
;; kiraz kaya

@brcveheartx / brcveheartx.tumblr.com

“Before now,” Lola pointed out, happy to have the conversation be about anything other than her and her twin’s birth. “I can assure it’s much nicer to visit a hospital than be admitted. It’s boring,” she waved her hand as to dispel any worry Kiraz might have that she was being mistreated. “I have never watched this much TV in my life. I don’t even own one. Now I remember why.” It was nice to actually have someone to talk to. Someone who for some reason, payed attention to her ramblings. Almost like… a friend or something.
Kiraz’s proud grin made Lola snort, covering her mouth to hide her cheeky smile. “I’m spoiled,” she said finally pulling her hand away. “Maybe when I’m out of here… I don’t know,” she just shrugged. It was strange. She actually didn’t want to talk about Lys. Not because she was scared she might spill some secret of his or overstep but because she would rather just speak to Kiraz. The other woman brought the photo over and Lola perked up when she confirmed it was a photo of the pumpkin they had carved together on Halloween. Before everything went to hell. “We did do a good job,” Lola agreed. “Look at that smile,” she pointed at the mouth with was lopsided with two very different sized teeth. “I love it. I’ll put it somewhere were all my other plants can see it. As a reminder… and a warning.”

“It looks boring. Why don’t they have nice interior? You know, pretty walls? They’re all so... Empty.” She scowled towards them. In her opinion, people may be less miserable staying in here if the walls were bright and happy colours? “You don’t own a TV? How do you watch movies? Or don’t you? Because you-- I mean, there are some really good ones. Cinema screens are better though, because... Popcorn? I’ve only ever been once, actually,” she frowns when she realises. “But you can buy a whole bucket of popcorn and other things, and the screens are so big.” She rambled, as if she had to explain to the witch what a cinema was. 

Noticing the attempted offer of them hanging out, or at least, that’s how the wolf decided to take it, she took it upon herself to make the offer. “We should go sometime and watch whatever movie cover catches our eye.” Kiraz gave a nod, quite enthusiastic, in spite of the fact she half expected a scoff or a refusal, it wouldn’t lower her spirits. Lola liked her, she could just tell. So if a movie wasn’t going to do it, there was room for other options. “We really did. I mean, you did... If you hadn’t traced an outline for me to follow then his two teeth would have been in his nose.” Snorting out a laugh, se softened into a lighter smile, more humble, more... Just generally pleased to be talking and laughing with her. “Plants?” How curious, yet another similarity between her and Lys, their love of plants. 

Lola looked back and forth between Kiraz and the basket. “I wouldn’t know… I haven’t ever been in the hospital. Lys and I were home births.” She winced realizing what an awkward statement that was. She wanted to let Lys have his privacy– even if Lola knew him better than anyone else. She wasn’t sure how he would feel about his girlfriend knowing he’d been pushed out at home… not that it really mattered but Lola was overly cautious with her brother now. “… I like grapes,” she spoke, trying to make up for her earlier, rude question. 
She watched Kiraz mention the attack then push past it. Lola nodded, “thank you…” She didn’t really want to talk about it either. Not that she was sure there was much she could talk about. The night was blurry in her memory and though she had a theory as to why she was attacked she would never voice it. Not to Lys and certainly not to Kiraz. “He visited,” she assured Kiraz. “Though I was even more dazed than I am now.” She looked back at the basket at the end of the bed. “Could I see that?” She pointed at the photo frame. 

