

@drunk-on-starlight / drunk-on-starlight.tumblr.com

Ranting about fictional characters, analysis. On Ao3 as seperatedcomasix

"Israel is pink washing"

Oh so you think that queer folk in a country can't celebrate their rights?

I thought that queer rights for every person was a good thing?

Or is it only a good thing if you like the country and if you don't like a country, queer people there should suffer?

Cause that doesn't sound very "Queer rights!" to me.

It's so bizzare to me. do they thing the Tel Aviv pride parade is funded by the IDF or something??? do they think the gay laws Israeli activists fought so hard to achieve are only allowed to pass because Israel is a "bloodthirsty genocide machine" and is trying to distract the world??? do they think queer people existing in Israel is a lie???

pinkwashing as a concept is so fucking weird. why are you mad queer people are getting rights????????????

That is apparently exactly what they believe--that anything positive being done by Israel is part of a concerted, deliberate strategy to "distract" from Israel's status as the Source Of All Evil In The World (tm)


I'll give this much to Americans: we really are impossible to satirize.


American government: easy to satirize. Could do it in my sleep

American people: impossible to satirize, when you try people will go "oh yeah that's normal" from all over the country

They stabbed our lord and savior and Sprite came out.


I don’t think I’ll ever forget my friends’ experience that is perfectly representative of American Universities when it comes to Jews.

I have friends at a college dealing with virulent antisemitism. Being told to go back to Brooklyn, being called Nazis without any provocation, vandalism in their community spaces etc. This is all while their Jewish community has no campus-worker representative like the other faith communities. The university, after years of not filling the position, introduced a woman who could fill in the spot that matched what they approved of.

Luckily, the Jewish students were able to sit down with her and ask her important questions before the hiring process.

When asked about her strengths, this candidate started on a spiel in how she specialized in lgbt issues and interfaith dialogue.

“Respectfully,” My friends interrupted. “We’re all gay here- reconciling our Jewishness with our sexualities and genders has never been the issue. At all. Ever.”

She continued to talk about how she was amazing in interfaith circles, and the Jewish students were happy enough to hear it. But they felt like it was steering away from their own problems.

“So what can you do with us and antisemitism?” They asked in that line of thought. “How can you advocate for us?”

Here, the woman stumbled and returned to talking about the struggles of LGBT people in the Jewish community as well as interfaith work.

“We’ve got the gay stuff figured out, thanks.” The students reiterated. “And we really can’t focus on interfaith when all of this is happening to us in the moment. What can you do to help us?”

She floundered so badly that the person overseeing this interview stepped in. And predictably, the Jewish students did not approve of her being hired so the spot still sits empty.

And I just.. I think it’s this game, you know? Where colleges get to point to their faith communities and say”look ! It’s that Tikkie Olamie thing with the gay Jews! And they get along so well with everyone else!” This is all while they push the actual concerns of Jewish students under a rug and never deign to throw them scraps of actual advocacy.

i also think a lot of interfaith dialogue and hot topic issues in religious communities have been christian centered for far too long. Whereas the Jewish debate for the past several thousand years has simply been "how do we survive and possibly thrive here?"

(that's not to say that Jewish community doesn't debate things in community. We debate everything but we're not like interested in having those debates with others. There's already Jews doing strong advocacy work for queer Jews. And yeah there's more work to be done but it's literally not the most pressing concern right now when Jewish students are being harassed)

Also here are things she could've possibly responded:

  1. Coordinate with university officials to do official statements on antisemitism
  2. Hold sessions to inform students what antisemitism is like and how to prevent it
  3. Help write policies for professors, students, and staff when it comes to hate speech
  4. Hold sessions about protesting and what that means and could look like
  5. Coordinate with Jewish students in general as they probably have pretty good fucking ideas
  6. Hold Jewish celebrations/services that are student led and closed to the community
  7. Held listening circles to help roadmap solutions

(which is all very obvious shit that anybody who'd done anything in dialogue and advocacy things would know)


The Jedi are an aro/ace culture that live happy and fulfilling lives and people hate them for it

People steeped in amatanormativity can't stand the idea that people don't want/need romance and can not only be content without it, but in fact very happy without romance

And thus they hate the Jedi, because an entire culture (even a fictional one) that is aro/ace-normative is an affront to them


I really think people have forgotten just how bad things were under the Trump Administration. Literally every day there was news about some service being cut or someone terrible appointed somewhere they shouldn't be or what have you. He constantly flirted with WW3 and military dictatorship. It was such a blur of badness that there aren't big standouts for people to point to to make him "the XYZ president." it was everything. all the time. Why do we not remember this.


