
I Put The Pun In Punk

@foxshiromulder / foxshiromulder.tumblr.com

Aleks.22.California.Ace. I love aliens and also robots....especially aliens who pilot lion robots....IG & Twitter: aleksmlynne

lgbt was coined by the beatles as an acronym for their names

Lennom George harrison ford Ball “is life” mccartney The drummer


there’s nothing better than griffin mcelroy completely apathetically and deadpan doing a bit while his brothers literally choke on their breath screaming with laughter in the background

oh sorry sorry but this is FALSE—patently FALSE—information because i’m pretty sure what’s better is Justin struggling to get through what is probably not even a very good bit while his brothers shout over him and also each other in the background


George Takei was so excited to do this shirtless episode. He spent all his free time doing push-ups for a week before they shot this.

they were going to give him a katana and have him be a samurai, but he didn’t want to be stereotypical, so he told the execs that he could fence and they wrote in references to the three musketeers instead

he could not, in fact, fence

he spent the weekend before shooting learning how

Not only that, but he found he liked fencing, kept it up, and became a master fencer.

When I had the privilege to hear him talk at AwesomeCon 2015, he informed us he is a master fencer. It was a very clear implication that he is still fencing at his advanced age. No wonder he’s so healthy.

He had far too much fun with this episode and it shows.

Hikaru Sulu, our first Space Pirate.


coke of cola is a health potion. pepsi is a mana potion

what’s graped soda

it’s fucking purple baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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