



By far I think the best part of my entire experience of seeing Across the Spiderverse in a sold-out theater was when the screen cut to black and "TO BE CONTINUED" popped up on and the moment everyone collectively realized it wasn't a joke or a visual pun the entire theater EXPLODED and there was a massive crowd of 20 and 30-something year olds screaming and booing because that was the end of the movie.

Never in my entire life have I ever experienced a crowd loving something so much that they booed at the end because they wanted more of it.

18/10, absolutely groundbreaking experience.


This whole scene man. And for Hobie nope out spider society afterwards with chaos going on lol

This comment sums it up best


i’m gonna sit yall down and explain to you why c!tommy was acting the way he was in this stream, because some of yall are taking the erratic way he behaved as a way to hate on him, and me, being who i am, am gonna honk you on the head for that 😇. lets all remember that he’d just fucking been brutally beat to death, and he’s back in the smp where everything’s changed, and yet he’s scared because he’d been through something horrid—something that changed him drastically, and the man who killed him is still out there—still in the prison with a possible way to escape, and you’re gonna look me and the eyes and say “why was tommy behaving like that?!” dude, he had every right to be angry, or scared, or upset. he’s lashing out because of the horrible shit he’d just been through, yall, not because he’s an awful person 🤨


hi it just occurred to me the reason ranboo pretended to not know why tubbo was acting the way he was and why he said he was tubbos “close friend” instead of husband was because he was being sensitive to tommys wish for things to stay the same— a trait that they share. and now im crying


Banished Series Master List

Summary: When the 100 was sent to the ground, Y/N Y/L/N was one of them. Having been locked up for almost 8 years, how will she react to surviving on Earth? Especially when she gets banished…

Paring: Bellamy Blake x Reader, the 100 x Reader

Season 1:

Season 2:

Season 3:

Season 4:

***BC! means Bonus Chapter***


Reader Creations:

~Poster~ created by @werosies

~Banner~ created by @cashmereandtears


Peter Parker x Reader - Secret Admirer

hello !! it’s rosemarie here and I just wanted to give a little teaser of my book on wattpad !! if you like the story so far, my wattpad is @thatoneguitargirl. thank you and enjoy ;)

»»————- PROLOGUE ————-««

WHEN HE FIRST STARTED APPEARING, everyone was confused. Who was he? Why was he here? Was something wrong? Those were the questions on everyone’s mind . Not (Y/N)’s though. She was too entranced by this new heroic stranger. He was New York’s very own superhero. Just for them. And (Y/N) couldn’t get enough.

The day after he first appeared she started her research. After school she immediately went home and looked up his name, “Spider-Man”. Only one result, the video from earlier that day. She tried again, “Spider Super Hero”, no useful results. She pulled up the video of his actions, he was swinging on buildings effortlessly with webs shooting out from his hands.

‘How are they doing this?’ she thought as she replayed the video for a third time. Questions shot through her mind and raced around, each competing to be at the front. (Y/N) played around with the ideas of how his powers worked but eventually gave up. This was not something that could be solved in one night.

Over the course of a few weeks, her studies became a roller coaster. Some nights finding exactly what she needed, others finding nothing. People would upload videos to YouTube and she would watch them multiple times over. By this point she had fallen deep into a research hole and devoted all of her time to this. During the day, she would head straight from school to the places he was most spotted. Hoping to catch a glimpse of the man in real life. At night, the girl scoured the internet for videos and articles.

Through hard work and many late hours, she finally found something that could help her. A video from the Avengers fighting each other at an airport in Berlin. And guess who was there? This new Spider-Man. He had a real suit now instead of the hoodie (Y/N) was used to seeing. His fighting here was different although that might have been due to the quantity and strength of the people he fought here. He seemed more of an amateur compared to the rest of the gang but it was captivating to watch through the shaky camera placement of this civilian.

Soon enough, Spider-Man arrived back in New York and in his new suit. This was when she became engrossed with everything about him. Everyone knew him now and her studies weren’t just studies anymore, they were a minor obsession. She continued to watch every video and take in as much content as possible. She’d see him in real life and try to talk to him. She even owned an Instagram fan account for him. (Y/N) (L/N) has become what seemed to be, the biggest Spider-Man fan girl in the world.


tommyinnit hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape dream

tommyinnit was shot by dream

tommyinnit was slain by dream


there are ghosts in the sky; a sub rosa au

Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader

Warnings: death, violence, language, mentions of blood and puking, anxiety, Shumway, and fighting.

