
I am horny as shit


19 Dilf/Milf enthusiast They/them

More design work for uni.

The fawns, animals that have died kinda. Part plant now.

The top is some mountain flower and the bottom is holly


Inside the Congo cobalt mines that exploit children.

Most of the cobalt for EV (Electric Vehicle) and most phone batteries comes from here.


Science witches in the forest, conducting experiments on the local flora


Tiny, planktonic crustacean larvae come in some of the most breathtaking ethereal forms nature has ever birthed. If you could shrink down and watch these phantasmagorical diamond angels dancing in the microcosmos of seawater surely you would weep at the sublime beauty our universe can imbue upon the humblest of lives

Oh yeah then there's Milton I guess who's like, not allowed to have string cheese


There's a turning tide for Palestine in public support. Support for Israel was built through decades of propaganda and we are making a dent into it. Zionists are desperate, holding zoom meetings to promote zionism, but we have to do so much more. We have to shame people in power into supporting the Palestinian cause.

Keep yourself updated and share Palestinian voices, looking to inform yourself from the sources. Palestinians have asked of us only that we share, tweet and post, over and over. Muna El-Kurd said every tweet is like a treasure to them, because their voices are repressed on social media and even on this very app. Make it your action item to share something about the Palestinian plight everyday. Here are some resources:
Take action. You can participate in boycotts wherever you are in the world, through BDS guidelines. Right now, they are focusing on boycotting (don't be overwhelmed by gigantic boycott lists. Only boycott additional brands if you can):
If you can, participate in direct action or donate. Palestine Action works to shut down Israeli weapons factories in the UK and USA, and have successfully shut down one of their firms in London. Some of the activists are going on trial and are calling for mobilizing on court.
Call your representatives. The Labour Party in the UK had an emergency meeting after several councilors threatened to resign if they didn't condemn Israeli war crimes. Calling to show your complaints works, even more if you live in a country that funds genocide.
Join a protest. Here's a constantly updating list of protests:
Here are upcoming events:

Feel free to add more.


Copia Pillow Talk Topics

  • Bats
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  • How the 1913 Adoption of Income Tax As a World War 1 Fundraising Effort was Supposed to Be a Temporary Stop Gap And Has Since Turned Into a Scam So Overwhelmingly Complex That Nobody Has Dared To Go Through All The Paperwork For 110 Years And Sometimes He Just Lies Awake Worrying About It
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oh well


This is actually a really good example of why internet of things is a security risk. The hackers couldn't have exploited the thermometer as an entry point if it didnt connect to the fucking internet to start with


[lmao @sweetenby​]

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