
Songs and Magic

@laurentheflute / laurentheflute.tumblr.com

Plays flute and sings video game music. Leader of the Returners. Writes stories. Draws pictures. Has big feelings. Random streamer, enthusiastic baker, loves her cat. Occasionally whiny life posts. :: she/her

those posts criticizing common writing patterns in fanfiction are so fucking harmful and they ruined me

so like yknow what??? People tell you to avoid “smirk” and “chuckle” as descriptors because no one does those things (???) but then when I need to use those words I have a ten minute crisis about how I’m a shitty writer. So heres my unwarranted writing advice: If you want your characters to smirk and chuckle fucking let them and don’t let anyone tell you that no one smirks or chuckles because I do both on a daily basis whenever I tell a shitty pun, bye 

Edgy fanfiction critics can eat my entire ass.

Like y’all have never had a chuckle? For shame


” nobody does that”, Well sure, maybe nobody does that when YOU’RE in the room, buddy…


I smirk and I chuckle and I toe off my shoes and I card my fingers through my own hair (don’t have anyone else to do it to, but if I had, I would) and when I’m angry I growl (or wish I could, at least) and I pop the P when I say Yep. And even if I DIDN’T do all those things, the characters I write do, because fuck the language police, it’s my fic.

I honestly hated those BS things when they started coming out of not just fanfic but pro writing advice back in the 90s and 00s.

That’s how long I’ve been holding a grudge against Blanket General Absolutist Writing Advice, by the way. Thirty years now. People would post it on writing lists, or on message boards and I would be the only one going “okay except how the fuck else do you describe that”. Certain Fucking People’s much-vaunted “lists” of how a whole bunch of shit was stupid. Endless complaints about “emerald eyes” with “lololol so sharp edged and glass-looking?” and oh my god how about you fuck off.

And yes, before you go there: I do know the stuff they were reacting to, and the overwhelming trends, and the so forth and so on, and this was still the stupid, wrong way to approach the issue.

  1. Half the time the “purple” prose they were complaining about was literally a deliberate genre feature. You don’t have to LIKE it, but at some point complaining about metaphorical or evocative or otherwise lush language is like complaining about Cats in the Cat Cafe: just stop going to the fucking Cat Cafe, it’s a cafe for cats, what the fuck did you expect to find here, why did you think you’d be able to avoid cats. If you do not like chocolate maybe don’t go to the chocolate festival!
  2. There are almost always examples of the metaphor or whatever that were given a pass and people would bend over BACKWARDS to find a reason but the reason, when it came down to it, is “it was to my taste here/I thought it worked here, I didn’t think it worked over here.” There might be other reasons that it worked or didn’t. (“This character’s narrative voice has been absolutely pragmatic and blunt prose until now and suddenly his love interest has cerulean orbs, what the fuck”.) It might just be a word you personally hate, or a construction you dislike. That’s fine! But an Absolute Truth does not arise from a question of taste.
  3. Again: this is a taste issue. I used to get into huge fights about it being a taste issue at the time, and I will still fight you about it now. Certain tastes can and will become dominant in a cultural zeitgeist (ie more people will have a taste for X or Y or Z kind of prose or even X or Y or Z kind of food in a particular cultural context) and so you will have a better chance of appealing to more people if you follow the current tastes but it’s all fluid, it’s all flexible, and it’s all subjective.

Potentially useful advice on the subject is going to a) come from someone whose taste you care about (ie this is the kind of person you’re writing for), and b) is going to be specific - “I think this piece of yours is using this kind of thing too often and it’s getting distracting” or “I feel like using ‘chuckle’ here gives the wrong vibe/imagery” or whatever. And note I said POTENTIALLY. And that’s for EDITING.

For writing use whatever word is gonna get you to the next word, you can fix it later.

You can take my purple prose from my cold, dead hands.

It's useful to learn rules and guidelines so you are more intentional and thoughtful about your writing, if you have any interest in improving the quality of your prose! (It's also totally OK to say "fuck it" and write for fun and not care about any of this!)

But these are useful tools to put in your toolbox and then adapt to the way you personally write. Your own unique voice is special and wonderful and it doesn't have to match everyone else's!! Figure out how to be the best you that you can be, as a writer.

That's what critique should be. Trying to help the writer be the best version of themself, trying to help the story be the best version of itself.

