my sunshine

@fluffy-sunshine /

multifandom; mainly kpop and dramas

being bilingual is just *knows meaning of word in your language but not the other* *cant explain it* *mental pause* *words that exist only in one language but not the other* *mixing languages mid sentance* *as you get better in one language you get worse in the other* *mental pause* *confusing meanings* *speaking both languages badly*


You all really need to learn to accept that the fact that you don’t like someone or something doesn’t mean it’s secretly evil somehow.

Like, annoyance and disinterest and anger are normal human emotions, but we’ve created this weird culture where you’re only allowed to have bad feelings about things if it’s for some righteous cause.

And instead of taking that (deeply flawed and unhealthy, mind you) notion and maybe… I don’t know, learning to manage negative feelings that aren’t productive, people have just decided that it means that any time they don’t like something, they have to find some grand, noble justification for their dislike.

But you really, really don’t. Someone can be kind and good and still annoy the fuck out of you. You’re allowed to think a show sucks even if it isn’t problematic. It’s literally fine.


Also, it’s possible to determine that you don’t like a thing, that you may even have very good reasons not to like that thing, and to simultaneously accept that it has value for other people. That a character who reminds you of that bossy mean girl from seventh grade may remind someone else of their big sister who always stood up for them. That an ending which is traumatizing for you may be cathartic to someone else. In a way, it’s like an allergy. “This is not for me” doesn’t have to mean “this is not for anyone”.


i hope you pursue what you love in 2020, supported and surrounded by people who are so happy to have you in their lives. i hope you realize that we grow from failure, and that the lessons you learn will benefit you so much. those bumps along the roads, the sad days, the doubting, things not turning out just the way you imagined they would - they will happen, and it will be okay. you’ll face it, you’ll survive, grow, and you’ll make a wonderful year for yourself, regardless, or indeed because of that.

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