
I Give All Da Fox!

@archangelbloodravenrett / archangelbloodravenrett.tumblr.com

So there's alot of things I see that I agree with but wouldn't reblog because they didn't fit the vibe of my blog. That's no longer the case.

These dudes are fucking legit.  They don’t just show up one day in court, either, they actually make friends with the kids and let them know they have a support system and that there are people in the world who care about them and will always have their back.  And less important, but also cool, is that the few times a couple of them have come into my cafe, they’ve been super friendly and polite and when I told one of the guys that I noticed his Bikers Against Child Abuse patch and wanted him to know how awesome I thought he was because of it, he got kind of shy and blushed and said, “The kids are the awesome ones, we just let them know they’re allowed to be brave.”


The source is long, but so, so good. These men and women are available in 36 states, 24 hours a day to stand guard at home, in court, at school, even if the child has a nightmare. Many of them are survivors of childhood abuse as well, and know what it’s like to feel scared and alone.

In court that day, the judge asked the boy, “Are you afraid?” No, the boy said.
Pipes says the judge seemed surprised, and asked, “Why not?”
The boy glanced at Pipes and the other bikers sitting in the front row, two more standing on each side of the courtroom door, and told the judge, “Because my friends are scarier than he is.”

Actual tears.. hnngh

Show me more of people like this, world. I give up on humans too easily.


where do i sign up for this,i want to be in this gang

This is fucking amazing. It may be out of character for me to say this but rock on


Bikers Against Child Abuse was founded in 1995 by a Native American child psychologist whose ride name is Chief, when he came across a young boy who had been subjected to extreme abuse and was too afraid to leave his house. He called the boy to reach out to him, but the only thing that seemed to interest the child was Chief’s bike. Soon, some 20 bikers went to the boy’s neighborhood and were able to draw him out of his house for the first time in weeks.

Chief’s thesis was that a child who has been abused by an adult can benefit psychologically from the presence of even more intimidating adults that they know are on their side. “When we tell a child they don’t have to be afraid, they believe us,” Arizona biker Pipes told azcentral.com. “When we tell them we will be there for them, they believe us.” ( Article)

More about BACA, from their site


My parents are a part of this organization and they are metal af

They go on runs to protect the child if they feel even the slightest threatened no matter where. If the child needs them to go on vacation with them, they do. Bikers come from across the nation to watch over and take shifts for these kids. And the best part is once you’re adopted into this family as a BACA kid, you’re always one. Even when you’re 40 and the perp gets released from jail, they’ll come meet with you and find your best options for avoiding the person and maintaining the life you’ve built for yourself. Once a BACA child, always a BACA child. In Florida, there’s 100% rate for identifying the perp based on the child’s testimony. Why? Because BACA stands with the child and supports the child so they feel comfortable enough to point out their attacker.

What’s better than a badass biker gang being on your side???



it’s back! I will always reblog BACA

Damn good people.

I know they wouldn’t consider themselves such, but these people are freaking heroes and the world is a better place because of them. 

Hey folks, it talks about this in the article but its not mentioned in this post, BACA is a 501 © (3) charity that depends in part on donations to help pay for stuff like gas for their bikes. If you want to help, consider donating. 


@copperbadge You like posting about heroes, Sam. Seems like this would be up your alley.


I love these folks! I’ve reblogged them before but it’s wonderful to see the donation information has been added. 

Always reblog. Keep doing what you’re doing y'all.

Guys? This post changed my life. I saw this post. Forever ago. And thought it was only in america… and wished desperately that they could help me. But then I saw it again, during a bad episode, and checked their site. They aren’t just in the USA

They’re in Canada as well and probably other countries. I met and talked with a native guy who runs the place near me. His name is Shaman. I got in, and I’m considered a BACA child now. Despite being 17, turning 18 when I talked to them. They spent time with me when my abuser was over, they gave me therapy resources. They give you something called a ‘level 1′ where they go to your house with as many bikers as they can, i shit you not a solid 20-40 bikers came from even out of province, and met me. I got to choose my biker name and I got a vest with patches on it and my name on it. They all hugged a Teddybear before giving it to me, and told me if I ever felt the BACA bear was running out of love, to give them a call and they’d refill it for me, and then I got a ride on one of their bikes. Just a day or so ago I went to an annual party with them and they we ate food one of them cooked and had a lot of laughs. 

