
Ham Man In The House


Woop woop

ok, everyone, I hate to ask this, but I need to. Me and one of my friends, who I chose not to reveal the identity of, made a deal. Every note this post gets, they will reach out to someone every time the urge and thought of sucide gets too much, or too strong. I really need all of you to boost this.

@official-lucifers-child and @gway-is-bored please boost this, you two have a bigger following than me, and I need this to get as many notes as possible to keep my friend alive.

of course


since i only ever send rick rolls to ppl i figured id just post one for all my followers for april fools day this year to save myself the effort

happy april fools y’all


how bad could it possibly be


this is it.  this is my favorite tag on this post

it’s time. its been a whole year since i made this post


The US has come up with a guideline that would deny people with learning disabilities and severe cognitive delays the right to critical care if they get the coronavirus.

This is a nightmare because this is how Hitler once began euthanizing the mentally ill in hospitals. This is how eugenics started. Please, please do one of the following to stop this guideline from continuing:

- Start a petition to the appropriate officials

- Talk with your local officials & share your concerns

- Share this post everywhere & make your friends & family aware of the issue. This is important.

Let me correct myself and say this policy is currently in Alabama and a few other states. However, the fear is that other states may quickly follow suit. So, just beware and be as loud as possible when advocating!


about to fail my gender presentation 😔😔

assigned at BIRTH?! holy shit this presentation is so overdue do you think they accept late work

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