Break the fucking rules, and screw anyone who says you can't.


Hi sorry if this is a weird question, but I just had your ghost trick playthrough recommended and heard you say you were also playing through disco elysium at the time

That's another one of my favourite games and I love the delight and thoughtfulness with which you've approached ghost trick so I'd love to watch it, but can't find it on your YouTube channel? I wondered if this might be a demonitization issue and if you had the vods up elsewhere?

Thanks and hope you're having a really lovely week!


Not a weird question! Thanks for the kind words, it's always nice to hear from someone friendly 😊

It's not a demonetization thing, I was just getting really really stressed out about both streaming it and posting it on YouTube! The fandom can be very intense, and some of them got upset with me for not picking the answers they picked or having the same opinions about characters that they did, etc. Overall, the whole thing wound up feeling very dehumanizing because to some people, I wasn't a person playing a game for fun, I was a Content Creation Machine, and they were unhappy that the content creator wasn't creating precisely the content they wanted. I've been streaming for almost a decade and this has never happened with any other game, so I quit playing it and unlisted it on YouTube and my mental health has been much better.

That said, Disco Elysium is an incredible game and it gave me so much to dig my teeth into, and I'll probably go back to it eventually just because I want to know what happens next!

If you want to see the streams, you're welcome to follow this link, just be warned that I am the world's slowest Disco Elysium streamer in the history of streaming. Ghost Trick actually kept me going at a quick pace, but normally I am slooooooow because I have to look at everything and think about everything and go on long tangents. But there's timestamps to help viewers jump around! Also (haha) I've been dealing with big memory issues myself, which... well, let's say it adds to the immersion of playing games with somewhat amnesiac main characters, but it might be a bit frustrating to watch. If you're fine with all of that, feel free to dive in!


I can't imagine that much 20th century Terran media still exists by whatever time period *The Murderbot Diaries* takes place in, but if it did, one work that I bet would make MB need to go off somewhere and have several emotions is *The Iron Giant*.


😳 <- this emoji but without the blush or romantic connotation. im not blushing im staring you directly in your fucking eyes

if you excuse the bad editing it would look like this

can we hit 150k before this piece of shits one year anniversary

u know before yellow emojis took over as automatic, the one we used for this exactly was O_O . which has unfortunately become the shortcut for the stupid blushy one. but we also used to emphasize the emotion by making the mouth bigger, O_________O . there was also o_O , for when you're weirded out, and o_o for small weirds or intrigue. you could use a period instead of an underscore for the mouth, o.o, O.O, which was a little more like shock.

there was also -_- for when you're annoyed. -_-* for pissed. the asterisk is a forehead vein. a very bad day or very bad joke could result in -___________-********** .

anyway that's your history lesson for the day, dont forget your roots.

let us also not forget the meekest of them all: ._.


As a writer, and someone with both a professional writing degree and training in writing news pieces, I want you all to read this again.

And I want you to pay close attention to how they phrase things specifically to avoid saying that people can no longer AFFORD to pay for food.

Phrases like "slashing spending" and "buying less" are meant to dance around an ugly and harsh reality... and instead allow you to focus on those poor brands and their 40% 'loss' of foodstamp money.

And you'll notice that there isn't a WORD about the brands' considering something crazy like lowering their prices... Instead of pointing THAT out, the author instead gives it a positive-seeming spin. The brands are "offering deals" and "new sizes" (ie, smaller sizes that are less money, but actually end up costing more $$ per ounce of food for the customer), and "overhaul their products and strategies."

It's written to make the whole thing seem bloodless.

Like brands are really out there just trying to help.

And the way it's written is VERY intentional....

Anonymous asked:

Would you be open to elaborating more on your statement “#Admittedly I fundamentally don’t believe that many forms of ADHD and many of the tumblr-acceptable forms of autism are materially distinct”? I haven’t heard someone else voice this sentiment, but I think I have similar feelings to you around this topic and I am curious how others have come to this conclusion as well.


When I was eight years old, I was diagnosed with ADD—Attention Deficit Disorder. This is considered a related but separate and distinct thing from ADHD.

When I was a teenager, a new DSM came out. ADD was no longer considered a distinct thing. My diagnosis changed to ADHD-I: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Inattentive Type.

