
The Undead Cleric

@undeadcleric / undeadcleric.tumblr.com

Once I was a mere servant of the Way of White. Once I was a gentle, if meek man. Once I was human. That was a long time ago... (An interdependent Dark Souls Rp account. Will rp with just about any fandom. Searching for 'Undead_Cleric' in tags.)

I love everything about this.


@headspacedad Is this true? Because I love the concept of bunnies practically flipping the bird


this is TRUE!

Rabbits rely on body language for the majority of their communication.  They also rely on manners in a way that would make the Heian Era aristocrats look uncultured.  And you don’t get manner dictates like that without ALSO knowing how to be passive-aggressive with them. 

Rabbit flops are super vulnerable for a bunny.  Their stomachs are exposed and they’re in a position that means if danger shows up they have to waste precious seconds getting up before they can sprint for safety.  A rabbit flop means both ‘I’m so happy I can’t contain it’ and ‘I feel so safe I am going to be vulnerable and really let go’.  Rabbit owners love seeing it.  It means that your bun really does feel that safe around you.  It’s a pretty high compliment from an animal that knows everyone’s out to kill them.

However -

it can also be used passive aggressively in the ‘you mean so little to me you’re not even worth acknowledging as existing’.  It’s right on the same level as walking into a room and greeting everyone but one person.  An enemy rabbit would be a threat.  This rabbit?  This rabbit isn’t even important enough to be a threat.  They’re a nobunny and so I will flop because there is nothing in the area worthy enough to bother being aware of.

To humans it can look very much the same but trust me, the bunnies know exactly which is which.


More inadvisable diegetic explanations for why your soulslike protagonist keeps coming back from death:

  1. Something happened with you and Death that's made things, like, super awkward between the two of you, and Death has been deliberately avoiding you ever since. You don't like to talk about it.
  2. A mad scientist who's experimenting with the reanimation of dead tissue keeps resurrecting you by mistake. They aren't even looking for you specifically – you just keep coincidentally ending up in their corpse pile, and they never realise it's you on the table before pulling the lever; they're extremely sick of seeing your face.
  3. God has a gambling problem, and He made a bet that somehow requires you in particular to be alive. Every time He brings you back He's going double or nothing on the wager; at this point He couldn't stop even if He wanted to, because the consequences of cutting His losses would literally be unimaginable.
  4. You're a rogue member of a secret society of anthropomorphic cat sorcerers who've conquered death by sealing the entire city inside an enormous enchanted box, thus rendering your dead/alive state ontologically ambiguous; your quest is to open the box, thereby making your erstwhile peers – and yourself – mortal again.
  5. The sin that damned you to Hell was so fucking weird that there genuinely isn't a page in the big book of punishments for that, and it turns out that there's no particular mechanism in place to stop you from just wandering off and doing whatever while they're trying to figure out what to do with you.
  6. You're actually playing as an endless series of eerily similar cousins out to avenge the original player character's cutscene-mandated prologue death, and that's why you need to go on a corpse run to get your shit back every time you die: you're literally retrieving the previous cousin's stuff.
  7. Have you ever wondered what actually happens if you ignore the warning in the erectile dysfunction medication's fine print to see a doctor if your erection lasts longer than four hours? Well...

Love all of these.


The Signs and Empire:

Aries: An empire of fire and salt water. Fertile island fortresses patrolled by many-armed stone sentinels wielding golden flamberges. Rivers of fire spilling into the sea.

Taurus: An empire of honey and snow. Castles that stand as decadent art. Colossal ghostly spirit foxes watch over forests of cherry trees.

Gemini: An empire of rain and silk. Glittering iridescent cloaks and wide brimmed straw masks. The aqueducts flow ever deeper into the mountains.

Cancer: An empire of time and woodlands. Citadels of fossilized lumber strong as any metal. Old rusted weapons jut from the grass like weeds.

Leo: An empire of roses and bridges. Subtle stonework hewn rough by ages of wear. Stone blossoms wilting as the season passes.

Virgo: An empire of tombs and amber. The spires of the great necropolis are visible over the labyrinth walls, as kongamato patrol the skies.

Libra: An empire of sand and glass. The libraries of a thousand cities stolen, collected in the grand archives. A library of libraries. 