Yes, you’re right, but the democrats did next to nothing to reverse the policies he introduced. In fact, they’re continuing the ones they said they’d stop, like the border wall. We will continue lurching into fascism is we don’t stand up and stop the establishment now. Republicans push us right, and democrats keep us there until the next republican pushes us a little further.


Trump and his chumps broke more stuff in four years than ANY administration could have fixed in just another four. We're going to be unfucking his messes for a decade or two, at least, and only then will we be able to start unfucking REAGAN'S messes.


THIS is why proper candidate research is important!!!! PLEASE, I am well aware that the Biden administration is far from perfect, but people need to start using common fucking sense. Unfortunately a third party candidate isn’t a viable option if we want to keep Trumplestiltskin out of office, Americans need to vote Biden. After that, y’know what, if he dies in office, at least we’ll get Kamala. Will it be fair that she wasn’t elected, that it had to be “hey, the old white guy died and you’re next in line” situation? No, but at least Kamala Harris will be a better option for VP than whoever the fuck Trump makes his VP.

Also, from a take-the-long-view perspective, as sad as this is, if Biden should die in office and Harris becomes president, it might do a lot to diversify the pool of presidential candidates, because a Black woman was president and the sky didn’t fall.

Also if she had to take the mantle in his seventh/eighth year, she’d still be eligible to run twice, and she’d have incumbent advantage. Meaning potentially sixteen years under Democratic leadership, untangling Trump’s mess at the federal level while we can work on pushing the party leftward at local and state levels—which then puts us in a better position to do so at a federal level.


hey um did you know that people who believe themselves to be incapable of hatred are the most prone to it?


David Gerbi gestures in front of the main synagogue in Tripoli, Libya, October 2011. David Gerbi, a 56-year-old psychoanalyst living in Italy, was referred to by many as the “revolutionary Jew.” He returned to his homeland of Libya after a 44-year exile recently, and wanted to restore Tripoli’s long-abandoned main synagogue. (Credit: AP Photo)


Here’s some interesting information this post leaves out: the literal day after this photo was taken, Gerbi was blocked from his work on the synagogue, threatened by a murderous antisemitic lynch mob keen to violently prove there is no place for Jews in Libya. These mobs followed him from the synagogue to his hotel, where on the night of Yom Kippur, he sat for hours as hundreds of people screamed for him to come downstairs so they could kill him. With assistance from the Italian consul, Gerbi ultimately had to leave the country under military escort.

The synagogue remains as violently gutted, looted, desecrated, and erased as nearly every other trace of Jewish life in Libya; most Jewish cemeteries in the country have been ripped apart to make room for office buildings and highways, and most synagogues have been either destroyed or converted to mosques. And naturally no Jews remain or are welcome to return to preserve or reconnect with their heritages, as his trip illustrated. So utterly has consciousness of Libyan Jewishness been decimated, Gerbi - who was driven out of the country at age 12 by violent persecution with his all of his family’s possessions stolen - noted that many Libyans he spoke to were utterly shocked to learn that he had been born in Libya. As a Libyan Jew residing in Italy, desiring to work on restoring heritage sites in the place he and his family and community were violently expelled from, he was accused by local authorities of coming from Israel to “take over” and “steal the wealth” of Libya.

Gerbi continues to work for the rights of ignored Libyan Jews and Mizrahim who have had everything stolen from them and yet occupy no space in their former countries and the world’s consciences or memories. His more recent projects include attempts to digitize destroyed Jewish Libyan cemeteries, since his efforts to physically preserve or restore communal Jewish sites in his country of birth have been blocked by hatred and violence. You can read about his experience in 2011 here and some of his work here.


I know people think of Southern California as just beaches and Hollywood but I need people to understand that 90% of us are from a place that look like one or more of these images

Official California Post


a development team that looks like this could not possibly have any preconceived biases against Black people. noooo way. its just a mistake that all of the Black people in fo4 are slaves or named after fascist colonizers or murdered or stereotypical conspiracy freaks. there is no way that the reality of this team is reflected in the art they create over and over and over and over and over and over and

out of the tags. fuck you

[A screenshot of tags that read, "Im sorry I can't fucking deal with this shit anymore, genuinely if yu're white/nonblack and think that you can excuse the shit this team has done to Black characters with fanfiction ass excuses, I think 1: you should unfollow and 2: you should maybe fucking get more Black people in your life. But then again I wouldn't want to put them through that because its not our fucking juob to make you realize that racialized violence in media made by white creators cannot be uncritically examined. That is Dangerous. And it is a privilege and a huge one at that to believe that fiction is a bubble outside of reality". End Id.]

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