@midmourn / midmourn.tumblr.com

moonburn and sundaze

This bloodbath has gone on for far too long. At the start of this aggression, the school year had barely just started. The academic year ends in just a month. Everyone, from first graders to university seniors, have lost an entire year at least. I say at least considering even if there is a ceasefire today, Israel had destroyed literally all universities in Gaza and damaged over 400 schools. Lest we forget also Israel's deliberate targeting of university professors and academics.

You absolutely cannot mistake the intent behind all of this.

Anonymous asked:

even if that man didn’t do it, that’s still sexual assault allegations and there are tons and tons. why would lexi be supporting someone who has so many allegations about sexual assault? come on friends, lets’s all use our comprehension skills!!

true… it all just comes down to the fact that he admitted it and that’s that.


everyone should be weirder about their ocs more.

fake movie posters and comic book covers. visual novels. rpg maker games. fics. websites dedicated to your ocs. custom oc merch to wear or decorate your house with. surreal art that some old guy from the 1600s woulda painted. i want to see it ALL

Anonymous asked:

Can i ask why you don't support Lucas?

because he’s a rapist

Anonymous asked:

im confused, which pic in the jisung soft launch has a nsfw joke? 🤔

the 7th one cause of the foggy windows LMAO. i said it can be seen nsfw or sfw as the windows fogging up could be cause of anything but yeah figured id add it just in case anyone took it that way

Anonymous asked:

you can't claims to be a fan or a briize while you boycotting their works. You literally a creator too are you not?

don't you know how it feels when no one read your works or giving feedback?

why would you encouraging others to do what you did?

why do the rest of boys needs to suffers because of one person's mistake?

and i know probably they all did it as well, the smoking and dating but they don't expose themselves.

Idk why would you take a picture of you smoking when you know it's not allowed at your company and now the rest of the boys had to burden the pain.

Seriously stop encouraging others to do that, cause i know karma exist and one day you would know what it's like when your works has no reader and feedbacks.

usually i’d delete stuff like this but erm

you see, i don’t understand why people like you exist. i assume you’re an ot6. i can call myself a fan of riize because i love and care for ALL of riize. which you cannot say the same because you’re in my tell box complaining about seunghans mistakes.

seunghan did NOT expose himself. HE was exposed.

why is it that it’s fine for the others to smoke and date? if they were to get exposed would you unstan them? and wouldn’t that make you.. not a fan? how would you feel if you spent years training just to be put on hiatus for a mistake. you act as if seunghan is perfect.

the rest of the boys are suffering because of their COMPANY. boycotting riize means boycotting SM. if it was not allowed at the company, why were there MULTIPLE members of a different group pictured smoking outside? why is seunghans situation any different?

i will continue to encourage a boycott, i don’t care if people don’t read my works. all i care is if seunghan is returned to riize. i’m doing all of this for seunghan and seunghan only, so if you have a problem with it PLEASE do me a favor and block me.

riize is 7.

find the boycott list here <3

apologies for clogging the tags !!

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