My brain didn’t change, but the professional perception of what was up with it did.

Is ADD materially different from ADHD? Can you have ADHD without hyperactivity? That used to be no, now it’s yes; answer the first question, that used to be yes, now it’s no.

I see very similar things between ADHD and autism. Lots of people do. Traits like the ability to fixate on an interest to the physical inability to pay attention to anything else; infodumping past the point other people lose interest; penchant for physical clumsiness and poor coordination; emotional dysregulation; proclivity to sensory overload; anxiety over not emoting correctly… they’re ADHD things and autism things. Is bouncing my leg an autism stim or an expression of ADHD hyperactivity? Or is it just fidgeting like people do sometimes? I dunno. Are they in fact materially different things?

Similar to ADD, Asperger’s Syndrome is no longer a thing. It’s subsumed under Autism Spectrum Disorder now. Is “high functioning” autism the same material thing as “low functioning” autism? Is “high functioning” autism the same thing as “ADD”? Idk. In some people I think it is.

Especially in mental disorders and neurodivergences, diagnoses aren't physical, material things. They're names given to commonly occurring collections of traits or symptoms. There's no virus that causes ADHD, no bacteria that can be isolated that causes autism. COVID is caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2; strep throat is caused by Streptococcus bacteria. They have symptoms, but they are primarily defined by their root cause. ADHD, autism, and plenty of other Brain Things do have neurochemical correlates - that is, there is an aspect of physical reality to them, you brain is wired a certain way - but it's not like ADHD is caused by the ADHD Virus and Autism is caused by the Autism Germ. They're names given to observable sets of traits, in order to figure out ways of treating and managing them. And I think drawing a sharp distinction between them - THIS is ADHD, and THIS is autism, and they're NOT THE SAME! - is pointless.

I like to use the xkcd color survey as an analogy for... well, a lot of things about the human experience and the way we classify it.

If you weren't around in 2010, xkcd's Randall Munroe asked the internet to help crowdsource the true names and boundaries of colors. You could sit down at the screen, colors would appear before you by random hexcode, and you typed in the name you'd call it. You could do this as many times with as many colors as you wanted. This was the resultant chart he made:

This shows the entirety of fully saturated RGB color space. Each pixel is a different hex code. Each pixel represents a different individual's brain.

I usually use this chart to talk about sexual orientation/queer identities. But it's also a great analogy for the categorizations being diagnoses.

If "Blue" is, say, ADHD, and "Purple" is Autism, you can image how one person's "purple" experience may be wildly different from another "purple" experience but very similar to a "blue" experience. But they're labelled differently, for various reasons. Maybe the doctor had recently seen a lot of blues, and this one seems more purple in comparison. Maybe the doctor has a really specific idea of what blue is, so this can't be blue, it must be purple. Which is not to say some blues aren't wildly different from some purples, that some purples match the platonic ideal image in your mind of what "purple" is more than others. There's still clearly a lot of overlap in blue and purple experiences.

That's kind of how I think about ADHD and autism.

And who knows, maybe I think this just because I am actually autistic. I've asked myself that, wondered that before. Am I? Or are these just ADHD symptoms that overlap? And honestly at this point the answer isn't super important to me. I know how my brain works and how to deal with it when it gets bad, and there's very little that pursuing a diagnosis would do for me at the point I'm at in my life.

But when I say that I suspect the two aren't as materially distinct as they're sometimes made out to be, this is what I mean.


There's a lot of things that point to neurodivergency not being a bunch of discrete conditions, but rather a range of symptoms that are given names based on how they affect other people. (But since this post is about autism and ADHD, I'm going to focus on those two.)


1 in 5 ADHD people are also diagnosed with autism. 1 in 3-5 ADHD people are also diagnosed with learning disabilities. Similar numbers for ADHD and mental disabilities or Tourette's. Personality disorders, mood disorders, and sleep disorders are also much more likely to be diagnosed.

Similar numbers exist for autism co-occurring with other neurodivergencies.

Being autistic/ADHD increases BOTH your chance of having kids that are autistic, AND kids that are ADHD. Doesn't matter which one you've been diagnosed with.

And most of the experiences that are central to the the ADHD or autistic experience are actually considered separate conditions likely to co-occur (''co-morbid'). Hyper/hyposensitivity, sensory processing disorders, emotional regulation problems, etc. are co-morbid with BOTH conditions.

