


-German, he/him, I have problems, 20+ (Tumblr, get your shit together), Multifandom, sucker for memes //Hello and welcome to my page. I'm in many fandoms and into some weird shit. whatever, I hope you have fun on my blog.

$50,000 immediately dropped into my bank account wouldn't improve EVERYTHING but boy it sure would be a grand, sexy little start to a good, happy life path, don't you think

Reblog for unexpected $$$ dropping into your Bank account.

uhh did i forget how time works or was the first post in december 2018 and the second in august 2018

Reblog for time travelling $$$ dropping into your Bank account.


??? why are “friends with benefits” now considered a cringe straight people thing???? friends can fuck. it’s literally fine

people on here are like “you CANNOT fuck someone unless you really love them and are in a long term romantic relationship with them!!!!!!! oh but sex workers are valid hehe”

someone on tiktok will be like “i’m not ready/looking for for a romantic relationship but i have a lot of stress so my friend and i consensually bone sometimes and it makes us both feel better” and someone on tumblr will post a screenshot of it and say “ewwww why can’t you just be normal??” while simultaneously claiming to be sex-positive

also aromantic people can have sexual relationships. that doesn’t make them “less pure” or whatever. who cares


sorry i cant hang out i forgot how to mimic human like behaviour


reblog to pet the sad cat        __      />  フ      |   _  _ l      /` ミ_xノ      /      |     /  ヽ   ノ     │  | | |  / ̄|   | | |  | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)  \二つ


im noticing a pattern here and i want to decipher it.

honestly you can just vote off of vibes and i'd prefer that

im noticing a pattern here and i want to decipher it. lets go by us height standards for people who NEED actual numbers, but again just vote off of vibes its fine either way:

  • women average is 5 foot 4 (162.56 cm)
  • men average is 5 foot 9 (175.25 cm)
  • doesn't have to be exact just like close, so you're not short for a male if you're 5'8, but maybe 5'6
  • if you're nb or other just feel it out, theres no gods or judgement here only vibes and a little fox who watches you harmlessly but intently

oh and RB this for sample size bc im wildly curious how this works

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