
Edalyn θe arsonist Δ

@transarsonist / transarsonist.tumblr.com

30, trans girl, anti-fascist, communist. [ THIS BLOG IS 18+ FOR: occasional NSFW text, satirical political threats, psychological damage inducing concepts, deliberate misinformation]
Hello New Followers

Welcome to my little home amongst the hell

I don't beef, i just block. If I'm annoying you block me and move the fuck on

Clowning in my inbox explicitly prohibited, i will go above and beyond to get assholes removed for hate speech if i believe it is happening

Ground rules:

  • Your blog must primarily consist of content reblogged from it's original source and/or original content made by someone directly involved in the management of the blog [translation: art theifs & lurk blogs* not welcome]
  • This is a blog by lesbian for lesbian (bi/pan/enby inclusive) trans men are allowed, cis men may stay if you Promise to be Polite and follow my friends DNIs
  • This Blog Pro Kink
  • Don't be fucking rude to me, if your blogs bit is being rude to everyone as a joke I'll just block you.
  • Anon is for cute & sweet & horny shit, i reserve the right to clown relentlessly on rude anons
  • Do NOT remove my username if you cross post my posts, if you're worried about getting banned about it then Don't cross post my posts

About me:

Born sometime in 1994 to everyone's dismay I have since that time caused problems for various people and had a delightful time doing so. (Got tired of updating my age, you do the math)

I am a Trans Girl and a Lesbian, however that's the 'minimum possible language' version, and if you want the actual definition of my gender and sexuality I must first ask how many hours you have free for me to explain it in. If you have less than 5 hours I'm afraid I'll have to stick to 'mind ya beezwax'.

I'm a communist or a socialist or something like that, and I tend to lean more anarchist than fascist, but I'll not lie and imply Itd be a safe idea to let me have power. Nazi scum should die about it or better yet seek therapy

I am Polyamorous but Fully Occupied by Like 3 Wonderful People

I live near Chicago, Illinois, USA

*lurk blog: no reblogs lots of likes, I'm not a content source, and you should have a main blog with reblogged content on it

this is what call-out drama blogs on queer people look like to me.

i look out for the community by keeping track of every porn artist you follow and interact with

i keep everyone safe by finding every account you have even the ones you never linked publicly along with everything you have ever said online so I can interpret it in bad faith.

can I PLEASEEEEE call a sex offender,,,you reblogged sanrio porn once....I need something the moral outrage won't do it itself.


i'm not invested in "harry potter was never good" conversations because it doesn't matter if it's good or not. quality does not positively correlate with socio-political praxis. it could be a really good piece of art, but if it's still supporting a vocal proponent of transmisogyny and transphobia, i don't give a shit. harry potter good or bad, who cares, its success is unambiguiously providing financial and social capital for a morally despicable person.

"yeah just read trans hc harry potter fanfiction instead!" You are the problem. Listen to me. You are the problem.

this is what i mean. you are callow and stand for nothing. you support the brand and her influence, and you care less than you think.


not to be all i told you so about ancestry tests but 23 and me went bankrupt and can now legally sell human genetic information to the highest bidder, as per their privacy policy which was signed by approx. 15 million test takers

im still mind blown that people really readily submitted their dna so they could be classed by ethnicity on paper permanently. like yeah theres no way this could go badly huh


i hope theres a number somewhere that nobody has seen and i hope nobody ever sees it


There's something I like to call the "big sister effect" where no matter how sad or distressed a mentally ill trans girl is, if she sees a smaller trans girl who acts all shy and pathetic her mental health problems will be indefinitely put on pause until she can hug and pet the smaller pathetic girl. Or kiss and grope her while she whines and squirms. Either way, the big sister effect.

Holy shit it really does fucking work huh


Unironically, vegans need to be advocating for more and better sheep, llama, and alpaca farms. Wool is one of the best fabrics we have in terms of versatility, longevity and most importantly, insulation. Even wet, it retains 80% of it’s insulation potential.


Like, there’s literally nothing you can do to a sheep that’s as morally reprehensible as dumping plastic down the gullet of literally every other living thing. You wanna talk about animal welfare? Talk about reducing the amount of microplastics produced by rayon, polyester, and spandex.

Bruh plant-based sources of clothing exist and are better for the environment and don’t involve slicing an animal’s throat open please shut the fuck up you cunt


Do they think you kill a sheep for it’s wool

I think you already know the answer, but I also think it’s one of those questions you have to ask so that others can witness it.

Content Label: Mature

girls when they um...girls when uhhh...girls when,,,she's shy,,,,and shows you her c

hiiii Hitomi

Content Label: Mature

The author has indicated this post may contain content that may not be suitable for all audiences.


a gallon of milk but with this kind of cap:

quick suggestion

let me raise you an idea ive been keeping for years, just for this moment

The unholy trinity.

only the finest culinary experiences for my followers

is astounds me that each image seemed like the worst thing ever, but then the next image would top that, and now we have ascended to Lovecraftian levels of bad and I fear for the fabric of sanity and reality it may get worse the more this post grows. 

Please keep adding to this post.

is this anything?

i hate you all except you spray can of sprite im okay with you existing

me when im drinking sprite

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