
@2queer2deer / 2queer2deer.tumblr.com

Art Tags: #Art Tag / #Doodle Tag || Follows From - @Deer-Dog
Deer - 26 - UK - She/They - Bi

the chosen aesthetics of the various redstoners fascinate me. tango and impulse are tinkerers of various mechanical marvels. doc is the industrial revolution personified. mumbo continually casts himself as a silicon valley startup guy. its just. Interesting

if Oliver Brotherhood was told that in order to perform transactions he had to first purchase Pacificoins and store them in his Pacific Vault he would run you over with a dirt bike


'there was only one bed': mediocre, overused, boring

'there was only one chair': innovative. thrilling. endless opportunities.


“omg gem is so mom coded” “pearl is so sibling coded” ok well i think gem and pearl are this


artistic rendition


smth smth builder’s signature styles whatever - I love how instantly recognisable it is to be in a Bdubs build whilst not be jarring. This shot of both sides of the river is a wonderful example

The custom trees. Are so freaking tall in compare to the default, yet their presence doesn’t feel obstructive. You don’t feel ‘blocked out’ from the environment as the deliberate thinness of the trunks, what height the leaves on the pine start at give just enough breathe room to: look through, catch glimpses of the other side, and be invited to Go Through It.

He says it in his commentary, a lot of what he builds is heavily grounded in realism. This area is not meant to be the centre of attention, the purpose of these trees is to Immerse and act as transition as one leaves the rest of the minecraft world and into Bdubs’ ‘more natural’ one — where the trees are grey, and the water is clear.

I’m so fucking serious this random cut of the river is my favourite part in the entirety of this forest, I like how still it looks, I like how clear it is yet how dark it is not only to imply depth but that illusion that the river is reflecting its surroundings how you can even say the river is a dark green! Being able to come to these interpretations for something so simple to me perfectly captures what he wants in builds like these.

And it STILL doesnt feel out of place because he does something like THIS. The way the stream gets progressively more and more opaque until it meets the actual main river is genius work. It gives the impression the water in Bdubs’ place is fresh in compare to the saltier, deeper water of the larger river it transitions.

😭And a final thing, I know the white glass he used was done to suggest rushing water but I swearrr he has like a sixth sense in how to place them perfectly. (Forgive my shitty camera) From this distance if you squint you can see these dark and lighter shadows made by the trees, and by putting where the white spots are placed now highlights these small rays of sunshine poking through the leaves and shining on the river and I think that’s unintentionally the coolest thing.

whhwwh idk how to end this, I just really liked this new video for reasons above and wanted to tell the world why.

BdoubleO100 you never miss. Forever and ever.

Anonymous asked:

I think Mumbo's closet isn't several identical suits, or several near identical suits.

I think he just has one, singular suit, one vest, one shirt, one tie, one pair of trousers, one pair of shoes.

When he's washing it all he stands around in his base in nothing but white, heart patterned shorts.

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