Even the diagnostic criteria (things that get you a label) are frequently just different presentations of the same thing.

We've known autistic special interests and ADHD hyperfixations are the same thing for at least 20 years, now. Not being expressive 'enough' is stereotypical of autism, being 'too' expressive is stereotypical of ADHD, and both come from the exact same root. Trouble focusing affects eye contact and attention. Difficulties with social skills lead to talking 'too much' or 'too little', interrupting, difficulties forming and maintaining relationships, etc. Both groups stim, though ADHD people are likely to have it attributed to hyperactivity. Both experience meltdowns and shutdowns.

And both groups tend to end up masking and suffering burnout.

Many of the ways to support ADHD and autism are the same. Explicitly teaching social skills. Allowing stim tools. Finding ways to control stimulation levels and support emotional regulation.


There are reasons for having different diagnoses. ADHD meds don't help most autistics very much, for example. Even if the two conditions were combined, it would definitely have subtypes with distinct management plans. (Probably a lot more subtypes than we currently have!)

But the overlap of autistic and ADHD symptoms is way higher than in anything else I've studied. And, as an ADHD person with 6 of the 8 people closest to me being autistic (and 2 of them being ADHD), the overlap is way higher even than the literature suggests. From the outside, we look different. But we really really don't seem to be from the inside.


for the ask game you just posted: Pin-Lee, crying

for the five sentence fic ask game

There Was Only One Bed, Sad Edition


She woke up at two in the morning, crying.

Eight nights into their stay on TranRollinHyfa and four nights after Pin-Lee gave up trying to sleep in the uncomfortable hotel armchair and joined Ratthi and Gurathin in the dubiously more comfortable hotel bed it was all finally starting to get to her, creep through the cracks of her increasingly brittle mask, pick at her heart—the mattress felt wrong and the sheets smelled weird and the pillows were too soft and the food from dinner sat heavy in her stomach and Gurathin snored and the bed was too hot with three people crammed into it and it was still easier to be upset about that than the fact that GrayCris was just continuously jerking their chain and depleting their resources and they were no closer to freeing Ayda and they were all going to die here—and now to add insult to injury her own body was betraying her and she was crying.

The insults kept piling up, too, because her attempts to roll over and steady her breath woke Ratthi. He looked up at her blearily, and began, “Are you all…?” but at the look on her face, paused and changed it to, “Do… you want to talk, or, a hug, or should I just… go back to sleep and forget I saw this?”

“That last one,” Pin-Lee ground out (fuck, was she really that obvious?), and, to her immense relief and Ratthi’s reluctant credit, he did.


Listening to Artificial Condition again, it strikes me how much Murderbot uses empathy reflexively as a survival skill. Look at this bit.

Upon meeting it, ART allows it on board and then announces that it knows that Murderbot is rogue. Then ART threatens to destroy it if it hacks ART's own systems. Murderbot is immediately terrified and shuts down all inputs, gives serious thought to spending the entire three month journey unconscious, and then considers the potential avenues of damage from ART's drones. ART, not realizing why Murderbot had suddenly gone silent, tells it to quit sulking, which understandably pisses off the still-terrified Murderbot. It dumps a bunch of memories of coercive treatment into ART's feed, and ART goes silent.

Then this happens:

Then it said, I’m sorry I frightened you. Okay, well. If you think I trusted that apology, you don’t know Murderbot. Most likely it was playing a game with me. I said, “I don’t want anything from you. I just want to ride to your next destination.” I’d explained that earlier, before it opened the hatch for me, but it was worth repeating. I felt it withdraw back behind its wall. I waited, and let my circulatory system purge the fear-generated chemicals. More time crawled by, and I started to get bored. Sitting here like this was too much like waiting in a cubicle after I’d been activated, waiting for the new clients to take delivery, for the next boring contract. If it was going to destroy me, at least I could get some media in before that happened. I started the new show again, but I was still too upset to enjoy it, so I stopped it and started rewatching an old episode of Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon. After three episodes, I was calmer and reluctantly beginning to see the transport’s perspective. A SecUnit could cause it a lot of internal damage if it wasn’t careful, and rogue SecUnits were not exactly known for lying low and avoiding trouble. I hadn’t hurt the last transport I had taken a ride on, but it didn’t know that. I didn’t understand why it had let me aboard, if it really didn’t want to hurt me. I wouldn’t have trusted me, if I was a transport. Maybe it was like me, and it had taken an opportunity because it was there, not because it knew what it wanted.

