
RedDoe's Family Friendly Cave

@reddoeart / reddoeart.tumblr.com

Cute Harley Quinn stuff only

So.. tumblr said everything got deleted, but you can still see all the lewds i liked on my blogs sidebar and scroll through the likes. Even tho’ the posts themself dont exist anymore.


You did backup all your work before you did it right?


I always kept a backup of my anim files, comp files and my final mp4s anyways. Could reproduce everything. ( ‘ - ‘)


i just deleted 4 years of work and ~400 posts of lewdness (+shit talking asks) fun times ( . _ .)

Anonymous asked:

I love you.. so damn much...

come and stalke me on twitter then ( ' - ')b


Anonymous said: Captain is going down with their ship. o7

It was fun ( ‘ - ‘)7

muchloveanon said: Don't you leave us you!!! seriosuly tho please set up a pixiv reddit or newgrounds account doesn't take long! would hate to loose you! ;(

Anonymous said: Will you be making a twitter or anything else?

Anonymous said: Why don't you make a Twitter?

usuallyimpaken said: you need to create a backup place to ur works pal, just in case

I don’t like twitter. I rarely do stuff anyways these days.

Anonymous asked:

If handholding is a sin does that make cuddling illegal? 🤔

Only if its done professionally (’ - ‘ )

Anonymous asked:

Who killed you?

Responsibilities and life... Im not a lazy student anymore.

Good old times...


Today i overheard some conversations at work.

Apparently... there are quite a few people at work, who play overwatch.

Apparently... they also know about the shitload of nsfw content this game caused.

( ‘ - ‘)

I didnt dare to ask if they ever heard of RedDoe (’ - ‘ )

Anonymous asked:

No need to worry about us, random pervs wandering about on the interwebs, go live your life, it sounds better than mine. If you are having the time of your existence, don't feel bad for some perverted hobos you caught the attetion of. I am happy for you... But maybe posting one last handholding pic? (also I won't blame you for wanting to be lazy, hell, I bet I would do same in your place) Bye, until the end of the winter ( '-')/*

Well thank you :3

Anonymous asked:

We'll put down our pitchforks and torches but we still want you back. Happy that's lifes been good to you tho. ( chants: lewds are love, lewds are life. )

Indeed they are ( ‘ - ‘)b

Anonymous asked:

What has gotten you occupied and how do we destroy it so we can have you back?.... Is it the old rapists from the new mental hospital again? Dammit

Not quite ( ‘ - ‘) Maybe i should do a quick rare real life, real talk, related post.

tl;dr: Good stuff happened. Life picked up for me. Time to work on lewds just became rare.

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