Scorpio: An empire of blood and stars. Nothing is left of this great people, but their decedents know their history well. Spilling blood on the great story-stones that dot the overgrowth brings whispers of the past. 

Ophiuchus: An empire of wind and hooves. Steeds like a thunderstorm, heavy and dark. Leaving only nursing trees and pillars to the dead in their wake.

Sagittarius: A landless empire of wanderers. Cloaks of feathers and ritual smoke. Comfortable boots and hospitality, though they are the guests.

Capricorn: An empire of stories and loss. Ruins buried under ice, unseen for generations.

Aquarius: An empire of brass and coal. The corpses of war machines that now dot the landscape. Rusted green in the autumn rains. 

Pisces: A sunken empire. Pillars of shining black salt break the waves, the deeper recesses of the grand palace lie sodden and unexplored.

Aries: An empire of fire and salt water. Fertile island fortresses patrolled by many-armed stone sentinels wielding golden flamberges. Rivers of fire spilling into the sea.

Taurus: An empire of honey and snow. Castles that stand as decadent art. Colossal ghostly spirit foxes watch over forests of cherry trees.

Gemini: An empire of rain and silk. Glittering iridescent cloaks and wide brimmed straw masks. The aqueducts flow ever deeper into the mountains.

Cancer: An empire of time and woodlands. Citadels of fossilized lumber strong as any metal. Old rusted weapons jut from the grass like weeds.

Leo: An empire of roses and bridges. Subtle stonework hewn rough by ages of wear. Stone blossoms wilting as the season passes.

Virgo: An empire of tombs and amber. The spires of the great necropolis are visible over the labyrinth walls, as kongamato patrol the skies.

Libra: An empire of sand and glass. The libraries of a thousand cities stolen, collected in the grand archives. A library of libraries.

Scorpio: An empire of blood and stars. Nothing is left of this great people, but their decedents know their history well. Spilling blood on the great story-stones that dot the overgrowth brings whispers of the past.

Sagittarius: A landless empire of wanderers. Cloaks of feathers and ritual smoke. Comfortable boots and hospitality, though they are the guests.

Capricorn: An empire of stories and loss. Ruins buried under ice, unseen for generations.

Aquarius: An empire of brass and coal. The corpses of war machines that now dot the landscape. Rusted green in the autumn rains.

Pisces: A sunken empire. Pillars of shining black salt break the waves, the deeper recesses of the grand palace lie sodden and unexplored.

Ophiuchus: An empire of wind and hooves. Steeds like a thunderstorm, heavy and dark. Leaving only nursing trees and pillars to the dead in their wake.

I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could be able to translate these abstract lands and draw them connect them to each troll of homestuck. The idea was to make them pretty quickly in a day, but the more I did, the more details I put into the next drawing, so the first one is almost a sketch and the last one is way much cleaner. In the end I did six or seven in a day and lost the interest for a month, until yesterday I decided to finish it. My favorite is Kanaya, it was quite difficult to understand and the amber labyrinth took me quite some time to make

I hope you like them, it was quite fun to make them


I cant believe someone wrote something with lands empires of ____ and ____ WITHOUT the original being homestuck



Marriage is about having good sex and committing unspeakable acts of violence for one another

“it’s about love” yes and love is tearing a man’s heart out of his chest and presenting it to your beloved wife because he dared to disrespect her. And then getting absolutely railed.

I don’t think that every villain in the world actually thinks they’re being a good guy, but I do think that everybody creates a value system that justifies the actions they’re taking, and and I think there’s a difference between those two things. Not everybody believes that they’re on the side of righteousness, but everybody has a way of justifying the actions they’re taking. Not every villain has to be a misunderstood hero, and in fact I think there are a lot of instances throughout history of people who were obviously doing the wrong thing and probably had an understanding of that on some level, but had some rationale or justification for it. A lot of villains in literature and media have these weird, Thanos-esque philosophies of what it is that they’re trying to do, and I think human motivation tends to come from more primal places than that. So a lot of the villains I write can be brilliant or clever (and, in fact, probably should be), but their motivation tends to be primal. They wanna be rich, they wanna have power, they wanna live forever. There’s something deep down that is, when you break it down, not too complex. Right? If you look at the real world, the people that are doing bad stuff don’t need complex motivations. They wanna rule the world! They wanna be rich! They wanna be unafraid that other people can ever screw them over, so they screw other people over. Evil is boring. Right? I kinda believe in the banality and mundanes of evil. Evil is just selfish impulses, which at the end of the day are really easy to understand. It’s easy to understand why people do bad things. It’s like “yeah, ok, you’re selfish and scared and cruel, I get it”. Being good is complex and beautiful and hard.

