


| he/she | arobi, genderfluid | I am my own ecosystem of interests

its official: tumblr is selling our data to Midjourney

we'd been hearing rumors about this for a bit but now its open and out there. some details from this article

it goes without saying, but if @staff goes through with this its going to be an utter shitshow and im all but certain the website will not survive it.


everyone go enable this immediately. it can be a bit hard to find because “visibility is under blog settings instead of general settings or privacy. you have to do this individually for each separate side-blog

if you can’t find it on the app then the update probably hasn’t rolled out to you, and you’ll have to go through the web browser. what a truly wild way/time to implement this


Was anyone going to tell me there's a deleted scene in Band Together of a 1 month old child (Tiny Diamond) romancing a presumably adult woman (Crimp) or was I supposed to experience the shock and horror without warning? Because?? WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON IN THAT SCENE???


You’re supposed to replace your toothbrush every three months you know.

Not all of us can afford that, but… what?!??

Look normally I’m not that guy but a lot of types of toothbrushes cost less than a dollar and you can get free ones pretty easily and it’s important that you replace your toothbrush, alright? I care about you guys. Don’t deep clean them. Aquire a new one. Please.



If a website has a paywall, like New York Times, DO NOT use the ctrl+A shortcut then the ctrl+c shortcut as fast as you can because then you may accidentally copy the entire article before the paywall comes up. And definitely don't do ctrl+v into the next google doc or whatever you open because then you will accidentally paste the entire article into a google doc or something!!!! I repeat DO NOT do this because it is piracy which is absolutely totally wrong!!!


Also do NOT append "12ft.io/" before a URL ! Typing an URL like this https://12ft.io/<URL> will redirect to a site that would break the display of the page by removing the paywall !


Honestly it's kind of prohibited to mash CTRL+P before some paywall windows can load in to get a PDF of the article. Really shouldn't be done tbh very dangerous🤷🏿‍♂️ ❌️


watching/rewatching a show when you already have an established favorite character is great because every time they come on screen it's like



the problem with autism is sometimes you want to do something (brave) but you need someone to gently walk you through each step so you know what will happen. and people don’t like doing that

i had to phone a taxi today, scary

every time i see this post i think of that person who posted on reddit that they wanted to go to subway for the first time but they were scared they would say the wrong thing so someone gave them step by step instructions for the entire process and what all the choices would be and when they would ask what question and i just think

someone will

someone out there will see you and say "yes. the world is scary. but let me hold your hand and show you how to do it anyways"

everyone needs that someone, and everyone can be that someone


The subreddit r/explainlikeimscared is a surprisingly good resource for this. People are always very kind and thorough from what I've seen, and I spend a decent amount of time there giving walkthroughs and answering questions when I know the process.


The agony of wanting to save an adorable piece of fanart in your hyperfixation folder but it's tagged with the ship (you hate the ship and saving the tag would mean your fyp being flooded with ship art for it)

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