

@lexi-suval / lexi-suval.tumblr.com



AGE OF ULTRON* PIETRO (uber protective, who loved his sister more than anything, threatened to kill an avenger after he [hawkeye] hurt her/ gave her a headache) WOULD NEVER trigger her traumas like that!

that is not her pietro. away with him, shoo!


Dove chocolate and Dove soap are two different companies who havent sued each other because they have different trademarks lol


Damn and I really all this time just thought dove (the soap people) had a meeting one day and were just like “…. we might fuck around and make some chocolate”


Finding out that Dove Soap and Dove Chocolates are different companies has the exact same energy as finding out that Michelin Tires and the Michelin Star Rating System (which rates the finest restaurants in the world) are actually the same company.


can we give it up for Suzanne Collins for fucking off into oblivion with her money after hunger games fucking destroyed the YA market for like 6 years. everything YA was dystopian “EVERYONES IN A DIFFERENT QUADRANT” shit from 2010 to 2016 and we didnt hear a peep from her. true fucking power.

And she hasn’t said a word since. Rowling could take some pointers

Yeah but in Collins defense, her book was really good. She perfectly showed PTSD, Katnis trauma from when her mom mentally “abandoned” her when her dad died and the parallel with Katnis depression at the end of the series, perfectly depicted the society and its inherent problems, Finick’s back story, socio-economic disparities based on skin colour, Rue and the 11th district, President Coin and how she was as bad as Snow but in an other angle, distrinct 13 and the capitol trying to use her image for the war even though she did want to, and way more stuff I can’t think of right now.

I mean the following Y/A distopian books were mostly bad knock off who thought that the reason the HG had such success was because of the love triangle, but in reality Collins created such a complexe yet very realistic world that makes a parallel to our society of entretainment and war

The Hunger Games was baby’s first intro to social justice for a lot of kids back in the early 2010s. They were brilliant books that introduced a lot of complicated concepts in a way teens could understand and enjoy - plus, addictive, well-plotted adventure stories with A+ characterization and worldbuilding. But all the general public seems to remember about them is the love triangle, and I will always be salty about that.

The irony of the Hunger Games is that the media in the book and the media in the real world both chose to focus on the love story instead of the rebellion.


One of my favorite aspects of the book series was the way it dissected the art/science of propaganda/media and the often stark differences in popular figures’ public and private personas. The movies also got that frighteningly correct. Propaganda to oppress and propaganda to uplift were laid side-by-side and used as foils to show how the techniques work to achieve the desired purpose. The direct invocation of “panem et circenses” (”bread and circuses,” keeping a population docile by controlling/bestowing distractions regarding food and entertainment) made the point all the clearer. “Look. This is what is being done to distract you.”

Having Katniss– the symbol of The Common Person at the bottom of the societal hierarchy who most heavily bears the brunt of oppression– be stiff and awful at scripted propos but a fucking goddess at unscripted, passionately angry speeches and stoking reflection and resistance and rebellion was very deliberate. It is a call to be genuine, to question media narratives and seek facts, to take a long, hard, honest look beyond the sparkling lights and glamor projected by the media to really see and take the downtrodden seriously before their collective patience wears thin enough to snap and they bring out the bombs. Or guillotines, if you want to look at IRL history.

One of my favorite scenes in the series is in Catching Fire: the interviews with the Victors being forced to take part in the Quarter Quell. Especially with the visuals of the movie. The entire thing builds up to when Peeta “drops the baby bomb” and the audience breaks into dismayed/horrified pandemonium and there are calls by the privileged to stop the injustice; it is an escalating series of oppressed, re-victimized individuals turning their glamorized re-victimization into a platform to scream their humanity at the citizens of the Capitol until it seems to finally start seeping in. Stanley Tucci play’s Caesar Flickerman’s growing discomfort perfectly; IIRC, his calling for the lights and cameras to be cut when the Victors show unity is to use the gesture of slitting a throat. It’s a common gesture, but in this case it has a greater weight: “Cut this, kill it, don’t let people see it, these people we’ve set up to hate each other joining hands in united defiance is dangerous.”