Brennan Lee Mulligan, when asked how to create villains for ttrpgs

(I found this quote to be really meaningful in like…life in general which is why I posted it here. When he said “evil is boring”, it felt like something clicked in me that I had known deep down but hadn’t had the words for.)


I just saw the words “ADHD privilege” and I’d say my whole brain ground to a halt, but let’s be honest, that’s nothing new.

ADHD privilege is forever being late because time blindness is a thing that exists and time is a meaningless construct.

ADHD is living in a constant state of sleep deprivation as we try to fit our lives around a 9-5 work/school schedule not designed for us as our circadian rhythm kicks in much, much later than neurotypical peoples, making us natural night owls.

ADHD privilege is forever feeling overwhelmed and like you’re never achieving anything, because unlike neurotypicals, you don’t get a hit of dopamine for doing simple tasks like folding laundry or remembering to take care of yourself. You’re not bad, lazy or worthless. You’re literally not getting enough dopamine fo your brain to work.

ADHD privilege is having our meds be extremely hard to get because neurotypical people who don’t need the same chemical brain support as we do abuse them the shit out of them then claim they’re bad. And no, reliance on a medication that helps you is not addiction, you are not weak or failing because you need meds. Also side note: addiction is a mental illness and it’d be super swell if people could stop demonizing it and using it as justication to deny people help!!!

True ADHD privilege is being the one person in the friend group who is able to afford a therapist who actually knows ADHD isn’t the “can’t sit still, lazy bad” disorder and relaying all the new things you learn each week in the hopes it might help someone else.

For context, this was on my FB timeline, and yes it was some neurotypical bullshit about how “Gifted” we are, and how we only need to realize it because “success is one part talent and two parts grift”.

They took it down the moment me and several other friends lost our neurodivergent minds in the comments. But yeah. “ADHD privilege”. Wild.


Pretty sure what they thought was a gift and called “ADHD Privilege” is really just hyperfocusing.

It looks like someone tirelessly churning out some of the most incredible, well thought out, detailed work (whether fan or original content) chock full of symbolism and connections most folks wouldn’t have ever made. It looks like art, music, stories, thoughts, theories, and ideas unlike anything made before by one of their peers.

It is spending hours, even days relentlessly hyperfocused on one tiny thing, not eating or sleeping or hydrating or exercising or doing work or chores or anything except thinking about the object of your hyperfixation; not because you want to but because you are literally, physically, mentally unable to stop. 

It is sleepless nights, physical and mental fatigue, and sudden dizziness from one or multiple of the half dozen ways you forgot to take care of your body. 

It is distress at being pulled away from your fixation and becoming irrationally, extremely angry at the one who dragged you away. 

It is mounting anxiety as you become increasingly aware of what you should be doing but aren’t because this thing has so utterly consumed you. The fear of what is going undone, what is being lost, how much you’ll have to catch up on, or worse, start from scratch. Few fears are greater than that of having to figure out how to start over.

Then, all of a sudden, you can’t stand it anymore. Mere moments ago you couldn’t stop, but now, without warning, in the middle of a thought, you cannot continue. At last, you are released from that fixation. But there is no peace in it. There is no closure, nor relief. It leaves you empty, ill from lack of self-care, and longing for the boundless energy and focus and creativity you had before.

And then they come. The ones who saw not your plight but its products. They praise you for what you created, and condemn you for what went undone in your helpless fervor.

Hyperfocusing is a fire burning within you, burning you up to shine itself brighter; until one day it just dies, freeing you of it’s pain and destruction but leaving you anting of it’s warmth and light; for it has hollowed you out, leaving you charred and crumbling and cold; and these bystanders, uninformed and uncaring, have the audacity to bask in your fire while reprimanding your ashes for the smoke they have caused.

