@fcirest / fcirest.tumblr.com

indie snow white rp

Charms, Potions and Spells

"Is your wand acting funny?"
"Are you sure you mixed that right?"
"I have an owl. What animal do you have?"
"Someone's rat is in my shoe!"
"Magic comes easy to some. Not to others."
"Can I have a pen that just takes notes for me?"
"There's a certain amount of willpower that goes into spellcasting. You have to WANT it."
"Have you seen the new professor?"
"I think I'm lost."
"Within the darkness you can find power."
"Some things need to be precise. Others... not so much."
"It helps to have a foci."
"Was it suppose to change color?"
"I can't do this."
"Did you seriously just try to charm me?"
"I need your help."
"It says the potion is suppose to smell like feet."
"Stay away from dark magic."
"Everyone can put their own personal touch on the magic they make."
"Let them burn."
"There needs to be an easier way to do this."
"You did WHAT?!"
"You're going to get caught."
"I had no choice."
"Witch trials are never going to happen again."
"We need to protect everyone."
"Have you ever flown before?"
"I simply don't have time for that."
"Invisibility is very handy."
"The natural order must still be preserved."
"Don't take the easy way out."
"It was either them or me."
"Have you ever seen a dragon?"
"Ready your spells."
"No one is going to take this from me."
"I can't stare at this book any longer. My eyes are going to bleed."
"Divination class is what I call nap time."
"Careful, your head's going to swell."
"Can you not do that?"
"I don't suppose there's any way to lighten a book bag..."
"Forbidden magic is forbidden for a reason."
"I walk the fine line between light and dark."
"Has anyone seen my crystal ball?"
"Why are you digging through my trunk?"
"What happened to you?"
♥ ❛  W A N T   T O   K N O W   A   S E C R E T    P R O M I S E   N O T   T O   T E L L   /   W E   A R E   S T A N D I N G   B Y   A   W I S H I N G   W E L L  /   M A K E   A   W I S H   I N T O   T H E   W E L L   T H A T ’ S   A L L   Y O U   H A V E   T O   D O   A N D   I F   Y O U   H E A R   I T   E C H O I N G   Y O U R   W I S H   W I L L   C O M E   T R U E.  ❜   ♥

                               INDEPENDENT. SELECTIVE. SNOW WHITE. 


( LIKE ! ) - - - -  plotting call for mutuals only!  blog generally follows back within 24 hours! will send message regarding threads ideas and pre-established connections within 48 hours!


( LIKE ! ) - - - -  starter call for mutuals only! blog generally follows back within 24 hours! open starters can be found here!


repost, do not reblog!  bold what applies to your character, italicize what they’ve done to some extent  /  warning: may contain triggering topics!

tagged by @steeledveins tagging if you want to do this please do and then tag me so i can see! 


for snow’s modern verse:

broken a bone, gotten stitches, had a near-death experience, killed someone, tried and failed to kill someone, invented something, been hungover, kissed someone, slow danced, been in a long term relationship, had sex, had sex and regretted it, had a one night stand, had a threesome, experimented with their sexuality, had a kid, gotten married, self harmed, traveled to another country, been in a play, received an inheritance, been in a car wreck, lost a loved one, been dumped, dumped someone, smoked, gotten high, been slipped something in their food / drink, won a contest, won an election, joined a sports team, gone skydiving, gone hunting, been in a band, had a job, been fired, been in a wedding party, owned a pet, seen a ghost, skipped class / work, learned an instrument, gotten a noticeable scar, sued someone, been robbed, been mugged, been kidnapped, been sexually assaulted, been brainwashed / hypnotized, gone more than one day without eating, had a recurring nightmare, been bullied, bullied someone, seen someone die, attempted suicide, been tied / chained up, shot someone, stabbed someone, saved someone’s life, cheated on someone, been cheated on, had a stalker, been betrayed, been in a fight, been arrested, been to a funeral, had surgery, broken someone’s trust, gotten a piercing, gotten a tattoo, used a fake name, been tortured, been abused, been blackmailed, had an attempt on their life, gotten away with a crime, gone on a road trip, been in love.


                   PSA || RPING WITH MY CHARACTER

just because your character wouldn’t fit in with my character’s canon verse, doesn’t mean we can’t rp. au/crossover things are my life, you guys; i will be more than happy to either fit my character to yours’ canon verse or to make up an entirely different verse for both of them to interact in. it’s a great outlet for creativity and it’s just a lot of fun to throw two characters into a world they’ve never canonically been in. 
basically, when i say i’m a multiverse blog, i mean it. just come talk to me, you wonderful people, and let’s make our loser muses live in a medieval world or be spies or live in space or something. 
              how about it?

                               create a new universe with me.

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