
Looking at Squirrels


I'm going to post about the squirrels in my backyard, and if anyone wants to send me their squirrels, that would be cool too!

the average person's understanding of the "squirrel" could stand expansion. most people think of grey squirrels and red squirrels. urge them to think a little harder and they might come up with chipmunks and flying squirrels, while asking "i mean, do those really count?"

prepare yourselves.

first up, red squirrels and grey squirrels (classic):

chipmunks (nightcore ass animal):

african pygmy squirrel (the smallest Squirrels):

thirteen-lined ground squirrel (fancier than you):

prairie dog (insanely intelligent and social):

marmots/groundhogs (the Biggest squirrels):

flying squirrels (how does she do it):

Indian Giant Squirrel (And why he ourple😂):

there are 200+ species of squirrel out there their family is one of, if not the most diverse of the rodents

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