The thing about Murderbot's survival is that it clearly involves quite a bit of negotiating with other constructs and bots. That's how it talks its way onto cargo hauler bots in the first place. It uses empathy--envisioning the emotional and cognitive context of the individuals it encounters--to work out what different kinds of people want, so that it can offer them fair trades. It also uses empathy to consider what humans might be looking for, so it can practice blending in and hide.

Murderbot would never have survived so long if it wasn't capable of assessing the individual desires of the people--human, bot, and construct--around it. It thinks about ART's probable fears and motivations so that it can consider whether ART is inherently an ongoing threat or a potential ally.

When your survival depends on evading detection, you get really good at assessing perceptual biases so that you can shape yourself to fit into them. People talk about murderbot being radically empathetic as a choice it makes, or as a feature of its personality that makes it a good person. But I think murderbot would be the the first person to tell you that this empathy is part of its threat assessment suite, a skill that was developed out of necessity in order to allow you to survive.

It is also a trait that makes murderbot a good person, of course: it chooses very carefully to try to survive by doing as little harm as possible and by offering things, like media, that buy it access to things it needs. But it started as a survival skill. It's part of hypervigilance.

I think one of the strengths of this series is that so many of the things we love about SecUnit are traits developed for survival in an inherently threatening world. The shape of its mind and heart have been changed by the trauma of its origin--but they don't make murderbot less good for being altered, even if that skill was developed in a traumatic context.

I like that.


someone with a major in literature and/or poetry tell me what's so poetic about this that it captivated me because i have no idea honestly

hey. what if i just cried on a train. what if.

Is this your type of thing @amtrak-official?

That flower is so pretty and so strong, it's indomitable


Even if they say it can't be done...try flowering where you are.

Especially if they say it can't be done. :)

It’s interesting to see this in the framework of a flower (politically defined as: charming, pretty, femme, frivolous, victim) and/or a weed (politically: outsider, indomitable, back-to-nature, resistance, rebellion) and seeing it as a slightly underdog, “nature thriving in adversity” “beauty thriving in industry” “persistence and hope” story. It is and it isn’t! It’s still poetry.

This looks like oilseed rape, a crop plant that provides a bright yellow field of flowers. The flowers become the seeds that are pressed to make a cheap and common cooking oil. Rapeseed is considered a mildly unattractive name so it was rebranded as “canola,” thus the product of oilseed rape is canola oil. Still, a field of these yellow flowers is somewhat awkwardly called a field of rape. The heavy, sweet scent hovers for miles. The United States Canola Association, a lobby professional advocate for the plant , says “the small yellow flowers [also] beautify the environment,” as they try to market something that doesn’t need much marketing.

Rapeseed is hot at the moment - carrying a heavy load. The obviously competitive plant-based oils at the moment - olive oil and sunflower oil - are both embroiled in geopolitics. Sunflower oil was dominated in global production by Ukraine, currently under invasion, and olive oil - a key export of Palestine, and the European trees smashed hard in recent years by the droughts - is a tricky product that relies on ancient little olive trees growing in climate-change-affected deserts in years of unprecedented bad weather. It takes years for an olive tree to make a single olive. So geopolitically, people are clinging a bit to rapeseed - a sturdy and unbothered workhorse of the temperate climates.

Rapeseed’s a brassica, part of the same family as those shape-shifting sisters who are all Basically The Same Plant: broccoli, cabbage, mizuna, pak choi, turnip, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts - let any of those sisters go over, and they’ll all develop the same cheerful yellow flowers. Oilseed rape has an instant and obvious kinship with them. The thick, dusty slightly blueish color to the fat juicy stem and the broad leaves on the bottom giving way to the smaller ones along the distinctive stalk - you can ID a brassica from just a few characters!