I’ve never felt as loved as I did being a part of the BACA family. They also gave me dog tags with the names, and phone numbers of my 2 workers.  So I can call them whenever I feel scared. 

BACA is an absolutely wonderful group that will do everything in it’s power to help any child whos been abused. 

And it doesn’t end when you’re 18 either. As long as you get in contact/get your level 1 before you’re 18? you’re ALWAYS a BACA kid. I’m 18 now and they still invite me to parties, ask me if I’m okay, and are there for me. They’re still trying to find me resources for therapy. 

BACA has changed my fucking life. 

I hope you all can read this, and reblog it knowing from someone who fucking been with them, that they are absolutely amazing. 

If I ever don’t reblog this, it’s because I am physically being restrained against my will.


Supporting your local hero’s.

FUCKEN AMAZING what these Bikers do!!!! This is why I don’t give up on humanity…

💞🖤💞 Carpe Diem 💞🖤💞

Links the International BACA Chapters:

B.A.C.A’s Byline: “Keepers of the Children.” B.A.C.A.’s Motto: “No child deserves to live in fear.”

Not all heroes wear capes, some wear biker vests.


Had seen this before, but never realised that this is on an international level - there’s even a contact address close to where I live (in Germany), very cool (though hoping the only use I’ll ever have to make of it is for donations) ❤



autistic people! spark research, partnered with autism speaks, is trying to find a prenatal link to autism so they can practice eugenics and eradicate autism from the gene pool.

do not give your dna to spark research!

allistics pretty please reblog this!


Rep. Mark Takano, who represents California’s 39th district, has reintroduced his 32-hour Workweek Act to Congress, which, if passed, would officially reduce the standard definition of the workweek from 40 hours to 32 hours by amending the Fair Labor Standards Act.

His proposal would mandate overtime pay for any work done after 32 hours, which would encourage business to either pay workers more for longer hours, or shorten their week and hire more people.

The bill applies to non-exempt workers, who typically work hourly jobs across leisure and hospitality, transportation, construction, manufacturing, wholesale, and retail trade.

This is by design, Takano tells CNBC Make It. “The serious conversations about the reduced workweek are happening for white-collar professions. What my bill will do is spur conversation about how we democratize this norm to other sectors of the workforce so everybody benefits.”

In addition to the OT wages for hourly folks cited above, this would also make 32+ hour workers ELIGIBLE FOR HEALTH INSURANCE, because a lot of companies skirt the law by scheduling folks for juuuuuuust below the minimum number of hours to qualify in order to fuck them over and pad their profit margins.

It's not universal health care, but it's a small step closer, and helps folks who have been getting fucked over.


I wanna tell you guys a story,

Not too long ago, my friend Bella came out as aromantic to me, and now I’ve got some things to say.

I was the one who told her what aromantic means, because I was explaining different sexual orientations to her. I remember saying, “Asexualiy is when you have romantic attraction, but no sexual attraction.”

Bella immedently, without missing a beat, asked, “Is there an opposite to that?”

I asked what she meant, and she asked if there was a term for sexual attraction but no romantic attraction. I told her about aromantics. She got weirdly quiet, then excused herself.

Not two weeks later I was heading to my boat. I was supposed to meet Bella and another one of our muteral friends there for a day of fishing.

As soon as I was in earshot, I saw Bella storming off the boat, and our other friend standing there like an idiot. Boi had no idea what was happening.

Anyway, Bella isn’t looking where she’s going and walks smack dab into me. That’s when I realized she was crying. Puffy red eyes, wet cheeks, the whole nine yards… And if you know anything about Bells, she does not cry. Ever.

She’s been through some serious crap in her life, and she does not cry. She’s tough as nails. Bella has a steel core. She does not not cry. I’ve seen her fall off a roof and break her arm before, not a single tear. I can’t stress this enough, Bella. Doesn’t. Cry.

So seeing her in tears shook me. I took her by the shoulders and escorted her somewhere more private where we could talk. We ended up in the women’s restroom, which was weird as fuck for me, because haven’t been in a woman’s rest room for years. Luckily it was empty, and I’m realistic, I know I don’t pass so well, so I don’t think anyone would have said anything anyway.

Before I can even ask her what’s wrong she hugs me around my middle and burys her face in my hoodie. Then, in a voice I can only describe as traumatized, she says, “I think I’m broken.”

