
Lesbian,Stan of multiple tv shows,and R&B lover



I don’t want to hear ANY Harvey x Roz slander. They are the cutest, purest, couple that has appeared on this show. They fell in love on accident, and Roz still made sure that Sabrina was okay with them getting together. Not to mention that Sabrina has also moved on! Also, Roz and Harvey were a little harsh when they subtly accused Sabrina of making Roz go blind when they were feeling deserted and forgotten by her, but Sabrina had been gone for weeks and didn’t even notice when her “best friend” went blind so we can’t place all of the blame on Harvey and Roz¡


*yawns* when are Lilith and Sabrina going to team up and overthrow The Dark Lord


Okay, hear me out. If Sabrina’s goal is to preach her father’s gospel and advance The Church of Night, won’t it, in turn, strengthen Satan’s grasp on the world and make him huge leaps closer to setting evil upon the world?? WHY are we rooting for Sabrina to do this??? When is my homie God going to chat with Sabrina and convince her to work for The Path of Light????


liam neeson really just admitted that once upon a time he was going to kill a random black person bc his friend was assaulted by a black person i’m at a loss for words this is like mark wahlberg levels of racist


experiences that take place on a different plane of existence

- parents’ evening

- sleepovers

- literally the entirety of Christmas Day

- lying in bed with earphones in

- flights

- exams

- anything you do between 3-4am

- driving in the dark

-when you come out of the movie theater and it’s dark outside

this post is so frightening and i Don’t Know Why


Normani is going on tour with Ariana. I’m so proud, we ✈️ going 2019 concert tickets


Attention Sabrina x Prudence shippers!

Petition to call their beautiful ship Spellnight. Because it would be amazing and fit them. The daughters of the night who cast spells. Ergo - Spellnight


Sabence. Sabrina and Prudence make a wonderful Sabence. The other combinations are either already in use or not worthy of the power.

Let’s make Spellnight or Sabence a thing guys!

Reblog and spread the word!

I like Spellnight more


i’m screaming @ this finesse…. yes girl get that republican coin…….

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