


She/Her | #Rainbow draws | banner and pfp by me

Finally read Robins!

I have a lot of thoughts, but I just want to say this panel is the funniest thing I've ever seen:


freeze frame. record scratch. tim breaks the fourth wall and faces us and says:



Other things you can do:

  • Linked footnotes
  • Customized page dividers
  • Sticky notes
  • Lined paper
  • Paper that looks stacked on top of each other
  • Old looking paper
  • Newspaper articles
  • Tumblr posts
  • iOS text messages
  • Emails
  • Fake ao3 authors notes and kudos button
  • Freaking discord chats

Its fucking amazing. Ao3 is fucking amazing. Can I legally marry a website?



One of those times I'm reblogging something so I can find it again later


it's a fun hc of mine that during dick's robin days, he went through the "omg i wish i had a cool secret language so i can have secret conversations with my friends" phase all kids go through. but one of his closest friends at the time also happened to be the batman, a guy with possibly the most bizarrely diverse arsenal of skills in the world. bruce sees the merit in the entire idea of a coded language to communicate rudimentary information when they can hear but not see each other. so why not make a code built on bird vocalizations? it's pretty much incomprehensible to anyone without a trained ear or comprehensive knowledge of birding and impossible to even passably mimic without proper training, so while the chances of interception are high, the chances of someone understanding it enough to interrupt during the middle of a bird-convo and feed false information are not.

it also, batman and robin come to realize, feeds into the "holy fuck our vigilantes are cryptids" idea. bird sounds that come from seemingly no determinable location (ventriloquism) come to mean batman and robin are nearby. to the goons of gotham, bird song becomes inextricably connected to getting your ass kicked by the dynamic duo. the real reason why criminals don't operate during the day is because they get skittish and jumpy about if the sounds of birds chirping are real birds or some masked vigilantes lying in wait to rock your shit, and it's just easier to commit crimes during the night when all the birds are asleep so you know for sure.

ornithologists have boards on their bedrooms dedicated to the bird-bats of gotham. they've written dissertations.

the bird language becomes a bit of a batfamily bonding connection. teaching each other how to do different clicks and whistles, making up slang so bruce and barbara can't complain of clogging up comms with non-mission relevant talk, searching up birds to associate them with different people, psychologically terrorizing the criminal populace of gotham by chirping at them...

how the bird code works is that there's a bird assigned to each one of gotham's major heavy hitter criminals and vigilantes, and a few assigned to heroes out of the city (by which i mean the ones the bats associate with often enough to have a sign to address by). the only birds i've got so far are the robin (for robin. self-explanatory) and the glistening-green tanager (for the joker). i only have one for the joker bc i wanted to reference this hc in one of my fics and so searched up green birds to find the most eye-searingly annoying-to-look-at green bird i could find, and the glistening-green tanager was the closest one to fit the bill.


some emergency alert operator just gave me a three minute taste of being an indie horror game protagonist jesus fuckin christ

reminds me of the time the entire state of Missouri got an amber alert for the joker


for some reason middle aged comic fans coming on the internet to defend their decision as to why they thought a twelve year old should have died or lived is so funny 😭😭😭


Shell quirks! Part 3, Donnie!


Donnie, you flat fuck. Pancake lookin mf. He makes for the perfect floating table when relaxing in the water (at least until he’s awake enough to murder, that is)

Ah, yes, familial urge to stack random objects on a sleeping person to see if they notice. I used to balance, like, up to five plushies on my dad’s head before he’d wake up lol


shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this

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