I’ve never seen her in so much pain, and Bella and I are CLOSE. She’s one of my dearest friends. She’s like my little sister, but if she’s like my sister, our other muteral friend is like her twin. He and Bella have know each other WAY longer, they’re practically inseparable. They come as a pair. They’re a duo. They’re a package deal.

Appearently, said muteral friend asked Bella out and forcefully kissed her. She shoved him off, and told him she’s aromantic, which she only recently figured out. She wasn’t ready to be out, but this muteral friend left her no choice. She tried telling him no, and he didn’t listen. Bella saw no other option.

Quote on quote, this is what he said to Bella. “That’s okay. You just haven’t dated me yet. We’ve been like, unofficially together for years. You’re probably just freaked out that it’s finally going somewhere.”

After that I’m not 100% clear on what happened, but apparently Bella kept saying no Nd trying to explain herself, but he kept insisting he could ‘fix her.’

Eventudally she started crying and stormed away. That’s when I found her.

Keep in mind, this was her first experience coming out, and her best, closest friend insisted he could fix her and forcefully kissed her. I found out later he also implied corrective rape would ‘solve the problem.’

Bella was traumatized. She’s still traumatized. I tried to make her feel better by buying her an aro pride shirt, and taking her go a local LGBTQ+ hang out. I wanted her to be around like minded people, so she could see she wasn’t broken, and her identity deserved to be respected.

Instead of a warm, welcoming environment… The first thing someone said to her was, “This place is for REAL lgbt people. You don’t belong here.” He also implied she wasn’t human.

Just think about that for a minute. Her first experiences with being an out aromantic have been limited to;

  1. A person she trusted more than anyone forcing himself upon her, claiming she was ill, and needed to be fixed. (Raped.)
  2. Sobbing in my arms in the women’s restroom because she thought she was broken and defective.
  3. Being told she wasn’t welcomed in LGBTQ+ spaces and called inhuman.

This isn’t what I want for her. Bella deserves better than this. She needs a support system, not all this crap. I’ve spent the past week trying to undo all the damage exclusionists, arophobes, and people she trusted did.

Aromantics and asexuals belong in the LGBTQ+ community. You literally cannot change my mind.


Did I already queue this? Dunno. But let me say that I’ve never stood by while gatekeepers try to well, gatekeep.

I didn’t put up with it as a teenager really into sci-fi, I didn’t put up with it from the dude bros in game and comic shops, and I certainly won’t stand for it in my LGBT+ community.

Aces and aros are welcome in my community.


You bet your ass that aces and aros are allowed here. And you can fight me if you don’t agree.

Reblog if you think aros and aces are inherently queer.

If you don’t reblog this,unfollow me.

Reblog this


Gatekeepers are the worst

If that were me I’d have punched the fuckers (both that “friend” and the gatekeeper)


Please reblog if you don’t want porn blogs to follow you!

Made by me. Do not repost/edit.


Yeah im starting to get those too.I really dont need to see real life staring back at me :/


Please stop



Yeah please stop it’s annoying


3. Nature of violation

  • Directors/Officers/Persons are using income/assets for personal gain
  • Organization is engaged in commercial, for-profit business activities
  • Income/Assets are being used to support illegal or terrorist activities
  • Organization is involved in a political campaign
  • Organization is engaged in excessive lobbying activities
  • Organization refused to disclose or provide a copy of Form 990
  • Organization failed to report employment, income or excise tax liability properly
  • Organization failed to file required federal tax returns and forms
  • Organization engaged in deceptive or improper fundraising practices
  • Other (describe)

to simplify: churches are forbidden to promote specific political parties or candidates, in order to maintain tax-exempt status.  no religious institution is allowed to make explicit political statements, including “this party is bad,” “this party is good,” “you should vote for x,” “you should not vote for x,” or “let’s raise money for x political party or campaign.”  all of those things are super illegal!  if they’re going to act as a political entity, they need to pay taxes like any other political entity!  report their asses!!!!




My American followers, please do your part


Guys, this is really important. Until now, Google collected your data, but did not attach your name to it. Now, they can, and will. This new thing they’re doing will allow them to collect your data across searches, your email, Youtube, Maps, Google+, and all their affiliates, and build a complete profile of YOU.

If that doesn’t bother you, maybe this will: they own and can sell all that data, including anything you create and send (artists and writers, take note).

There is a way you can opt out of this ridiculousness. It’s described in the link, but if you’re still not sure about it, please ask me and I’ll guide you through how to turn all this off.

