
Captain Old School

@captainoldschool / captainoldschool.tumblr.com

Thoughts and rants from a literature scholar/musician.

So....Biden and Trump are going to debate. Fucking hell, what person with a functioning brain stem doesn't anticipate Trump trying to make a circus out of this?????

How about this: when Trump tries to run over his allotted time, the moderator warns/cautions him ONCE. If Trump continues, his mic gets turned OFF. Sounds reasonable to me.


from Jeff Tiedrich:

here’s a better idea: if Katie Britt’s so hot for a federal database, how about one for something that’s actually dangerous. how about one for guns?

oh wait, no. Katie doesn’t want any of that shit happening — because that kind of data collection would be government overreach.


I am officially, emotionally numb where Trump and GOP politics are concerned. I just can't take it any more. The stupid. It burns. It hurts. I never imagined there was THAT much stupid, much less THAT much hate in this country.

And now it looks like Trump is getting a "break" involving his various lawsuits.

All I can say is, there's a whole lotta people that better start giving a shit by the next election. I simply cannot fathom that Orange Asshole getting back in the White House. There HAS to be more sane voters than insane ones. And they'd damn well better get their butts to the polls in November.

I'm trying hard to remain hopeful and positive, but it's not easy.


Eric Hovde - the latest millionaire political candidate trying to tell people how to live. He's running in WE but actually lives in CA. What the ever-loving fuck??


Here is the answer to a lower abortion rate - in a nutshell. But it is something that Republicans will never implement. They try to impose draconion abortion bans, instead. What a bunch of hypocrites and losers - when the answer is staring them in the face.


This one goes out to a specific audience, and there's a LOT of these fuckers here on Tumblr. I'm talking about the people who cast indiscriminate blanket hatred on religion in general, but many of them are going to vote on November 5th for a guy who actually GOES to church. Full stop. Read that again.

But you go,"Oh, no, no.....Biden doesn't try to shove it down our throats. Biden doesn't fuck porn stars and then try to sell us Bibles."

Now you're beginning to catch on, Goober.

Let's say we have a guy who's guilty of sexual abuse (no, I'm not talking about Trump). Maybe a guy who was a child molester. You wouldn't go "Sex is bad!!! All sex is bad!!" Because you can discriminate between sex and someone who ABUSES it. Am I gettin' through to you yet?

Let's say we have a real badass biker. We don't bash bikers in general. It's not motorcycle riding that's "bad."

All I'm saying is, if you're going to criticize, then do it correctly. Criticize the religious hypocrites like Joel Osteen or Kenneth Copeland; the guys who ABUSE religion. And stop saying that anyone who dares to express a sense of spirituality is an idiot.

As I said, you're gonna vote for a guy who GOES to church.

Class dismissed.

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