

They/them, 27, Starker side blog, with the occasional posts including other Marvel ships from time to time as well (currently on hiatus)

Tony ships just hit different man, I can see the appeal of almost all them. He’s just got that main character energy and so many real human traits that are relatable.


wanda: you are offered 50,000 dollars but the person/people you hate the most get 100,000 dollars.

Tony: no. I have enough cash already.

Bruce: I hate no one so yeah.

Natasha: hell no! Imagine if HYDRA got their hands on more money!

Y/n: ofc I would! Who would pass up 150,000 dollars!?

*Wanda, Tony, Bruce and Natasha slowly turn to y/n*

Natasha: detka dear are you ok?


Tony: Y/N, your phone is ringing.

Y/N: Who is it?

Tony: It says "mommy is calling".

Y/N: Oh, it's Natasha.


Natasha: *before a mission* Who’s turn is it to give a pep talk?

Steve: *sighs* Y/N’s…

Y/N: *stands dramatically on the table* All right, people, let’s fuck shit up out there and not die!

Tony: *wipes away a fake tear* So inspirational

Harley: Well, aren’t you sugar and spice and everything nice?
Peter: Well, aren’t you rudeness and sarcasm and everything… uh…
Harley: No, go on. You find something that rhymes with sarcasm and makes sense and I’ll stop acting like an asshole

Married to the Wrong Person

It broke Peter's heart every time. Seeing pictures of Tony on the news with Her... And the pictures were getting increasingly more with every day that the wedding was getting closer. The wedding of Tony Stark with his CEO Pepper Potts was the event of the season.

Peter knew that Tony didn't love her and that he only married her because of the stupid clause his father put into his will. The clause that said that Tony would lose all his heritage if he didn't marry before the age of 40.

So Peter had resigned himself to the fact that his and Tony's relationship would always have to stay a secret. Which didn't make it hurt any less when Tony changed rings with her and kissed her in front of the cheering crowd.

For @starkerfestivals Summer Bingo 2023: Married to the wrong person


THE CROWDED ROOM Episode 8 "Reunion"

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