
ghostlywhite47's old art dump


all of this trash I made.

I'm gonna leave this blog as a legacy blog

I'm gonna make another fresh art blog Follow it at a-simple-tear-drop


Cat mom has entered the roster ! Most of her segments are her introducing the audience to classical music. She also gives Frank, Julie, and Barnaby piano lessons but they always go wrong one way or another. She likes playing the piano and the violin, knitting(learned how to from Poppy), reading in trees, and chasing shiny objects (Sally’s one of these shiny objects, that’s why they’re always together)💀… Kathleen may or may not be a subtle ripoff of Rowlf the dog!

[Welcome Home is a Neat Story by: @/partycoffin !] [template box from @ghostthetoast47 and @fetusmeme ][mixed both for text box size changing]

Oh shes so darlin!! I’m so happy you used my template!


This is probably the longest I’ve taken on an art piece since… ever.

But anywho, here’s my Welcome Home persona, might devolve into her character later on?? Idk, but I’m really happy with how the HOUSE came out though I definitely think I could have done better with her outfit. Other than that, now that she’s been brought into existence I can FINALLY HAVE HER INTERACT WITH EVERYONE ELSE’S OCS YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!

Thank you @ghostthetoast47 for the AMAZING template, and if you want to use it yourself here the link ya’ll. @satanic-witchcraft say hello to my sona :D

Thank you so much for @ me!!! I’m so happy to see all this art coming from this little thing!


Feel bad cause I couldn’t send it on the computer so the quality sucks but I made a Steven! Hope you like him.


*immediately cries* hes,,,,, so beautiful,,,, i love him wow

he is a good boy and he deserves all the happiness thank you for this. i love the style as well!

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