed and, of course, the company denies it).

There have been multiple OSHA violations at this plant over the last few years, including a forklift accident that's under investigation.

They've now been striking since July 5 but, of course, it only hit the national media yesterday.

So, why am I signal boosting this?

Because Frito-Lay is refusing to budge. They are attempting to make the excuse that union leadership agreed to the 60 hour work week and crappy pay cut...when union leadership only agreed to put it to a vote.

And this means that we need to put the thumbscrews on them. Remember, this is about 19th century style working conditions.

So, I'm calling on my followers to boycott Frito Lay's until the strike is involved.

Frito-Lay owns:


Doritos (Sorry. I really am. I KNOW there's no good alternative to Doritos, although Zapp's are good if you can find them).





Sun Chips



Cracker Jack

Islen plantain chips


Grandma's (the cookies)

Matador Meat Snacks

Maui style potato chips

Miss Vickie's



Rolled Gold






The Walking Taco


PopCorners (this one wasn't on their website, but was bought by Pepsi's in 2019 with the intent of adding it. So best avoided just in case). Yes, this really is more than half of the snack aisle. Suggested alternatives:

Kettle Brand Chips

Zapp's (If you can find them. My supermarket had them once and not since, so I'm guessing the culinary cowards in this neighborhood were afraid of "Voodoo" flavored chips).


On the Border for salsa.

Wise Cheez Doodles



Store own brand alternatives, if your store has ones that are any good.


Check before you buy and let's tell these people they don't get to treat workers like that.


This was posted on FB recently by someone supporting the strike!

It is actually more beneficial to over buy them and force them to take action since most of the employees are boycotting. It forces the company to restock. If we dony buy them, they don't HAVE to do anything for production and wait for people to get tired and go back to work.


Actually, let me explain further.

This is one plant which is striking. If you buy and buy then they will simply take up the slack with their other plants, and you know what will happen then.

They can manage without the striking plant even with a surge in demand, but doing so is likely to create worse conditions for workers elsewhere. The buy them out tactic works well for national strikes, for a single factory, or for things you can't boycott.

Wow I really appreciate this explanation. Thank you for making it easier to understand. 🥰

Now if you're in Kansas and see empty shelves where Frito-Lay products should be, then a really good tactic is to go STRAIGHT to Frito-Lay (not the store) and bitch up a storm about how you can't get your chips and they need to fix your shit. But that plant only supplies a limited geographical area so the shortages caused by the strike are local.

(And again don't bitch at the store please don't be that person).

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