This is exactly what they were implying and also Exactly how it feels and oh my god, thank you.


I have been watching The Little Mermaid on repeat for research and – while I Have Angst, I enjoy it immensely. However I cannot get over: SHE. IS. 16. ERIC.

I am really enjoying the – albeit extremely brief – view into Little Mermaid World of legal procedures

  1. Contracts do not require independent witnesses*
  2. 16 is a legal age to enter a contract
  3. Contracts are magically binding AND protective shields
  4. Royalty does not grant immunity

* 1b. Independent witnesses. Flotsam and Jetsam are Ursula’s familiars – which is a dubious point in legal personhood in many magical circles.

“Are familiars extensions of their witch/wizard or are they independent, magically connected personas.” Common argument/question.

If they are extensions, you cannot witness yourself (this defeats the purpose of requiring a witness), but if the latter, you have to delineate at what level control / persuasion the witch/wizard has over the familiar.

How truly independent are they. 

I say this not as a judgement – this isn’t a snarky “oh really? how independent can they really be?” but as an actual legal question I would pose in the merworld of The Little Mermaid.


A fair point about Flotsam and Jetsam, but Ariel did have Flounder and Sebastian present as well so regardless of if Flotsam and Jetsam count, there were witnesses present. Granted, these witnesses were against Ariel signing the contract, which raises a whole host of legal questions.


imagine if the oceans were replaced by forests and if you went into the forest the trees would get taller the deeper you went and there’d be thousands of undiscovered species and you could effectively walk across the ocean but the deeper you went, the darker it would be and the animals would get progressively scarier and more dangerous and instead of whales there’d be giant deer and just wow

you have a beautiful imagination


this gave me chills



first of all ^^^ I love this^^^

secondly, I’ve said it before, but 

this is exactly what the Old World was. Off shore there was Ocean, and inland there was Forrest

Here’s an Old World tree still surviving in a modern forrest of “large” trees

That’s just what trees used to be like.

And wandering among those trees, one might have encountered, yes, deer larger than a modern moose, but also, depending on what year, pigs bigger than grizzly bears, beavers the size of modern wolves, ground sloths the size of modern elephants, and bears nearly that big. Not to mention the insects and snakes and shit.

I could keep going, like, you might have crossed paths with a whole herd of these

or a family of these.

Like, 29,000 years ago, the last of the Neanderthal had just died out. Humans and this thing definitely lived at the same time.

And they didn’t live in the Forest, but there is one ice age creature that’s still alive, if you want to see what life was like back in the day. We used to think the Musk Ox was a type of bovine, or cow, which is how it got it’s name. BUT. See this?


that, my friends, is an ice age GOAT. That’s right, that’s a 900 pound GOAT. Here, take another look

anyway, yeah, the wild used to be a lot more Wild. Old Forest was definitely the inland equivalent of Ocean, and everything back in the day was turnt the fuck UP

This post was made by someone’s genetic memory of those scary fuckers


Wheat fields are more mystical than fields of other crops. You are 7,000 times more likely to meet an old god or see a portent of doom in a wheat field than in a field of like… soybeans.

For your consideration: cornfields

Cornfields are less mystical than wheat fields but more mystical than soybean fields. Two-bit monsters congregate in corn fields to eat people, but their power is nothing compared to the things that manifest in wheat fields. 


Have been in both wheat and cornfields; can confirm. Cornfields host monsters who eat people. Wheat fields attract old gods. 

I have a theory that this is because the notions most of us have of “old gods” are pretty intrinsically European, and wheat was (and is) the staple crop of European life. It is quite literally tied to the ancestral rituals and beliefs of most white people. Odin, the Morrigan, and even Zeus are actually linked to a set of peoples who cultivated wheat.

Meanwhile, corn (maize) is a crop native to the Americas. It features in the white cultural imagination in a very different way. Corn is a motif seen not in our ancestral myths, but in a much newer genre: the American Gothic. With its focus on the tensions between man and nature and—perhaps more importantly—the United States’s history of genocide against its indigenous population and trade in enslaved Africans, the American Gothic is VERY preoccupied with agriculture. Our monsters come out of corn fields because corn is a symbol for not only what we did to the Native Americans (who were the first to grow the crop), but of what we are doing to the very land itself. Corn is a monument to our cultural sins.

