
Brainless Lingual Oral Garbage

@johnny-of-suburbia / johnny-of-suburbia.tumblr.com

"'Permission?' you need us way more than we need you, your 'Majesty'!"

Imagine a reverse tip jar where if enough people thought your post was bad you'd get money deducted from your bank account


What do you mean you hatched an egg you bought at the SUPER MARKET



So there's this company in the UK, right. They brand themselves on producing fancy free range eggs and as part of that they have breed information written on the carton.

I did some snooping and found that every miracle news story of a supermarket egg hatching in the UK traced back to duck eggs, specifically the Braddock White duck eggs produced by this one company for the supermarket Waitrose.

And one day my mum brings them home and says "I bought these to eat but aren't they the ones that hatch?"

And it's spring and I'm hatching a ton this year so in they went.

On candling we had three fertile eggs! That's a fertility of 50% - the same as shipped eggs from a breeder!

Hatch day comes and we get 2 ducklings, Curie and Becquerel. Sadly, Curie contracts duck septicaemia from an infected navel and doesn't make it, but Becquerel is a healthy bird and growing like a weed.

I had put 4 breeder eggs in a week after them in case just one hatched, so Becque now has two Khaki Campbell cross friends called Tsuki and Hoshi so she isn't lonely.

And as of today's 7am Quacking - Becque is a female! Which means she's capable of laying eggs and therefore I have pirated a duck.


tumblr tags are fucked up for me rn they type what im saying like 5 times like im trapped in a well and its echoing around how am i meant to make my little jokes now :(

This is objectively a hilarious glitch though

ur right :/


tumblr glitch put op in a jar and shook it up and down violently


obsessed with the opposite of the childhood friends trope. what if we were just some guys meeting for the first time with like. no significance

what if we never had that long and complicated history that leads us to continually justify each other’s actions. what if i never had any hand in your sculpting and now i’m left with the final, hardened figure you’ve since become. what if loving myself and loving you were suddenly two different things. there’s no overlap between you and me. then what. then i’d have to know you on purpose


i dont mean to sound like a doomer but personally i find it simultaneously interesting and terrifying to think of how the internet will evolve over the next 20 years. in the last 10 years alone it has gone from one of the most unifying and free spaces for the average person to an active tool of corporate and government surveillance. this platform that was once a safe haven for many people to speak freely is now an ad-ridden temporal booby trap that can go off at any time. the internet has been thoroughly decimated by the presence of venture capitalism, and i am concurrently saddened to watch this happen in real time, and curious to see what will eventually replace it as the go-to counterculture platform

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