This is my wake-up call. I’ll be locking down my devices and scaling back what I put through the big Google machine, which means you may see less of me across social media. I’m going to keep researching this, but it may mean in order to keep the rights to my creative work, I’ll have to keep it out of Google’s hands. And that may take some doing.

Duckduckgo is a nontracking search engine….may be worth a try.


So according to the article there is an opt out for this. Instructions are I the last paragraph. I’m on mobile so I’ll edit this more later. EDITED TO INCLUDE OPT OUT INSTRUCTIONS

To opt-out of Google’s identified tracking, visit the Activity controls on Google’s My Account page, and uncheck the box next to “Include Chrome browsing history and activity from websites and apps that use Google services.“ You can also delete past activity from your account.



Just did this. The opt out and deletion process was easy and painless. Considering what we’ve seen of data breaches and the fact that Google straight up deleted their “Don’t be evil” clause? It seemed worth it to me.


Watch this video!

Here are some highlights from the video:

On Gerrymandering: 

Ott (Estonia): “Well, now when you tell me what gerrymandering is then this sounds like cheating.”
Linda (UK): “That’s illegal. I’m sorry, firstly, gerrymandering needs to be illegal.”
Dan (Australia): ”In Australia, redistricting is done by an independent commission, not done by the politicians who won those districts, so it is a lot fairer.”

On Voter Registration

Ott (Estonia): “What is voter registration? I mean, I know what it is, but I understand, why do you have this kind of thing? 
Olga (Germany): ”In Germany, you don’t need to register yourself for the vote.”
Ott (Estonia): “In Estonia, voter registration is automatic.”
Hridaya (India): “I actually had somebody who is an election officer come over to my house and help me out with my process of voter registration, and mind you, this is in a country of 1.3 billion people.”

On Voter Purging

Linda (UK): ”Come on. No one thinks of a word ‘purge’ and thinks of anything positive. We have seen the ‘Purge’ films.” 
Clara (Italy): “Georgia likely removed nearly 200,000 from voter rolls wrongfully? How?”
Olga (Germany): ”I can’t imagine for this to happen in Germany.”
Nikita (New Zealand): “Nope, you don’t get to vote. Nope, you don’t get to vote either. Nope.”

On Making Voting Inconvenient

Ott (Estonia): “To me, it sounds like 19th century to be honest.”
Olga (Germany): “What I really appreciate about Germany is it’s so easy for you to go and vote. It’s on a Sunday. It’s on a free day.”
Hridaya (India): “In India, it’s actually illegal to keep your employees from voting.”
Dan (Australia): “So in Australia, we have this thing called a ‘democracy sausage.’ You take a selfie with your democracy sausage. You haven’t voted in Australia unless you’ve gotten your democracy sausage.”
Ott (Estonia): “In the last Estonian parliamentary elections, I think I cast my vote during breakfast. I have this identity card. I insert it into a computer reader, pick my candidate, and cast my vote.”
Jezza (New Zealand): “It took me two minutes.”
Ott (Estonia): “Approximately a minute.”
Linda (UK): “Five minutes.”
Hridaya (India): “Five to seven minutes.” 
Olga (Germany): “Five to 10.”
Dan (Australia) “Ten minutes.”
Linda (UK): “Wait, wait, wait, it took him the amount of time it will take for me to fly from the U.K., from London to New York.”
Hridaya (India): “This feels like the opposite of easy to vote.”
Ott (Estonia): “This is not acceptable. It’s just not acceptable in a democratic country, I think.”
Linda (UK): “I’ll say 80 percent, just because they’ve haven’t been doing too well recently with everything else.”
 Linda (UK): “64 percent.”
 Nikita (New Zealand): “Yeah, that’s not good.”
 Sibs (South Africa): “That’s almost half of the Americans have no voice.”
 Hridaya (India): “It’s like you want to stop people from voting.” 
Sibs (South Africa): “Why is that so?”

American democracy is broken.

Republicans in particular seem to want to make it hard for many Americans to vote.

Unfortunately, the conservative justices appointed by Republicans frequently uphold these kinds of voter suppression tactics.

We have to fix our democracy.

Voting Blue right now is the best chance we have to do so.


Posted 11.02.20; updated 06.29.21

Time to reblog this. I’m so tired of some right-wing conservatives denying voter suppression exists in the US. 



sorry theres not a single person on this website id pay to follow idc if we’ve been mutuals for six years, if you put up a paywall we’re done

{ID: an image of Bernie Sanders captioned with text saying "I am once again asking my mutuals to complete the Post+ survey to keep Tumblr free. Post+ is a terrible idea and WILL fuck over anyone who could possibly benefit from it"}

Wait there's a survey where is it?





