
@rovinky /

xeno | she/they | 18+ | ao3: xenoglossia | writer | trc   call me xeno please, i am an adult and i post nsfw on this blog, minors dni, i am pro-ship and a rovinsky / joseph kavinsky main, i post darker content and am a blog made by an adult for adults, please enjoy your stay!

I ship RadioStatic so hard now but it is essential to me their relationship is the most toxic, bizarrely one sided thing in existence

Vox: *wants to fuck Alastor so bad it makes him look stupid* (see head literally exploding and shutting down power grid after Alastor talks at him (not to, at) for the first time in seven years)(also see him being the only overlord to really care Alastor is back lol)

Alastor: I have never imagined you naked, only dead :)

Also Alastor: Oh look! Vox is live talking about me, better skedaddle back to my new radio tower asap so I can announce my return to annoy him specifically :)

Worsties for life ❤💙❤💙


Velvette: Vox-

Vox, mad: That old timey prick used to call me Vox...

Velvette: ...Because it's your fucking name.


I love foils. So, here's a collection of similarities between Vox and Alastor!

The classic angry table clawing - everyone knows that one:

Smiling for heightened control and influence (and smiling through annoyance):

The [demonic shock] [slow head turn] [extra filtered voice] "haha, what did you [just] say?" scenes:

These scenes, at the beginning and end of Stayed Gone:

Depicting themselves as a member of a religious institution to vie for the audience's trust:


"Great Alastor altruist died for his friends"

The look on Alastor's face when he says that

He looks haunted, shaken, disturbed, and horrified by it

I've been joking about Alastor accidentally-ing himself into caring about the other characters

But on some level, it seems that it did happen

And he HATES it

It terrifies him

Perhaps it's because Alastor understands that on some level this proves him wrong, sinners are not beyond hope, there is a chance to be better, and that's bad for him because it's easy to revel and wallow in being an evil monster when there's no hope of being anything else, but when there isn't, well, that means Alastor might have to face who he is and what he's done

Alternatively, Al wants to be a horrible monster, feared hated and infamous, and if he becomes some kind and benevolent person, even to just those he considers friends, it's a chip in his reputation and the persona he wants to be seen as

Or perhaps Al's breakdown is because if he cares about anyone, then that's a weakness someone can exploit, another string holding him back, something he's desperate to not have

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