
@mathes0n / mathes0n.tumblr.com

Elijah, autistic, genderfluid, irl ford pines, i can be further contacted at jo.nolting.9@gmail.com, read my about to learn more, im comfortable enough in my sexuality to admit that thog is hot

Seto Kaiba is like Glados was a gay man instead of a lesbian. Can someone who shares my very specific special interests have a 10 hour conversation with me about this



- act more evil than they are, truthfully are just a product of their circumstances

- The circumstances in question: a morally corrupt CEO with a mustache who is dead and also loves putting dead people in machines (Cave Johnson, Gozaburo Kaiba)

- “Hm what if I take over this morally corrupt company and turn it into something that just focuses on my special interest only” (testing, card games)

- Unethically run a corporation but unethical in the sense that they make like. Death traps

- Are reincarnations in a sense (Caroline, Seto/Seth)

- Has a rival who despite all odds manages to evade death and defeats them at their own game. They’re completely obsessed with their rival. But when circumstances force them to work with their rival, they see a new side to their rival, and start to appreciate them at a deeper level. They actually make a really good team but they would kill themselves to death before admitting that (Chell, Atem/Yami Yugi)

- Lets their rival leave ultimately, as it’s what’s best for them, but god do they obsess obsess OBSESS

I’m sure there’s more parallels I could draw but I think my closing argument is ‘I think human glados would dress like that’


Seto Kaiba is like Glados was a gay man instead of a lesbian. Can someone who shares my very specific special interests have a 10 hour conversation with me about this


Top home stuck fandom moments is every Aradia enjoyer hating that fucking ‘crave that mineral’ meme because it kept being equated to Aradia even though the mineral thing applied to goats, not rams. Truly a moment of several people individually going

Anonymous asked:

Forgive me if I say she’s giving off muppet energy

Lil bit

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