
Honestly Missing the 2010s


I am always looking for more headcanons to read! My main fandoms: Danganronpa 1-3, DRA & Sdra2, POKEMON, creepypastas. Utsuro is my husbando, may get a divorce. Photo above is one I took for my photography class.

Well my wattpad made me make a new account so if anyone says anything, that's why. I feel it's important I post this here just in case because I don't want to be attacked on my new Wattpad account for "stealing content from another creator" when Wattpad literally screwed me over out of an account I've had since 2015.

Its sad and I want to cry really badly. I loved that account sm, plus I posted all of my headcanons on that account so I'm also really pissed off at the same time bc how fucking dare they force me to make a new account when I already had one to begin with.

Friend said to wait and try again tomorrow, I really don't think that'll work so I'll just make due for now. I hope someone contacts me one day with a way to get back into it bc the email I used for it is was made back when I was 12 and I'm lucky I remember my password for the facebook account.


The thought of abandoning this account forever is a sad one. I had so many happy memories with it. I could always come back and check on it, but really there's no need to.


What do I even do with this account at this point? Leave it as an archive?....


Went to a basketball game with my pap and uncle today. Didn't watch the game, just kinda wondered around my college campus for a while before helping on of my class friends with a booth they were running as a part of their internship. It was fun, I met a few kids from the exchange program...


*thows an fin dip packge @ u* happy V-day!!!


FUN DIP happy v day! /P sorry i was late reading this, I really appreciate it! Really!


I don't know why, but I have a feeling that something really bad is going to happen soon. I'm going to trust my senses this time bc every time I've tried to "ignore it" something bad does happen.

So cheers to my forever annoying and crushing anxieties...


@offbrand-deltatraveler @trying-my-best-always @undrsk0re @floxy-offical @ people im a little nervous to mention. You guys are cool.


😅 Can't reblog from my tagged account, reblogging here instead


find it funny that someone i thought left tumblr a long time ago only had me blocked on all of my accounts. and i have no idea why.

i don't think we were ever mutuals before so its not like it bothers me too much, but i don't think i ever said anything to set them off. my second account broke one of their dni but i never talked to them over that one i dont think...?

mmmm why am i even bothering, it's not going to change so i shouldn't be thinking about it.


No context, but have you ever got into a fight online that like ruined your entire experience for a while?

That's like a constant fear of mine, that I get into a really bad fight and like half the internet would end up blocking me over it. Misunderstandings happen too, which don't really help, and a lot of people end up ultimately confused in the process.


Feeling better now. My second and third classes were much easier. I was even ahead in my UIUX class! I forgot about that....

Still have a bunch of work to do but i know I can break it down into smaller segments, then take like 5 minute breaks or so. I'll have this done in no time.


Ok currently going through the most stress I've ever had in school in my life. To the point where I feel physically sick and can't eat much. Knowing that I basically have to redo all of my work for an entire class (I'm probably overacting but it honestly is a bunch of work, which i didn't even get the work I wanted to get done this weekend done bc of it) doesn't make me feel all that great to be honest.

My next class is in a few minutes, hopefully the teacher will give me a break for this one. I hope. I already have so much to do...


*Gets 3 hour delay*

*still has to get up on time for regular hours bc teacher wants us to*

Thanks a lot snow, you have helped me 0%, all the hours of homework yesterday and I can't even go onto campus to print any of it out. Not to mention that the teacher won't even give us a single day off. yeah. Snow days are totally helpful, mhm, righhhhtttt. /src

At least I don't have to walk in the cold this time.


To everyone who isn't in college yet, it's really tough to get homework done semester after semester. If you get burnt out easy it's really difficult, but honestly at the end of the day it still feels worth it.

If school is your thing, keep going to school (so long as you have the money too, literally don't k*ll yourself to get the money for it)

The one thing I learned through going to college is that managing stress becomes a gift. You wait until last minute to finish a project? I guess you're pulling an all-nighter then bc the teacher will no longer take any excuse (unless it's a doctor's note) without a lecture.

Also, NEVER take more than 15 hours (5 classes) at a time (unless you absolutely HAVE to graduate on time), bc the harder those classes are, the more work, research, and projects you have to do. On average a person needs at least 2-4 hours per class to finish assignments.

Worse case scenario is 4 hours per class:

4 x 15 = 60 hours of work!

I'm sure you're going to have less than 3 days to get some of your assignments done though, so multitasking is a must!

BUT! But when you're done, you can look at the things you've done and say "I did this!" "I made this!" "I made it." and be proud of every moment you spent working yourself to the bone to get to where you are now.

Moral of the story is: Follow your dreams! Even if it's tough!

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