DON’T DO THAT. Look. I’m a researcher that uses online surveys A LOT. You know what happens to a flood of replies from the same IP? They get flagged as a bot/ballot box stuffing and deleted.

Answer once. Answer clearly. Don’t try to be clever or cute. I guarantee whoever came up with this BS will be just itching for any reason to toss stuff that doesn’t reflect well on their idea. “Cause corporate entities aren’t bound to data ethics the same way academic researchers are.


STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters… S.T..R … My friend sent this to me and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree. If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks. STROKE IDENTIFICATION: During a party, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine and just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. (they offered to call ambulance) They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid’s husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00pm , Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the party . Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don’t die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. It only takes a minute to read this… STROKE IDENTIFICATION: A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke…totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough. RECOGNIZING A STROKE Remember the ‘3’ steps, STR . Read and Learn! Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions : S * Ask the individual to SMILE .. T * = TALK. Ask the person to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (eg ‘It is sunny out today’). R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS . If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call the ambulance and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. NOTE : Another ‘sign’ of a stroke is 1. Ask the person to ‘stick’ out their tongue. 2. If the tongue is ‘crooked’, if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke. A prominent cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved. And it could be your own.

First reblog post that actually saves a life.
This is a life-saving post.
the more you know
yeah don’t think that this can’t happen to you or someone you know if they’re young. my cousin’s wife is 33 and she had a stroke last year
I’ve had a stroke. It happens to people, and the more you know about this kind of stuff, the better.Because it could be important to know.


Had a family member almost die of one, so signal boosting because you never know when you could save a life.

Because I feel bad if I don’t reblog…


My mother died after being paralyzed by a stroke. Please read this^

I remember a while ago here in UK there were stroke-identifying adverts. Their catchphrase was FAST:

  • F- Face: is their face fallen on one side?
  • A- Arms: can they raise both their arms up and hold them there?
  • S- Speech: is their speech slurred? Can they speak a full sentence?
  • T- Time: if all the signs show a stroke, call 999.

We managed to save my nana with this information when she had her first stroke. 


yo save a fuckin life gotta reblog this shit



Anonymous asked:

I want to live by myself when I move out of my parent's place but I'm really afraid of money problems? I'm afraid that the only place I can afford will be in the ghetto and it'll all be torn apart and I'll only be allowed to eat one granola bar a week. I'm really stressing out about this. I don't know anything about after school life. I don't know anything about paying bills or how to buy an apartment and it's really scaring me. is there anything you know that can help me?

HI darling,

I’ve actually got a super wonderful masterpost for you to check out:







Better You




Job Hunting

Life Skills



Travel & Vehicles

Other Blog Features

Asks I’ll Probably Need to Refer People to Later

Adult Cheat Sheet:

Once you’ve looked over all those cool links, I have some general advice for you on how you can have some sort of support system going for you:

Reasons to move out of home

You may decide to leave home for many different reasons, including:

  • wishing to live independently
  • location difficulties – for example, the need to move closer to university
  • conflict with your parents
  • being asked to leave by your parents.

Issues to consider when moving out of home

It’s common to be a little unsure when you make a decision like leaving home. You may choose to move, but find that you face problems you didn’t anticipate, such as:

  • Unreadiness – you may find you are not quite ready to handle all the responsibilities.
  • Money worries – bills including rent, utilities like gas and electricity and the cost of groceries may catch you by surprise, especially if you are used to your parents providing for everything. Debt may become an issue.
  • Flatmate problems – issues such as paying bills on time, sharing housework equally, friends who never pay board, but stay anyway, and lifestyle incompatibilities (such as a non-drug-user flatting with a drug user) may result in hostilities and arguments.

Your parents may be worried

Think about how your parents may be feeling and talk with them if they are worried about you. Most parents want their children to be happy and independent, but they might be concerned about a lot of different things. For example:

  • They may worry that you are not ready.
  • They may be sad because they will miss you.
  • They may think you shouldn’t leave home until you are married or have bought a house.
  • They may be concerned about the people you have chosen to live with.

Reassure your parents that you will keep in touch and visit regularly. Try to leave on a positive note. Hopefully, they are happy about your plans and support your decision.