That also veers off into an extended lesson in “the powers that be seek to divide you and turn you against each other to keep you weak.” In modern terms, you can see it in such things as “wow why should burger-flippers get raises to earn more than the legit heroes who fight crime and save lives and defend our country?” to turn those groups against each other on the basis of accepted social hierarchy instead of talking together and coming to a consensus of, “You know, we’re ALL getting screwed and should ALL make more money; let’s work together to achieve that.”

It is highly relevant to this period of civilization. It resonates with the masses. That resonance is amorphous; allowing it to gel into something more solid could erode media/propagandist influence. Thus, whether conscious or just the nature of the beast,


In other words, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”

In other words, “Let’s play up the circus part of panem et circenses.”

It’s like a social ourobouros. I observe it with a sort of morbid fascination.

Reblogging again because she hasn’t said a word since but DAMN if she didn’t leave a strong enough message she doesn’t have to.


apparently at some point when my now-girlfriend and i were flirting with each other but not quite in a relationship, she asked me how i felt about pet names, to which i replied “well you have to call them something” 

the fact that i have managed to end up in a relationship is really testament to my girlfriend’s patience 


how can ppl say cats are heartless tbh

I once stayed at a game reserve in South Africa, and they had three cheetahs – two males and one female. The boys stuck together (they were brothers), but female cheetahs are solitary, save for when they are raising cubs. Which is hard work for cheetahs, because they don’t/can’t den, she’s working constantly to protect/move her cubs, as well as feeding both them and herself.

Now, these cheetahs ARE in a private reserve, but they’re still essentially wild. But they are more or less accustomed to the presence of people. And this cheetah, Ketswiri, got very badly injured in her leg one time, which usually would be fatal to a cheetah. The staff at the reserve helped her. Another time, she was starving, and they provided her a fresh antelope carcass. And she remembered this, because the science officer was telling us how one time he was watching Ketswiri and her cubs, and she wandered over and dumped all her cubs at his feet, and walked off. Like “watch my kids, I need some me time.” And he was panicking like COME BACK I CAN’T BABYSIT YOUR KIDS WTF

Half of the comments are about cats giving birth on top of or next to their owners and I’m not crying at all

it’s so funny though because domesticated cats are aggressively social in raising their young so basically op’s cat was like bitch these are your kids too, where tf you think you’re going???

A long time ago there was a stray cat that visited us pretty often. She kinda became our cat. She got pregnant, and gave birth in a little hole under our AC unit outside.

One night it started pouring down rain. Me and my parents were kinda worried because we were sure that their little den would flood. So we pulled back the blinds to our sliding glass door.

Low and behold there’s mama cat, sitting on our patio and staring up at us, desperation in her eyes. She meowed at us and when we went out she led us to her babies. We were right- their nest had started flooding. We pulled them out and brought them inside, and mama seemed so relieved and happy.

I think about this a lot when people say cats are stupid, or heartless. She knew to come to us for help. She knew we would help her. Even if we hadn’t went to look I’m sure she would have screamed at the door loud enough for us to know something was wrong.

Cats are amazing, wonderful creatures.

My cat gave birth on my bed. She raised her kittens in my room and trusted me enough to do that.

Another time I was crying and one of my cats, who isn’t usually the affectionate sort, came and sat in my lap, purring and rubbing his head against me.

I will fight anyone who says cats are evil and heartless


My girl Brendan gave birth on my bed, while my husband and I AND THE DOG were all in it. She had settled on my legs and slowly pushed them apart, so by the time she queened, she was between my knees. The dog was her midwife.


I just learned that the Russo Bros wanted Thor to shift back to his regular look for the final battle against Thanos in Endgame, but Chris Hemsworth wasn’t having it. I love him for that. That’s right, depression and weight gain don’t make you any less badass.




