

@gwengolini / gwengolini.tumblr.com

Gwen/23/trans woman/she•her/ML/doesn't know/how to use/tumblr

People are getting really really fascist about peaceful protesters and it’s getting scary lol

Simultaneously holding up America as a golden standard of democracy compared to literally any other country but especially the ones populated by backwards nonwhite people while saying “lol it’s your fault if a cop brutalizes you just obey their commands or pay the price” like do you hear yourself


Has anyone here read Story of O? I have lots of thoughts about it and I wanna know if anyone else would be interested in hearing them

How am I the only one that has read Story of O?

It was overrated


trans girls who aren't on HRT I love you. trans girls who pad their bras I love you. trans girls who don't know how to do makeup I love you. trans girls who are tired I love you. I love you all. we're gonna make it through this.


You have not penetrated rural America until you start hearing people pronounce jalapeños with a hard j

>you have not penetrated rural america



Bit telling that for years and years evangelical religious extremists have been allowed on university campuses with their bullhorns and horrific imagery where they harass students into physical altercations and when students complain to the university’s administration they just shrug their shoulders citing freedom of speech but when those same tuition-paying students start protesting against war and genocide they call SWAT


Why did trans guys on here try to make forcemasc a thing like forcefem isn't already a thing that tons of trans guys are into

Also autoandrophilia isn't a thing because neither is the predation of men by women as a unique form of social oppression. "Autogynephilia" only exists as a (stupid) concept bc trans women are perceived as exhibiting the worst psychosexual pathologies of men, 'pathologies' we are ifinitely more likely to be victims of than perpetrators of.

Idrc if you're into autoandrophilia sexually, go nuts have fun, just wanted to get that out there


Why did trans guys on here try to make forcemasc a thing like forcefem isn't already a thing that tons of trans guys are into


A girl has not felt loved in years. She never gets told that she's a pretty girl. She doesn't get called a girl. Her parents don't call her daughter. She never smiles and doesn't take care of her hair anymore. She stopped taking showers every day. She has acne and stubble. She doesn't shave, she can't stand looking at herself in the mirror. She was told that "fat is hot" until she gained more weight. People look at her weird. She feels like nobody wants her. She doesn't want anyone to look at her. She feels alone. People avoid her. She feels like she can't vent to others anymore because it's all she can think about. She wants to be loved

A girl doesn't talk anymore. She's distant and insecure. She bottles up her feelings. People reach out to her to try and help, but don't know how to help. She isolates herself, she's scared. She knows that nobody will put in the time and effort to be there for her. Nobody says good morning to her. She stopped asking for help. She doesn't laugh anymore. She feels like she's worthless. She's told that this isn't true, but notices that people only care about her when she's feeling suicidal. She feels like a burden. She can't think a week ahead because she is terrified of the future. She doesn't know if she'll make it to the end of the year. She wants to be loved

A girl doesn't express her opinions anymore. People think she's a dangerous freak, that she is disgusting, gross and filthy. She feels that weight. She cries most of the day, most days. She stopped brushing her teeth. She feels disposable. She only feels useful when she's validated. People will toss her aside as soon as they get a good excuse to do it. She feels like a sacrificial lamb. They keep her at arm's length. She knows that she's judged silently. She feels like people would feel more comfortable if she wasn't there. She's trying to keep going. Her eyes hurt. She's loud. People think she is annoying. She's tired. She wants to be loved

I see u. I love u

You're a pretty girl. What you say matters. How you feel matters. It's ok to be angry and afraid. It's unfair that others don't notice and don't care. Keep being loud, keep being yourself. It's not too late. You matter

Anonymous asked:

How does one deal with gay/trans rights and communism/socialism? I've seen people that say that being gay/trans is a sign of capitalism debauchery so it should be squashed and, perhaps selfishly, I don't want to trade one system that's oppressive of lgbt people to another system that's also oppressive of lgbt people

Ive been called a revisionist or an imperialist stooge for being a trans women by certain sects who very much do not espouse genuine liberation. These people still hold onto deeply liberal and reactionary ideas which have no place in genuine socialist spaces. Fact of the matter is historically, socialist states have been the most profressive nations on the planet, such as the DDR then and Cuba today. The very fact that all people got housing, food, jobs, and an education lifts a significant burden off of LGBT people, who are the most often rendered homeless or jobless under our DOTBs. On that basis, it is enough for me to critically support all existing and former socialism. Modern day struggles for socialism and liberation is deeply intwined with class struggle, imperialism, and is deeply intersectional. You can't really develop LGBT rights when you're consistently under attack.


You have not penetrated rural America until you start hearing people pronounce jalapeños with a hard j


I really really hate how most art of transfems is just a cis girl with a cock or the most cis passing/adjacent body type ever.

Yeah, girlies like that do exist, but you know what there is so much more of?

Fat transfems, "clocky" transfems, transfems early on in or without hrt, transfems who don't "pass", transfems that don't get rid of or ashamed of their "boyish"/"masculine" features.

Not all transfems look like cis women models or twinks with boobs, please understand

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