Happy Junmyeon Day! ♡
Happy Birthday to our hardworking, strong, talented and precious bunny leader!!
Eventhough you’re going to be gone for 2 years serving your country, just know that your fans love and wish you great health and a safely way back home. Thank you for continuing to be a constant force in my life. Your smile and capturing personality will always life me in times of sadness. I love you and already miss you ;___;
Happy Birthday Kim Junmyeon ♡
May you always be as happy as you make us with your talent, kind heart and dad jokes
EXO-L Revival 💫 Week 14 💫 Junmyeon
Suho through the years
for you on your birthday // kim junmyeon
happy suho day!!~~ ( ‘^’)
i hope our boi is doing well
#HappySuhoDay #Suho522Day 🐰💖
happy birthday to our bunny prince, our guardian angel, our super leader — kim junmyeon! i’m beyond thankful and blessed to have known someone so kind, talented, hardworking, and humble as you. may you have a wonderful day filled with love and happiness. wishing you good health and a safe military service. i miss you very much, but rest assured, i’m faithfully waiting for your return. take care, my angel! let’s love, forever~ 💕✨
happy birthday to the best leader! ≈ #SUHO522DAY ≈
Happy birthday to our precious leader! One of the strongest most reliable persons I’ve ever seen, thank you for guiding EXO and EXO-Ls so well. Be happy, healthy and come back full of energy, we’ll be with you forever!
사랑, 하자! ♡
happy birthday to our precious super leader hyung, our incredibly talented, handsome, shining, kind and inspiring angel, the love of my life, Kim Junmyeon 🐰 Please take care with your military service and return to us well. May you be happy and healthy always! For a long time, forever, let’s love 💖💫
#HappySuhoDay ♡ #Suho522Day ♡
#happyjunmyeonday #SUHO522DAY #2020HAPPYSUHODAY
⤷ 26 letters for 26 (of many) reasons to love Kim Junmyeon
To our wonderful leader, thank you for being the strong pillar that we need, for being the biggest supporter of both exo and exol and for giving us so much love and guidance. I hope you have a day filled with even more joy than you consistently give us!
200514 layzhang: let’s love, go and return well haha leader
Suho’s enlistment... I was expecting this but it doesn’t make my heart hurt any less. I know I’m barely active on here anymore but I do still follow and support EXO, as well as Suho’s solo activities. I will forever be an EXO-L and a Suho stan. I’m going to miss him so so so much but I know that he will fulfill his duties well and will be back before we know it. It’s only a matter of time before the rest of the members enlist as well, and it will hurt and they will be greatly missed (like how much I miss Xiumin and Kyungsoo), but I will gladly wait for every single one of them. I’m not going anywhere. I am looking forward to the day OT9 steps on the stage together again!