the wildest thing happened to me the other day i found out a male coworker is into irish music so i told him that my dad is an irish musician and would he like to come to a session and he straight up irl said to me “name 5 irish songs your dad knows”

he asked me if i play and i told him i played the fiddle when i was a teenager but havent played in years and he was like “oh cool. i play drums” as in a drum kit you know the famously folkish instrument the drum kit. bitch my name is molly o'reilly you really wanna challenge the legitimacy of my irish music involvement

i can name 5 songs with my name in them


It was summer and there was a little yellow snake that lived under a porch somewhere. It was one of those summers where the days were super hot, but the nights were cool. Anyways, I can’t sleep well if I’m even a little warm, and this little delicate snake couldn’t stand being chilly. So every night she would slither to my foot under my clothes and literally take away my heat. I couldn’t move while she did this because she was so small and delicate. The entire process took maybe 30 seconds and we were always super happy after. She got the extra heat, and I got to cuddle in my blankets at night and not sweat. Also, she would warn me when evil spirits were around.


I just got reminded of a story I have once written

About a guy suddenly discovering that he had a superpower which enabled him to jump really high. At first though, he could only jump a bit higher than normal, so he didn’t notice that anything was out of the ordinary but as it gradually started increasing, he realized that there was something different with him.

He called himself “High-man” and introduced himself as such to the first guy whose life he saved by jumping up with him from in front of a speeding car.

The guy asked him, “Who are you, man?

To which he simply replied, “High-man.”


“No, I am High-man.”

“Oh, that explains it. Me too, man.”

Anyway, High-man was a clumsy bisexual hero whose ass was often saved by his teenage niece. She had incredibly strong mind control powers and was an absolute badass and was one of my favorite characters in the story.

Her twin brother was her anchor and kept her grounded every time her powers would take a mental toll on her.

I remembered another thing - the mind control best worked if the person who the power was being used on could both see and hear High-man’s cousin. Her voice as well as eye contact were crucial for it to work in full force. If somebody did not want to look at her to avoid being made to do something, she could will them to make eye contact solely using her voice in most cases. The exceptions? Her power did not work on people who were visually or hearing impaired. The criminal organisation she fought against got wind of that and sent the most lethal assassin team to discard her, which consisted of a blind man and a deaf woman. They did manage to capture her, but I do not want to reveal too much about what happened next in case I ever decide to pick up this story once again.


I had my heart broken by someone who rejected me and who chose to date somebody else and while I completely understood and accepted that and wished them nothing but the best, I started throwing up roses and rose petals soon after. I was choking on the roses, they were appearing in my throat so fast that I couldn’t manage to spit them out fast enough and ended up losing consciousness. Next thing I knew, I awoke in a hospital. The doctor came into my room and diagnosed me with a broken heart. I told her that I already knew that, but she simply laughed and told me that I didn’t understand - my heart broke in two pieces and a rose bush grew in its place. She informed me that this was a relatively newly discovered disease and assured me that medicine for it was being developed as we speak. But she also told me that I’d likely die of it regardless.


I was working on an island with everyone I’ve ever met and we had to harvest food similar to the gameplay style in Katamari, but if you didn’t meet your personal quota every month, the god we were harvesting for would descend from the mountains. I told my friend to lodge my leg between some rusty iron bars we found so the god would come down and see I had an excuse so I could reason with him and find out where the islanders were going when they didn’t meet their quotas. Flash forward, and I was in a Japanese style bathhouse that was made of red and brown marble, running with my family while something horrible screeched in the background and I got impaled through some rusty iron. As I was bleeding out, my uncle and aunt turned to me and said, “You never told us what happened when you-“ and then I flashed back to the iron on the hill. I’ve been laying there a while and the god came down, complaining to everyone he saw. He turned to look at me and did a double take. Walking over, he dropped to one knee and asked in a quiet voice “Are you alright?” To which I replied, “I’m fine! Really!” This was going on for some time, back and forth. He finally said, “Oh, no, this won’t do. Let me help you.”

I woke up and started laughing so hard I cried. Throughout the dream I couldn’t recognize who the god was, but it was Mark Zuckerberg.


I talked to a young man with white hair on a boat cabin in the middle of a stormy sea. He forgot everything about himself exept for the fact that his name rhymed with ‘Time’ so he started calling himself Time.

I offered him an orange in exchange for a meaningful chat. He took the slice and told me “Nothing’s set in stone, but they’re set in a dirt road. If you roll your wagon in the same path too much it’ll soon be the only path you can take without struggling.”



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