
I'm a garbage rebloger


12th is chicken day now 21, poly, and pan. any pronouns. i swear up and down i'm not a bot, please have mercy on me and my blog. My god, why am I in so many fandoms? Formerly darkcutequotesbiscuit.
Anonymous asked:

Wait what happened to Thomas Sanders???

Basically, Thomas Sanders (who, btw, is gay) used to be basically the celebrated Unproblematic Fav Uwu of Tumblr and Vine. Everyone loved him, everyone praised him for being inclusive and positive, making fun and unique vines that were appropriate and enjoyable for any age group.

Then one day he got an aphobic ask (I honestly don’t remember what this was even in response to, I think it was some really innocent one-off “I hope asexuals have a good day” type of post or something like that, idek), to which he wrote a long and sincere response that basically summed up to “Hey, that’s not a nice attitude to have, please take a moment to think about how other people must feel and why it’s so important to you to shut them down”

Within literal hours (and this is something I witnessed myself, I was online when it all went down), a smear campaign against him had started. Suddenly even people who had previously been huge fans of him were shit-talking him left and right, declaring him cringey, and grasping at straws to make “callout posts” for him. One popular argument I remember hearing was- And I shit you not, I am not making this up- He was a “pedophile” because he made videos for a family demographic and has a young-looking face, but was 29 or whatever and therefore “pretending to be a kid” or whatever the fuck. He even, gasp, made vines about high school, despite not being a high schooler himself! (Dan Green voice) That’s called “acting”, children!

His popularity never really recovered, and these days he’s mostly considered “cringey” by a large portion of the internet due to the main demographic most of his fans fall into, because you know it’s hip and cool to shame young girls and queer kids for the things that bring them joy.

So yeah, TL;DR used to be pretty well liked by the majority of Tumblr with nobody really having anything bad to say about him, expressed support for aspecs one day, immediately fell victim to exclusionist harrassment and is now at best considered just a cringey teenage girl thing.


Also part of the “pedophile” smear campaign included:

1. He has tags for not quite safe for work selfies on his blog (#nsfw and #tsbutt) (not nudes or even lewds, just pictures including his clothed butt.)

2. He accepts nsfw fanart from fans, but ONLY if the artist is 18+

3. There was ONE time where an underage artist submitted a nsfw art piece and Thomas posted it, because said artist removed their age from their bio, so Thomas had no idea it was made by a minor. He deleted the post as soon as this information came to light.

But exclusionists took all of this, mashed it with their “oh but he’s so childish, he acts like a kid even though he’s nearly 30, he must be hiding something!” And ran so far with it that Thomas Sanders severely suffered for it. Even his fans got shit for liking him. A lot abandoned him out of fear that a similar campaign would start against them.

So yeah. Fuck exclusionists, honestly.


He got smeared for videos he made With high schoolers as well, high schoolers from a drama club from his old high school, whom he was asked back to help out by his own teachers. Which is commonplace, and not sketchy in the slightest. He made wholesome, age-appropriate content and STILL got “cancelled” because exclusionists can’t handle it when good queer people who don’t share their dumb views are successful.

Reblogging again for the latest addition!


This is what I mean when I say people fucking hate asexuals. You guys ruined a guy’s life because he wasn’t aphobic, that’s fucking pathetic.

"wireplay isn't hot you're touching their nerves, that's just gore" well I need you to understand that the robot is also a pervert. so.

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your tags!

I‘ve come to mock Caesar‘s stabby end of life,

to learn tumblr rewards that with many a knife!!!!

Guys!!!! When you use the tag „ ides of March“ tumblr throws you a little knife shower in celebration!!! I can’t! This is so perfect!

*doom music starts to play* I actually kindof like scheduling these kinds of appointments now...

but seriously Fellas, don't forget to schedule a pap smear every couple of years just in case. If you still have a cervix you can still get cervical cancer. ilu

this has been a psa

i've had this as an idea since 2017 btw

damn, tumblr says my art is ass and trans people is eye strain so no blaze for me :\

it'd be a shame if this...

blazed the old fashion way...

Glad to be helpful 🫡 And glad to see other users actively helping those who struggle.

At the very least, if you can’t afford this, sharing this with anyone who is interested would be very nice!

Like I said, this is a little rushed, but I got all the time to begin working

Anonymous asked:

please tell kibosh that I sent him a little kiss on the forehead, 🙏🙏 you draw him SOO gorjus<3

You are extremely bold to lay a kiss on this spirit. Lucky for you, it pays off!

Also, thank you!


it's really funny that even people who support luigi mangione have like fully bought into the propaganda being pushed that he's the one who did it when he hasn't been convicted of shit and is extremely likely just some guy the nypd and eric adams could reasonably pass off as the person who did it to save face. That huge fucking perp walk (that shouldn't have even been legal to do) was to plant the idea in the public's mind that yeah, obviously this guy did it, why would they be doing this if he wasnt, and you all fell for it without even thinking about it.

You can support the actions of the person who did it while also believing the fact that the famously corrupt NYPD who completely fumbled around for days, posted multiple pictures of different people in similar clothing claiming they were the same suspect, and then out of nowhere said they knew with 100% certainty who did it and already had him in custody, might be lying and simply selected some dude to take the fall.

Whether the killing was justified or not doesn't matter here.

Whether he did it or not doesn't matter here.

Luigi Mangione has been robbed of his right to a fair trial.

We're only privy to some outside information, but the case is being disgustingly mishandled and you should be mad about it. He's facing 3 different trials: 2 state, 1 federal. The defense strategy for one may incriminate him for the others. He's being held in federal jail, even though he has not been federally indicted yet, only on state level. (This is with his defense's consent, but as they point out: "When they’re hanging the death penalty over your head, you have no choice but to consent") Every public appearance has him in cuffs, even though he doesn't have any violent record I'm aware of. Considering how public the whole ordeal is, that doesn't exactly make him look "innocent" to potential jurors. I refuse to look this up, but I'm pretty sure Elon Musk himself has already referred to him as the killer.

You wanna know my favorite tidbit?

That notebook with the manifesto in it? That they found on him during the arrest? The defense still hasn't received it.

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