

@quadrantadvisor / quadrantadvisor.tumblr.com

Currently loving turtles on main

literally kept Dark Danny a secret after Clockwork returned him to present time.

Imagine being fourteen years old and learning that cheating a TEST could make you become a sociopathic killer. BYE CAUSE WHAT. I need more danny phantom art friends



I love writing fanfiction in English and using cute pet names like "love" or "dear" or "darling" because there's just so many nice terms of endearment and I'm German. There is like, one German pet name that's actually cute and the rest you can come up with is the equivalent of walking into the office in an ahegao hoodie on a Monday morning and announcing to all your colleagues that your partner names your body parts after beloved Disney characters. I'm convinced that when you're German and you die and go to the 9th circle of hell, Satan personally hands you a "welcome home loser" leaflet that starts not with your name but with "Dear Knuddelbär" to make it abundantly clear just what kind of place you walked into and that you're never getting out. When I was 15 I had a boyfriend who called me Schnucki once and I had such a visceral reaction of discomfort that I could not take that person seriously from that day forward and broke up with him a week after. Back in my early days of fandom in the year of our lord 2013 someone in the Blue Exorcist fandom asked me "oh what are some cute German things you can call your partner, I tried googling but I don't know which of these I should use" and for a moment I wanted to delete this person's entire search history, unplug their wifi router and do a cleansing ritual for our poor mortal souls but eventually settled for "call them Schatz and roll with this throughout the entire work. Alternatively, use something in English."


Dan in his human form! He’s still into NASA but also wears a lot of clothes that have subtext because Danny takes his shirts a bit too seriously at first (e.g. Villain Chillin) and Dan just finds his paranoia amusing. Yes he’s also a cat person.

I look forward to my final Dan character sheet. We’ve had Phantom, we’ve had Human. What next? 🙃

Anonymous asked:

do you know where "no beta we die like x" comes from and how it is used?

The term "beta" in this context is short for "beta reader" - a person who reads a fic while it's still in the editing stage and helps the writer get it ready to post. Some betas check grammar. Some check canon compliance. Some are sensitivity readers. There are lots of things that betas can do.

So functionally, saying "no beta" means that the writer didn't get this checked by a second person before they posted it. It's a warning that there might be errors or typos etc. It's mostly used when an author has written something quickly and is posting without doing a lot of (or any) edits first.

As for where it comes from? It all started with a bumper sticker.

This image was an internet meme at one point, and it got meme'd on in the form of "no ___ we ___ like men"

Here on tumblr, one of the versions that got really popular was from now-deleted user @grec1a who created this version:

From there, it migrated to AO3 as the "no beta we die like men" tag, and very often the word men is replaced by the name of a character who dies in canon.


I did not know this, but it makes so much sense, and it's SO good to learn fanfiction history.

Is THAT where "No [X], we die like men" comes from?????


There’s still debate about split attraction on my dash why do you people even care

If someone identifies as a bisexual lesbian how does that affect your life? Like actually. Outside of your little online world what tangible difference is it making in your day to day? Some people have complicated relationships to sex and romance. I thought the whole point of the modern queer movement was for people to do as they please and be legally protected.

Yeah maybe you don’t get it. Maybe there’s some identities you’ll roll your eyes at. So? So? Why the hell do you care?


First you procrastinate on the task because it is not a big enough deal to get done urgently. Then you procrastinate on the task because it has become such a big deal that doing it is overwhelming. You would think that this implies a middle point where it is just big enough of a deal to get done easily, however the inherent perversity of the universe's causal geometry prevents this


important ! In recent years especially this year I’ve noticed a lot that the internet language picked up so many Islamic phrases and, from a muslim perspective, it makes the internet a little more welcoming. the thing is, a lot of the time with Islamic phrases you have to be careful about when and where to say them they hold their own weight and demand their own respect so here is a list explaining each phrase and some notes about it.

  • In sha allah

It means “ If God wills “. Muslims say it because we’re unaware of what future holds it’s actually blasphemous to claim to know the future, so saying so means “ If it’s the will of god it will happen if not it won’t “ and you’d say it about future events. side note, it’s also a polite way of saying No. for example, someone asks you to do something and you say in sha allah. Technically you’re not saying yes or no, and if it’s not in god’s will it won’t happen.

  • Ma sha allah

It means “ this is what god intended “ and it’s a compliment. Saying so is like saying WOW! But it’s also kind of a prayer of protection? If I see someone with pretty hair I should say “ Ma sha allah your hair is very pretty “ the ma sha allah protects the person from the evil eye. By saying that I’m also saying I’m not jealous I’m genuinely enamored and I don’t wish any harm to go to it.

  • Astagfurullah

it means “ to god I repent “ or “ from god I seek forgiveness” it’s usually used when you make a mistake but people also use it when they see something bad or when they want to avoid saying something bad. Like once my card refused to work and I’d say that so I won’t say any curse words and to calm down my anger

  • wallah/wallahi

okay this one is important. This one shouldn’t be used so lightly. It means “ by god’s name “ and it’s basically swearing in Allah’s name. You are only supposed to say it if you genuinely mean what you’re saying. It’s such a heavy word that I only say it very rarely and if you say it and don’t follow up on what you said you have to fast for three days as repentance.

One more note is that with the name of Allah you should also be careful it’s not supposed to be written on papers that’ll get stepped on or lightly used in art because it also has its own weight it’s regarded heavily. Like even in home decorations it should be elevated and not overshadowed. If I have to throw away a paper I have to sit down and color over the name of Allah or burn the papers so it won’t get thrown in trash.

another note is that those phrases aren’t Muslim exclusive. Some Arab non-Muslims use them as well. This is only my explanation from a Muslim perspective.

Another another note is this is what I can remember at the moment but if you have additions or enquiries let me know

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