Summary: THIS IS A SUB ROSA SEASON 6 AU! basically, I originally wanted reader to be bodysnatched in season 6. unfortunately, I did not chip reader in s3, and by the time I realized the chip was necessary for this plotline, it was too late. I was well into writing season 5 at that point. so, I offer you a solution: an AU season! you can read this and pretend this is what actually happened, if you want, as the storylines will line up again in the end. or you can just accept this as a three part companion piece. either way, I highly recommend you catch up on sub rosa before reading this, though I’m sure you can enjoy this mini au without it.

posting will begin after season 7 is finished, and updates will come once a week on Fridays! let me know if you want to be tagged. all users on the sub rosa taglist will automatically be added to this taglist, so fret not!


ii. how deep is the moon?

iii. but can you save a dying sun?


Fighting for... Masterlist

Summary:: I’m not like the others, the 100. Their crimes were petty, mine was being born. Being sent to Earth should’ve been refreshing, freeing. Instead, it’s a fight. A fight for survival. A fight for love.

Warnings: The 100 Themes so blood and gore I guess Pairings: Bellamy Blake x Fem!Reader, Clarke Griffin x Twin!Fem!Reader

It’s been ninety seven years since man was last on earth. Ninety seven years since nuclear bombs went off, soaking the earth in radiation. Three generations have survived on the Ark. Our scientists say that it could be another one hundred years before we could return to the ground. The ground, that’s the dream. But this is reality. On the Ark, every crime, no matter how small, is punishable by death unless you’re under eighteen. Instead, you get placed in what we call the sky box. At eighteen, all cases are reviewed. More often than not, you’re released back into the population. But if you’re not, then you’re floated into space. Our crimes were petty. Overcrowding made us expendable. We all tested authority in one way or another. My crime? Being born.

💥 Masterlist is updated as chapters are posted 💥

Now on Ao3!


Sub Rosa Series Masterlist

pairing: Clarke Griffin twin!reader, Bellamy Blake x reader, 100 rewrite.

summary: sub rosa. latin. literal translation: under the rose. interpretation: happening or done in secret. just like your birth.

it’s been 97 years since a nuclear apocalypse wiped out life on earth. and now, you are being sent to the ground, along with 99 others (101 including Bellamy Blake) to see if the ground is survivable. among the others is your twin sister, Clarke Griffin, who you haven’t seen since your arrest and your father’s death, and Bellamy Blake, king of the douchebags.

now you will have to learn to survive out in the open when you’ve spent your entire life in hiding, while also avoiding twin drama, boy drama, and…Grounders.

season 7 (in progress)


Hello to all the 100 rewrite authors and readers! As I complete my own 100 rewrite series, I am now ready to read the other incredible rewrites that are being posted to tumblr! Unfortunately, I was finding it rather difficult to find a complete list of all the rewrites out there. Because of this, I decided to make my own little rewrite directory, and I thought maybe you guys would be interested in seeing it too!

So below the cut, you will find a list of authors and rewrites, all tagged and linked, in no particular order. Each rewrite includes a little information of what the pairing is, whether it is complete or in progress, and any other info I think might be relevant! I plan to update this list frequently, so if there are any rewrites or authors that I have missed, or if any links are messed up or broken, please please please reach out to me and I will fix it! If you are on this list and want to be removed, just let me know. If you are not on this list and would like to be added, please let me know! This list is as much for me as it is for you, so I want it to be as accurate as possible!

Okay, I think that’s everything. Thank you to all the authors that have created this great content for us, and thank you to all of the readers that support us and keep us going. Happy reading, my friends!


Desperate Measures Masterlist

The 100 Rewrite: Bellamy Blake x Reader

Summary: Y/N Franco has plenty of secrets, being the adoptive daughter of Marcus Kane teaches you to keep everything close to your chest. But being sent to the ground after a year in solitary threatens to unravel her perfectly calm facade, and Bellamy Blake isn’t helping her keep her cool either.

Status: Ongoing

Season One:

Season Two

Aesthetics: (coming soon)

  • Y/N Franco 
  • Bellamy Blake x Y/N Franco
  • Clarke Griffin x Y/N Franco
  • John Murphy x Y/N Franco
  • Leah Franco x Y/N Franco
  • Marcus Kane x Y/N Franco
  • Monty Green x Y/N Franco
  • Nathan Miller x Y/N Franco
  • Octavia Blake x Y/N Franco
  • Raven Reyes x Y/N Franco

Hey JRoth killing your male POC characters ISN'T GOOD WRITING YOU FUCK.

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