Brassicas, most amusingly, like hard going. One wild ancestral brassica, to whom the broccoli sisters strive to return, is Wild Cabbage - it likes to live on rocky sea cliffs, growing on rocks and battered by salt; sea kales, another offshoot of the family, like to grow on beaches. If you see plants growing on a beach, drinking saltwater and digging their roots into sand and rocks, they’re brassicas - that’s it - that is how they like it. It’s completely mad! but it works for them! Other plants probably make memes about brassicas: choosing what is (to plants) a barren alien landscape, whipped by toxic winds, drinking poison, gnawing sustenance from actual sand - and then being so vigorous and juicy, and carefully constructing a crown of yellow flowers. Absolutely wild!

Rapeseed, therefore, scorns the idea that it has to be kept locked up in a comfortable field and farmed. When it leaves its fields and starts wandering, it is called an “escape” - a cultivated plant that’s gotten away. Escaped rapeseed yearns for the beach, or at the very least, the romantic dusty road. It usually lives alongside roads, on waste ground, and in other places where it can find gravel: as you can see, this includes perching jauntily in the gravel of train tracks. Wind? Rocks? Trains? Are you kidding? This is not adversity to oilseed rape. This is what it leaves home for. It’s going to the beach. It’s LEAVING. Farewell, suckers.

In general, people do not actually like this.

Escapes aren’t quite invasive - although that term itself is a little tricky; if the photo is taken in Europe, an escaped brassica has every right to say that it’s had ten thousand years of being perfectly native - but they’re still not-really-wild and would-you-please-stop. An escaped food crop is not the cute underdog kind of weed, not the political lapel pin kind of weed, not the oh-look-it’s-thriving-in-adversity-feeding-the-bees.

Environmentalists don’t want them. They’re not weeds in the sense of Daddy-hated-the-pretty-dandelions-in-the-lawn-wasn’t-Daddy-mean, they’re weeds in the sense of one-step-further-out-of-place-and-you’re-spoiling-the-whole-ecosystem-bucko. The politics of invasiveness hold a finger over the button that says “condemn,” and the moment the rapeseed escape leaves the undisputed unwanted waste ground, it becomes a weed in the sense of deleted-for-the-greater-good. As long as they’re in the waste ground that nobody wants, it’s fine - but watch out! The tolerance is very conditional.

But is it (politically) weed, (politically) flower? I’m always interested in the political projections we put onto plants. This, to me, is funny, like a cow at IKEA; a fancy breed of chicken ordering a drink at a bar. Somebody escaped the grind. Somebody is off to the beach. Farm boy escaping to the bright lights over here. How are you going to keep them down on the farm when they’ve seen gay Paree! It isn’t starving or struggling baby, that’s oilseed rape seeking enrichment! Don’t feel bad for it! It’s escaped! It likes this shit! It’ll be shot down by farmers or environmentalists alike - you’re it’s only friend. Don’t tattle on it, it’s not meant to be here, it barely even Feeds the Bees. It’s taking the midnight train going anywhere!

That’s no delicate flower! That’s a brassica! They’re from the EQUIVALENT OF THE MOON. That’s one of the oldest plant allies we have! And not even because they taste particularly good (debatable) just because we can’t stop them and it’s better to be allies than victims, really. It’s awfully pretty and funny to be flowering (love that for it) but it isn’t precisely in adversity, the mad bastard! it’s about as uncomfortable there as a cottagecore influencer.

That’s no weed! It ain’t the wild! That’s a purebred domestic farmchild with ten thousand of years of genetic engineering behind it! It’s more domesticated than YOU are. And it’s going on holiday. Becoming ungovernable.

It could be a villain! We don’t know! The seeds from that plant - which are happening because it was fit enough to flower- just might get on a train that takes them to INVADE A NEW ECOSYSTEM bahahahahaha! What matters is going on your WAY.

To me it’s the poetry of spotting a friend, the recognition of seeing a dog. The humor of a fancy fluffy chicken living its life. The pleasure in seeing a brassica living in conditions that are a bit like its ancestral wild. The enjoyment of having a bit of knowledge, like hearing a bird song and being able to tell someone, wisely, that it’s a chiff-chaff because it says chiff-chaff. A reminder, once more, that the natural world is full of infinite stories to tell and be told: the most worthy stories that there are. The poetry of it. I don’t see triumph-in-adversity, but a guy having fun. I see human engineering hanging out with human engineering. I see classic brassica behavior. Classic. What a guy. What a legend.

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