
sorry i’m late, sweetheart

@eighty6baby / eighty6baby.tumblr.com

Julia. 26. Curator of many fandoms. High school English teacher.

White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane. Which, honestly, isn't too inaccurate because the Upside Down looks like something one might hallucinate during a bad trip.

Lover by Taylor Swift. The line “swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover” always reminds me of Eddie bc he’s one dramatic mofo 🫶


You Signed Up for This by Maisie Peters.


Man. The flagrant lack of critical reading skills and basic reading comprehension just makes me sad. There's a lot of joy in reading the English language that these people are missing out on. There's a clear INTEREST in reading and I feel like if we could just get people off this anti-intellectual streak everyone would be having much more fun reading Metamorphosis AND Twilight.

I genuinely hate this attitude that getting better reading comprehension skills will somehow keep you from enjoying your pulp romance or comic books or fanfiction. All a literature education does is give you more tools to analyze writing. It will only increase the joy of reading.


The impact Spiderverse has on art and artists is INSANE. Everyone is drawing, everyone is CREATING. From colour studies, to the art style studies, to making sona influenced by the movies' character designs. AI generated images are nowhere to be seen, and I hope they're going to stay buried in the uncreative pits they belong in... the world is in balance.

Seeing all the works are... WOW

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