
@ghostofgallavich / ghostofgallavich.tumblr.com

(formerly magneticdice)
Hello there and welcome to my blog! My name is Tanya. This is a 90% Gallavich blog. The other 10% is very random shit that either makes me laugh or cry, with some pictures of my kids thrown in. I watch a LOT of TV and I'm a spoiler addict so be forewarned.
I love meeting new people online and making new friends, so feel free to send me a message if you want to chat about Ian & Mickey or writing or anything else.
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There's a More About Me link below if this wasn't enough! *points down*
Anonymous asked:

If you're done with tumblr, are you going to clear your block list? I'm trying to clear out old likes, but I can't because you've blocked me - even though I've never once interacted with you...I'm confused.

i blocked blogs that were talking shit about me or ones that reblogged posts in which that rude girl talked shit about me. so basically you were a dick and you're asking me to do you a favor now? no.and.... just because i don't post anymore since my brother died doesn't mean i don't like looking at my dash. a dash that is pleasant to look at because certain blogs were blocked :)


my brother is 28 and is dying of cancer. it puts life into perspective. i'm done with tumblr but can't bring myself to delete it. you can always follow me on twitter if you so choose. i'm @magneticdice. bye bye and thanks for your loyal friendship here!


how about this for an AU: mickey can't afford the new pair of sneakers he wants so he breaks into the mall one night (okay, he doesn't so much break in as he does hide in the fitting room until after closing) and meets this handsome albeit awkward redhead... he doesn't know why ian is so weird and he really doesn't understand some of the freaky things he says. the twist? ian is a mannequin who only comes to life at night


okay: opinions. For the shameless big bang I wanna write a fic where Mickey’s raising a toddler when he reunites with Ian. But I can’t decide whose kid it should be. So, should it be his kid that he had with Svetlana, and then she fucked off and left him to care for it? Or should it be the kid of one of his brothers, which he accidentally inherited because they went to jail while he was babysitting, and he doesn’t actually realise he’s stuck with the baby for good until he’s completely in love with her.

The plot will go a pretty similar way whichever one I go with, but I just can’t decide this?

maia whhhhhy is this coming up in my tumblr feed today?!??

omg what???? I HAVE NO IDEA this is weird 😂😂😂

for a second i thought you were planning on signing up for the next big bang round and got all excited and then as i continued to read the post i'm like... uhhhhhm............ melania???


okay: opinions. For the shameless big bang I wanna write a fic where Mickey’s raising a toddler when he reunites with Ian. But I can’t decide whose kid it should be. So, should it be his kid that he had with Svetlana, and then she fucked off and left him to care for it? Or should it be the kid of one of his brothers, which he accidentally inherited because they went to jail while he was babysitting, and he doesn’t actually realise he’s stuck with the baby for good until he’s completely in love with her.

The plot will go a pretty similar way whichever one I go with, but I just can’t decide this?

maia whhhhhy is this coming up in my tumblr feed today?!??


The many fashions of Mickey Milkovich

Respectable entrepreneur: 

Its 5 o clock somewhere sleeveless shirt:


Banana pancakes morning casual:

The my-sister-just-tried-to-kill-someone hoodie and plaid shirt of indifference:


The sweater of sucking dick (AKA the sweater of sadness, depending on context): 

Juvenile offender chic:

The Shameless writers completely assassinated my character and all I got was this orange jumpsuit jumpsuit:


Today is my two year tumblr-versary. I’ve made it through some interesting and crazy things in this fandom. Here’s a recap of some of the funnier/fonder moments:

  • Nude suit vs. weird natural neck roll (pre-season 5)
  • Mickey becoming vice president for a hot second and the voting scandal
  • The Shameless Old Folks
  • Shipping actual brotps in the fandom

Many faces have come and gone and I pour one out for all of you who have left tumblr for greener pastures…

But I’ve only lasted this long here because of some great people… The fact that we still have quality fandom writers hanging around here brings me endless joy, the fact that it’s almost gotten fun (for me, anyway) to hate on Shameless with everyone else who’s still here, and the fact that I have made real life friends is the icing on the cake!

To all of my mutuals, you are great and I’m glad you didn’t leave when everyone else did (or signed up after lol). Don’t abandon me here, not after all we’ve survived together haha

I’ve also recently hit a follower milestone and passed over 1500 followers (WHY??) and I’d just like say thanks to everyone who follows my Shameless hate/90s music/random other things blog! <33

Fuck, is this turning into a follow forever? This wasn’t supposed to be a follow forever. I know I missed a bunch of mutuals, know that I still j’adore you <33


Noah fence……but where did the writers get the idea for Ian to date a trans man?

OMG seriously. that whole we-aren't-allowed-to-read-fic thing is total BS bc we KNOW who stalks tumblr..........

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