
Zoop's Den of Orcs

@zoop526 / zoop526.tumblr.com

Where the Orcs frolic for my amusement. Hey, I get them laid; they owe me.
Anonymous asked:

Hey so I’m trying to write a story about an Uruk who falls into modern earth but I have no idea where to start. Could you give me some tips?

I’ve actually tackled that very concept in Weird Summoning, still in progress. Just from my own process (severely hampered nowadays due to muse issues), I like to approach things from a culture clash perspective, and weave a plot around that. Where does the Uruk ‘land’? Who’s in the area, and what are their reactions? Do they know what he is? What are the Uruk’s reactions to an environment this different from Middle Earth? Does s/he lash out at anything that moves, try to communicate, or run and hide? What’s the Uruk’s own story from before that transition? How does his/her experience influence their behavior in the new environment? If a modern protagonist is going to figure into the plot, what’s their backstory? Do they know anything about Middle Earth? Do they think Uruk-hai are semi-intelligent monsters or misguided people? Do they have friends who think differently and cause conflict? Then you have to consider the actual plot. Since it’s a modern setting, consider where in the world your ‘hero’ is going to land. What country, culture, etc. For Modern Orc, I had to consider everything from weather to local flora because they were crucial to what became the plot. For me, though, very often the story builds off the relationships I start formulating. Letting the characters ‘talk’ and seeing what gels in my mind about where to take the story. Sometimes it leads to dead ends, other times I can generate a really long story before the ideas thin out. If you flesh out good, strong characters that really speak to you, I’m sure a story will come out of it. Maybe not on the first try, but stick with them, and let them tell you how they’d like to proceed. I hope that helps!

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