“... I haven’t been in a hospital before either.” She offered a shrug. She knew that wasn’t the point, she had simply picked up on the feeling that Lola regretted making the comment and so, she made her own to bring it away. Kiraz was known to be blunt, it was a fact, but that was born from innocence, from not understanding things and asking questions in response. In this instance, she read the room and chose not ask any questions. Though, it was almost a little funny to her because... Like brother like sister, right? The both of them so reluctant to talk about their past, so similar

“Red and green.” Grapes, that was, she’d packed both. Kiraz perked up, grinning at her. Progress, right? At least it felt that way, she chose to take the the fact Lola hadn’t asked her to leave yet as a good thing. “Oh?” There was a minute amount of surprise because if she was quite honest, she hadn’t actually expected Lys to have visited but she was sincerely pleased to know they had. “I wouldn’t worry too much about that, you were getting through the worst of the pain, I’d imagine.” Therefore, pain relief? An obvious necessity. “Oh, sure. It’s--” She pauses just to snort out a little laugh. “It’s stupid, really, but I... Thought it was funny.” Getting up, she picks the picture of their pumpkin out of the basket and holds it out. “We did a good job... I couldn’t preserve the actual pumpkin so this was the next best thing.” 

“he’s worth the risk time and time again because with his hand burning into my skin, I have hope once more and the blood that stains him doesn’t take away his goodness and the stars that betray him don’t mean I forsake my devotion “why are you always trying to save him” asks my head “because he’s worth saving” whispers my heart and my mouth can never quite get out the words of just how much he means to me, just how much I love him”

— Unfinished Stories #617 by Abby S

Lola thought she misheard, turning her head towards the door just in time to see Kiraz poke her head in. “That’s kind of you…” Lola said, her voice sounding distant. It was nice of Kiraz to stop by but Lola didn’t always love visitors. In fact most of the time she dreaded it– but crappy daytime television and the ceiling could only entertain her for so long. Then Kiraz entered a large basket in tow. “Oh,” Lola peeped before Kiraz could mention the parcel. Lola meant to say wow, or something to that effect, but instead what came out of her mouth was: “Why?” She winced. Maybe she could blame the painkillers on that one, instead of it just being her personality. “I’m bored,” she said plainly. “The painkillers aren’t even all that interesting anymore.”

Kiraz only gives a silent smile, taking the comment as an invite to stay a little while. Lola definitely didn’t seem the type to entertain her company if she didn’t want to. Placing the basket down on the table within her reach, she moves to sit down on the available chair. “Why not?” She shrugged, as though such an answer would cure any quizzical thoughts. “It’s a tradition, isn’t it? At least I know the grapes are. People always bring grapes, is it supposed to be bad luck if you don’t?” Her head tilts and she looks at Lola expectantly for a genuine answer. “No? Guess that means you’re healing well.” Kiraz smiles. “For a little while, I thought -- I mean, you lost so much blood.” She frowned at the memory, quickly shaking her head. “Sorry, we don’t have to talk about it. I’m just glad you’re okay. And I know Lysander will be too, if they haven’t been yet to say so themselves.”

Who: Lola Rai  Tag: @lola-rai Where: Hospital 


“Knock, knock.” Appearing in the doorway to Lola’s room, she offers a smile and makes slow steps inside ( just on the chance Lola was going to tell her to leave. ) “I thought maybe you’d like a visitor? Break the day up a little.” Having never spent time in hospital, she couldn’t relate, but she could imagine how boring it was. “And I brought some uh-- things.” Kiraz hands over a little gift bag. Grapes, because that’s what she’d seen a lot of people gift patients in the shows she watched. Chocolate, a puzzle book, an elephant keyring and last but not least, a small framed picture of the pumpkin they carved together. “How are you feeling?” 

Who: Liv Hastings Tag: @swearonstarsLocation: Their apartment 


“You know what’s cruel? Disney films.” She insists as Liv walks in through the door. She’s been in the same place on the sofa for around four hours, drink in one hand, chips in the other, The Lion King credits on the TV. “Children watch these movies and it’s so traumatising. Mufasa literally gets killed, Dumbo gets bullied and don’t even get me started on Bambi.” She huffs, ushering her roommate over. “Come, sit. Drink. I was thinking about watching Frozen next... Sven and Olaf are cute, I feel like their energy would help lift mine, you know?” 

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