
fanning the flames

@ravingrevolution / ravingrevolution.tumblr.com

Raving - Writer - They/She/? - Queer (in all the ways)
Check out my R*dbubble designs or read my weird Fan Fiction on AO3
Fandoms include: The Murderbot Diaries - The Witcher - Teen Wolf (early seasons) - probably others

The way Murderbot Book Seven really went "The Power of Friendship? WRONG. The power of Media Consumption" 🤣🤣🤣


you know what i'm gonna get sappy for a second bear with me

there are a lot of posts and memes for writers about how hard writing is and how annoying it can be and how dispiriting it can feel when we don't make progress the way we'd like to. and those are true, and relatable, and funny! i've been there!

but maybe it doesn't get said enough in the other direction, so I'm gonna say it: I love writing. i love the process of putting phrases together and testing them for cadence and flow; i love knowing that there is a word for exactly the thing I want to convey, even if I just can't think of it right now, and going onto a thesaurus and being like there she is, that's the one!

but more than anything, I love the ritual of constantly asking myself "okay, and then what happens?" and feeling the same sense of delighted surprise every single time when somehow, a part of me I wasn't consciously aware of knows the answer. that experience, where my brain provides me solutions I didn't know it was working on, feels like a miracle every time. and getting into a productivity groove where I keep knowing the answers is one of the best feelings on the planet.

and sure, sometimes I don't know the answer, and it's hard and unsatisfying and see above about how easy it is to joke about how writing's the pits, but... that just makes it even more special when I'm firing on all cylinders, you know?

anyway, yeah. w r i t i n g.

Writing is magical. Sometimes you feel blessed, sometimes cursed, but nothing beats chaining together words and producing feelings as a result.


Insane things that Will did that make him much worse than Hannibal:

  • He had a gun with him when Hannibal stabbed him and he didn't even try to fight back, he let himself be held as his bowls were falling out
  • He foreplayed with his therapist during therapy
  • He had to be stopped from shooting a guy crawling out of a horse all because he had psychosexual rage towards his therapist and wanted to take it out on the guy he was supposed to catch
  • Flew to Europe to sneak around Hannibal's old property, called the scar on his stomach a 'smile' and forced Chiyoh to kill the guy she's been keeping a prisoner because he wanted to see what she would do, then turned his corpse into a grotesque art piece with no witnesses to that
  • He sailed to Europe and told the detective there that 'he doesn't know what he'll do when he sees Hannibal so he should be careful' ?? (brother you're there to catch Hannibal....)
  • He sat with Hannibal in the gallery saying the most romantic shit ever, failed to stab him and then he just let Hannibal dig the bullet out and drug him??? (you can't convince me he didn't have an ounce of energy to fight back or see that coming mr I tell the future with senses)
  • He started combing his hair back after Hannibal tried to saw open his brain... ok whore
  • He got jealous when Hannibal started admiring a serial killer
  • He never once complained about eating Hannibal's cooking & he KNEW it was people...

goat fight. non-negotiable.

I think it’s also very important that this is a fight in which the characters *actually interact with their environment* in a way that feels real. Like, yes, have superpowers but there’s no cartoon physics involved, no obvious sense that this was filmed on an empty set with a greenscreen and the background was added later, or that they’re filming without even the people they’re fighting being present, just ‘look over here and make a hand gesture’. The shield gets stuck in a car, there’s that awful moment of the knife sliding along the side of the van that cues up with the mounting tension in the soundtrack. Bucky’s arm impacts the pavement and actually dents it, etc. They’re jumping over/behind the cars and getting thrown into them/into the pavement in a way that feels more visceral than just ‘whoosh there was a wire & we CGI’d in the rest’. t has a sense of real world space to it, and that adds to the feeling of real world stakes.


This is one of the few fight scenes I can recall seeing that makes a little knife look like a real threat. Like I am legit scared for Steve when that thing darts in, because he’s not wearing armor and it really feels like the WS could open him up like a can. I feel like movie fight scenes don’t usually hit that note with knives.


not enough stories go for the lycanthropy-as-menstruation angle tbh. sure I see plenty of "time of the month" jokes but there's so much unexplored potential. scatterbrained werewolf feeling cranky and exhausted for no discernible reason before checking their phone and seeing the "your transformation is in two days" notification like "oohh right. the horrors." werewolf girl losing her whole mind trying to excuse herself from a function so she can go transform but noooo she can't just say that's what she has to do because it's "impolite" or whatever and she has to keep making vague excuses with weird euphemisms. werewolf guy having an awkward conversation with an acquaintance who keeps talking about the divine lycanthropic and the mystic properties of the wolf and moon, and like, he's not going to tell them that their relationship with their own transformations is wrong, but for him it's just this kind of annoying kind of painful thing he needs to deal with sometimes? and it feels weird elevating this basic bodily function of his to something quasi religious?


went to a "local elected official listening session" today and...you should, too!

(caveat 1 - I live in the USA)((caveat 2 - I forgot my fucking brain meds so this is going to be an ADHD-adled ramble))

key takeaways:


seriously, they (sometimes) have incredibly well-reasoned arguments and (whether they're reasonable or not) very obviously show up every time because local officials absolutely recognize and remember them

  • issues are very weirdly divided by party...which I mean not exactly a surprise but finding common ground is essential

example: climate change (something my local olds were very concerned about)...if Wisconsin keeps getting hotter we won't be able to grow barley and therefore won't be able to brew beer - that's a great talking point!

  • you don't have to say anything!

my brain was Not Optimized For Interaction so I stayed quiet, but I do plan to follow up with an email thanking the reps who came

  • but you can say something!

seriously, if Dolores with a printout from 2013 about property taxes can ramble on and on about it, you can definitely raise your concerns about the [insert cause here] and you don't even have to be confrontational about it - you can just ask them what their stance is/what they know about current legislation involving that topic

so yeah, this is your reminder that local politics matter! and it isn't as scary to get involved as you might think

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