Tips for a successful move

Tips include:

  • Don’t make a rash decision – consider the situation carefully. Are you ready to live independently? Do you make enough money to support yourself? Are you moving out for the right reasons?
  • Draw up a realistic budget – don’t forget to include ‘hidden’ expenses such as the property’s security deposit or bond (usually four weeks’ rent), connection fees for utilities, and home and contents insurance.
  • Communicate – avoid misunderstandings, hostilities and arguments by talking openly and respectfully about your concerns with flatmates and parents. Make sure you’re open to their point of view too – getting along is a two-way street.
  • Keep in touch – talk to your parents about regular home visits: for example, having Sunday night dinner together every week.
  • Work out acceptable behaviour – if your parents don’t like your flatmate(s), find out why. It is usually the behaviour rather than the person that causes offence (for example, swearing or smoking). Out of respect for your parents, ask your flatmate(s) to be on their best behaviour when your parents visit and do the same for them.
  • Ask for help – if things are becoming difficult, don’t be too proud to ask your parents for help. They have a lot of life experience.

If your family home does not provide support

Not everyone who leaves home can return home or ask their parents for help in times of trouble. If you have been thrown out of home or left home to escape abuse or conflict, you may be too young or unprepared to cope.

If you are a fostered child, you will have to leave the state-care system when you turn 18, but you may not be ready to make the sudden transition to independence.

If you need support, help is available from a range of community and government organisations. Assistance includes emergency accommodation and food vouchers. If you can’t call your parents or foster parents, call one of the associations below for information, advice and assistance.

Where to get help

  • Your doctor
  • Kids Helpline Tel. 1800 55 1800
  • Lifeline Tel. 13 11 44
  • Home Ground Services Tel. 1800 048 325
  • Relationships Australia Tel. 1300 364 277
  • Centrelink Crisis or Special Help Tel. 13 28 50
  • Tenants Union of Victoria Tel. (03) 9416 2577

Things to remember

  • Try to solve any problems before you leave home. Don’t leave because of a fight or other family difficulty if you can possibly avoid it.
  • Draw up a realistic budget that includes ‘hidden’ expenses, such as bond, connection fees for utilities, and home and contents insurance.
  • Remember that you can get help from a range of community and government organizations. 

Keep me updated? xx


Reblogging for myself


reblogging for those that follow me that may be starting to move out


Signal boosting: because who knows who may need this today…? :)



theres a new product by verzion called “hum” that allows your parents to track your car and places you go, if your parents are controlling like mine please check under your steering wheel to make sure that they havent installed this

here is what it looks like installed:

you can read more about it here, and here- this excerpt sums up what information Hum will send: 

“a car’s owner will be able to get notified on their phone when the vehicle leaves a pre-determined area or drives faster than a set speed… [Hum] will enable location tracking and a driving log, which measures travel times, engine idle times, and average speeds.” 

People in abusive relationships, please check your cars.




To add to this nightmare, I’ve just heard of a thing called ForceField where people get to monitor and block internet sites that you’re going on if they don’t approve.

It tells the user what sites/apps you’re going on, for how long you’re on them, and WHERE YOU ARE ON AN UPDATING MAP.

So you know if you’re in an abusive household and use sites like tumblr to escape and talk to friends, you could be cut off from that.

They say “it’s not spyware” but it sure sounds controlling and creepy to me.


God. Fuck. That’s scary.

Life 360 is another tracker. My parents have used it on me, not allowing me to delete it from my phone, and sometimes even demanding selfies to prove I was where the map said. (As if I’d go anywhere without my phone)


SpectorPro is another one. Afaik it can’t track location, but it takes screenshots roughly every 20sec to allow the installer to watch a video of your computer activity. It also tracks all keystrokes, so passwords aren’t safe, and records any website you visit + the duration. It’s incredibly creepy and a huge violation of privacy, and was one of the cornerstones of my abuse as a kid.

even if you’re not in an abusive relationship/family, please spread this because you might have just saved someone’s life

And yes darling. This is abuse. It’s not “oh they’re just overprotective!!!” No. It’s abuse.