Meanwhile, I suspect that corn features very differently in the imaginations of people of color. If you asked a Native American person or a Latinx person what sort of mysticism they associate with corn fields, I imagine their answer would be very different than ours.

TLDR: White people associate wheat with our ancestors’ gods because our ancestors grew wheat. We associate corn with terrible monsters because it is a literal sign of our own monstrosity.


Native American here, can confirm that small plots of corn feel safe and homey; ideally they should be interplanted with other crops. You find turkeys and possums and raccoons in the corn. It might tell you important knowledge.


Giant monocultures of corn, where the corn grows unbroken for miles and miles, not near human habitation, devoid of local wildlife, just corn on corn in the soft wind? Corn mega monocultures? Those sound like screaming.


Steve Irwin travels back and forth between heaven and hell to make the most watched TV show as of yet: The Crocodile Hunter vs. Satan’s Abominations


Transcription of Celestial T.V. Spot: Steve Irwin’s Abyssal Creatures, #S15-2. Location: The Abyss, Layer #66, the Demonweb. Starring Steve Irwin, Directed by Inias, Produced by Metatron, All rights reserved: Celestial Broadcasting Center (CBC) and The Lord, He Who Is On High. Reproduction and/or distribution without express permission is punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 or eternity in Hell.


Steve Irwin crouches beside a gnarled tree covered in thick webbing.

STEVE: G’day, I’m Steve Irwin. I’m here in the Abyss today, on layer 66, which you may know as the “Demonweb.” Come on over here. Let me show you a real beauty. (indicates creature). That big fella right there is called a bebilith. She must be four and a half meters tall. Now look at those legs! Those legs! Wow! Those legs could skewer me in one bad step. Or a good step if she’s looking for it (laugh).

The bebilith drinks moaning souls from a steaming cesspool, then scuttles over to a stone spire to begin covering it in webbing.

STEVE: She’s got eight legs like an arachnid, but she’s no ordinary house spider, I can tell you. She’s also got those big old claws. See that curve at the end like a fish hook? Or I guess pry-bar is a better comparison because she’ll take those wicked beauties and put them right here (indicates sternum) and tear me open like a bag of crisps. We’ll try to avoid that today (laugh). Come on, let’s try to get a closer look.

Steve carefully stalks closer and pauses when the bebilith looks at him.

STEVE: Here we are. She’s taken notice of me. Get a look at those eyes. They’ve got the visage of damned souls in there, and she’s trying to bind me with fear, because that’ll make me easy prey. If I’m afraid, I’ll freeze. I’m not that easy mate. Nice try. I’m making small movements to show I’m not paralyzed with fear, but I’m still taking it slow so she doesn’t perceive me as a threat. That’s it, mate. That’s it, mate.

Steve moves closer. The bebilith produces webbing from its backside and flings some at Steve. He dodges and circles the bebilith slowly.

STEVE: Boy! What a right trick she’s got. (laugh). Did you see what she did there? That webbing’s not actually all that dangerous. None of the toxins you’ll see in the Nest Shriekers, and nowhere near the tensile strength of a Derragon. She’s just trying to pin me down, even for a moment. But if she’s got that moment, she’ll charge and then it’s all over for old Steve. Let’s not give her that moment, what do you say? (laugh). Come on, Mate. That’s it. Come on.

Steve approaches to within arms length of the bebilith. It remains stationary, but watches him.

STEVE: She’s still trying to figure me out. I’m not all that bad. You’re a beauty. Wow, look at that chitin. Imagine a Archon’s Sword on that armor. She’s like a tank. (bebilith shifts). Whoa, mate. Let’s keep away from those claws. Whoa, mate. Come on, mate. There we go. (laugh). That’s right. I’m trying to put her at ease. A lot of people think demon’s are composed of pure chaos and evil, and that couldn’t be farther from the truth. They’re just the lovely little gifts we get from the Abyssal Maw. They just need respect. Don’t take that to mean you should walk right up and pet one, though. Don’t forget, I’m a professional. Just look at her. Wow!

