in a dream you saw a way to survive

@softstained /
“Every authentic poem contributes to the labor of poetry. And the task of this unceasing labor is to bring together what life has separated or violence has torn apart. Physical pain can usually be lessened or stopped only by action. All other human pain, however, is caused by one form or another of separation. And here the act of assuagement is less direct. Poetry can repair no loss but it defies the space which separates. And it does this by its continual labor of reassembling what has been scattered.”

— John Berger, And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos (via soracities)

“I am sitting at my kitchen table waiting for my lover to arrive with lettuce and tomatoes and rum and sherry wine and a big floury loaf of bread in the fading sunlight. Coffee is percolating gently, and my mood is mellow. I have been very happy lately, just wallowing in it selfishly, knowing it will not last very long, which is all the more reason to enjoy it now.”

Tennessee Williams, from a letter to Donald Windham wr. c. July 1943

& it’s june until morning you’re young until a pop song plays in a dead kid’s room water spilling in from every corner of summer & you want to tell him it’s okay that the night is also a grave we climb out of

— Ocean Vuong, from “Because It’s Summer,” in Night Sky with Exit Wounds


won’t you celebrate with me

by Lucille Clifton

won’t you celebrate with me what i have shaped into a kind of life? i had no model. born in babylon both nonwhite and woman what did i see to be except myself? i made it up here on this bridge between starshine and clay, my one hand holding tight my other hand; come celebrate with me that everyday something has tried to kill me and has failed.

“My God, does love ever die? I ask, and will die asking.”

— Anaïs Nin, from Nearer the Moon: The Previously Unpublished Unexpurgated Diary, 1937-1939 (via luthienne)

“Here is my hand, my heart, my throat, my wrist. Here are the illuminated cities at the center of me, and here is the center of me, which is a lake, which is a well that we can drink from, but I can’t go through with it. I just don’t want to die anymore.”

— Richard Siken, from Crush (via sagmoonn)

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