Bitch it’s controlling as fuck . Overprotective is worrying if your kid is eating too much sugar .

this is fucking TERRIFYING 


listen I’m just dreading the day when they’re gonna screw us over and close this site for lack of use. you already see people talking like “oh I miss Tumblr” all the time like we’re not still RIGHT FREAKING HERE enjoying our fandom shenanigans in real time…like half the memes on Twitter and Insta are just reposted from here??? uh?? what is that saying???

like I KNOW that Tumblr usage has plummeted and half the blogs that follow me are probably dormant by now. I know that. but if other social media outlets aren’t gonna learn a thing or two about hiding follower counts or allowing tag-based organization or ACTUALLY SHOWING POSTS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER FOR ONCE, then I don’t want them touching this one

seriously what on EARTH are you talking about


Speaking of lack of use… Guys, please reblog stuff. That is how this website works - unlike something like instagram, which has all sorts of metrics that influence how a post disseminates based on likes, the only way for someone to see a post here on tumblr, other than from the tags, is if someone else reblogs it. Not just in an “it helps the artist” way (although that too), but in a, “this participation is how we keep this website alive” way. Likes make the poster feel good (do them too, if you want!), but the great thing about Tumblr is that is it not (is less?) beholden to those algorithmic metrics that ru(i)n all the other sites, and the only way we have that is because we reblog posts, so tumblr doesn’t have to do it.


This is a Pass Post

If you see this post, you have a pass (therefore you are permitted) to not reblog anything you don’t want to reblog

No social issues, no political stuff, no nothing

You are allowed to scroll by no matter how many reblogs there are insisting you are a bad person if you do. You have a pass, they do not apply to you.

You are permitted to not think about donation pools you can’t afford to contribute to, no matter how far from their goal they are. You are allowed to put them out of mind.

You are permitted to take a break from any conversations that are stressing you out, any discourse you are involved in, any cancellations you’re being subjected to, this post gives you a pass to look away.

And you are allowed, implored to reblog this, so other people have permission to break whatever tumblr “good person rules” they need to break for their own mental well-being.

Because see, you could do these things already.

What you needed was permission.

And now, you have a pass, so you can pass it on.


Also: while we’re doing checkpoints, make sure you’re on WiFi and not data

And unclench your jaw


and have a glass of water or juice

And take your meds if you have any

And a friendly reminder about whatever load of clothes you left in the washer/dryer

bursh your teeth if you forgot to





When was the last time you went to the bathroom


“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

not even risking that shit

scrolled past this, re-evaluated my life, then SCROOOLLLED back up and hit the damn reblog button. 

Last comment same thing. Sorry to the next person who sees this. I just can’t risk it. I have things I need to do before my life becomes hell. Lol

man i fucking hate yall who tf put this up knowing damn well we all gonna reblog it im heated im really sick af bout this 

I don’t play that shit lol sorry


Sorry everyone


If only if only the woodpecker sighs the bark on the tree was as soft as the sky why the wolf waits below hungry and lonely he cries to the moon if only if only



this post followed me to Facebook and im sooo annoyed!

It’s been a MINUTE since I’ve seen Madame Zeroni, fr fr





Not tryna fuck up any of my planetary Returns~

One time I didn’t and I was broke for like a month but the next time I seen it I rebloged it and a bitch just got 500 out the blue and a 20 gift card


Not doing great right now so let’s not make it worse


how to fucking flag pedophiles



so my dudes, how to flag “maps” (minor attracted people aka pedophiles)

1. click “flag this blog”

2. click “this violates tumblr’s community guildlines”

3. click “someone is at risk of harm”

4. click “harm to minors”

5. type “pedophile” in the box



If it’s clear they have broken laws (they post/talk about using child porn, admit to things they’ve done with minors, etc), go fill out a form here ( https://tips.fbi.gov ) to make the FBI aware and bring this filth to justice. Every single one. And if there’s no proof of criminal offense, then go on and flag them, at least then they aren’t here to prey on children on the internet.

Hi guys I recently had a run in with a pedophile who was posting child pornography, please don’t call the police there’s not a whole lot they can do in situations of tracking unless it’s in your home state! And they don’t have a department that deals with blogs.

Instead call 1-800-843-5678 or fill out a form for cybertipline.com , they reach out within the same day and deal with these assholes all the time. They will contact you if they need more assistance or if they’ve resolved it! The police department redirected me to the hotline and will do so in every situation unless it’s local. Stay safe!



yes, please report to the fbi or the other place mentioned. tumblr will only delete the blog and all of the evidence.


Also use IWF (Internet Watch Foundation/ iwf.org.uk) for mentioned imagery, especially if in the UK. You can even report anonymously.

hey y’all, remember this. report if you see it. 


This reblog this


yeet them tf out of here

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