BEBILITH: (Abyssal curses)

STEVE: Listen to that. Doesn’t that just amaze you? What a commanding voice. What a majestic sound. She’s got a real range of vocalizations that she can use to warn off intruders or plant the seeds of madness in the mortal mind. It’s a beauty. Wow. Now, you may notice I’m keeping to her side right here. That’s for good reason, friends. I told you about her claws, but I’m also keeping some distance from that wicked pair of mandibles she has there. Look at them. Wow! Must be 20 centimeters long. If she bites down on me, she’ll pump a good half-liter of poison right into my veins that’ll seize up my muscles in the blink of an eye. (laugh). Then I’m ripe for the picking. Boy, what a bad day that would be. You’ve got a thousand ways to kill, don’t you, mate?

The bebilith turns away from him and begins etching arcane runes into a bleached human skull with a sharp claw. Steve wraps his arms around a leg in a hug-like embrace.

STEVE: There we go, girl. There we go girl. (petting her). I can call her “girl” now because we’re in love. She knows I’m not here to hurt her, and I know she’s not interested in laying a clutch of eggs in my intestines. She may look like a giant spider-crab made of spines, but I know she’s just a big softy. We were lucky to find her today. Here in the Demonweb, bebiliths are becoming harder and harder to find. Layer 66 in general is shrinking as other infinite layers grow and spring into existence. It could get squeezed down until our girl doesn’t have the habitat to sustain her soul harvests any longer. What a shame. But that’s just the way of life in the Abyss.

Steve touches the bebilith for a moment longer, then carefully backs away towards the camera.

STEVE: In a few millennia we might see the layer bounce back, and hopefully our girl here will still be going strong. Until then, we’ll let her be. Oh, look at that beauty. Wow! I hope you had as wild a time as I did here with this beautiful bebilith. I’m real excited we could make the trek all the way down here. The Abyss can be an amazing place if you know where to look. Thank you for joining me, and I hope to see you again soon on “Steve Irwin’s Abyssal Creatures.” G’day!

Wow! You had me smiling the entire read. I love the story @drrove


The Addams Family renting out rooms in their huge mansion cheaply to broke college students.

The students digging it because the craziness and the bugs are pretty much the same as any other dorm house. Also, Morticia and Gomez treat them all like visiting cousins, not like tenants to abuse and exploit. 

One of the tenants is a creative writing major and Gomez and Morticia house them up in the tower because of the quiet and the inspiring view

They’re supposed to be working on a typical coming-of-age story but after living with the Addams for just a week the project is becoming a horror-Gothic-romance

They go to their room after classes one day and find Thing correcting the grammar errors in the manuscript with a red pen 

and yeah, the students pay roughly market value for their rooms, but that doesn’t stop gomez from shouting “capital idea!” and handing them wads of cash when they tell him about their weekend plans or what they’re researching, so they basically end up living there for free


In the same vein, half the them have to turn into exceptional fencers, because Gomez just doesn’t give a shit, and if he sees you in the library, its fucking Sword Fighting Time. 

Fester and Pugsley find out one of the college students is trying to get into chemistry and woo boy, there has never been a faster study of how to counter various acidic chemical reactions due to “water” balloons in campus history. 

Morticia and Grammy are keeping the horticulturalists on their toes with their Black Tulip/Rose hybrids, which can flick their barbs a foot away from their stem system. But it’s fine, one of the kids has managed to breed Aloe with the anti venom. 

Lurch makes sandwiches for everyone who’s too much of a coward for Grammy’s cooking. Any music major will find him looming over them, utterly stone faced as they practise until they finish, when he’ll smile, and slowly applaud. 

And the spookiest thing of all

Wednesday and Thing will find your thesis. They will critique it in every way imaginable. 

There is no escape. 

I especially love the idea of Gomez spotting a student in the library, throwing a sword at a startled student, shouting, “En garde!” and lunging at him/her with a sword of his own.

Student (later in life), when asked how she jumps from quietly doing research to handling a sudden influx of ER cases so quickly and easily, says, “When you have to snap out of deep concentration on biochem to fight for your life then get back to biochem without losing your train of thought…you learn or you die.”

This has made me laugh so hard-

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