

@secretkeeper13 / secretkeeper13.tumblr.com

Ask me anything Ao3


Tom Riddle smiles her way, overly kind, handsome, dark hair and dark eyes and so grown up. Loneliness possesses her, so she smiles right back, feels like a star in the blackest of nights.

CLICK HERE for part i 💛



Ginny's run out of her good parchment and has been reduced to using something she dug out of the bottom of her trunk, hating the way her quill scratches over the rough surface. As though it isn’t punishment enough to be writing about History of Magic, she’s got to do it on this piece of rubbish. 

Bloody, buggering fu–” she swears as the point of her quill pierces a hole straight through her conclusion. Apt, probably - it had been flimsy at best. There’s a metaphor here, somewhere.

“Revision going well, then?”

The wry voice startles her so much that she nearly upends her bottle of ink all over her weak – in more ways than one – essay. “Fuck, Harry, I’d no idea you were there.”


beasts chapter 11 out now 🎇

‘I was trying to keep you alive!’ he bellows. ‘You aren’t listening to me!’ she bellows back. ‘People don’t like being locked up!’ [ hatchverb.: (of an egg) to open and produce a young animal. ]

Someone's Mum

For @hinnymicrofic -Day 20 "Mom"

The poster unfurled, a Quidditch star winked with sass and smile

“Lucky him,” they’d say in passing

She never cared what they said

But Albus was two and he didn’t speak

“Are you miserable?” Words raw, a fear hidden, only uttered under the blanket of night.

“No,” she dared whisper, a confession in the dark. “When I’m there, I’m thinking about here. When I’m here, I’m thinking about there. Not miserable… mediocre. I never half-arsed anything that mattered and now I’m mediocre.”

Her fingers sought his, tangled in sheets.

“I catch a Quaffle and I miss the boys and I miss the hoop and I’m not crushed because my dream has become just another day with another Quaffle and another hoop and another number on another board and I miss miss miss when it mattered.

Who was she without it?

Someone’s mum

James turned the page

another and another and another


another and another and another

“And down once more, but not so fast- “ *

Her shoulder needed to be iced

“They’re on their way to bed at last- “

How many times did they have to hear this story?

“The day is done they say goodnight- “

How many times would they want to?

“And somebody turns off the light- “

How many nights until they were too old

and she would

miss miss miss when it mattered

“The moon is high- “

Albus was two and still didn’t speak

“The sea is deep- “

Thumb in mouth, his green eyes followed her finger tracing the words

“They rock- “

James nestled closer, elbow jabbing the Bludger-sized bruise on her hip

“And rock- “

It hurt

Her finger trembled as it traced

“And rock- “

Albus, two, not talking, lifted enormous green eyes to hers

“To sleep- “

Green eyes that spoke sonnets

His Mum

He grinned

She was the center of his world

“What can I do?” Never one for words, he had long ago learned to ask. “What can I say?”

Sheets rustled as their fingers laced.

“What will you see, Harry?” She muttered. “I know what everyone else will see and I’ll pretend it won’t matter. But what will you see when you look at me?”

He rolled on top of her, cupping her face between his hands.

“The woman who bat-bogeys reporters and fought in a war and loves so fiercely her heart swells and splits and bleeds.”

Soft kisses to chin, cheek, eyelid.

“The effortlessly funny companion who can commentate two snails crossing the porch and have us all cheering the one with the hilariously tragic backstory.”

He lowered his forehead to hers.

“The girl who wrote in the diary who married the boy who slept in a cupboard. Neither of them have anything to prove, Gin.”

A tear escaped, rolling into her hairline.

“A Mum?”

She dared to whisper, a confession in the dark.

Irrelevant to the world

The world to three

“I’ll see you, Ginny. And I will love you until my last breath.”

The day was done, the edges curled

The Quidditch star winked as the poster furled

*Excerpt from “The Going to Bed Book” by Sandra Boynton

The Winners

Written for @thethreebroomsticksfic Weasley Week

Day 7: Ginny

“I want you to know,” Ginny said, surveying her teammates, “that I am proud of each and every one of you. I know- I know that we are going to go out there and clobber them. They think they can beat us? They won’t know what hit them.”

The rest of the team nodded, some more forcefully than others. A few were clutching their broomsticks so hard their knuckles were white.

“However,” said Ginny, “it’s not going to be easy. They’ve got some pretty good players on that team. Size-wise, most of them are bigger than us. A lot have more experience. They’ll be fast, and strong, and they won’t go easy on us because they want to win just as much as we do. I’m sure their captain is giving a very similar speech to them right now. I doubt it’s a speech as good as mine, but-”

A few of the girls snickered and one let out a whoop. Ginny grinned.

“But,” she continued, “we are fighting for the most important Quidditch victory in the country. We may be an all girls team, but we can play and win just as well as anyone. We’re going to catch every quaffle, beat every bludger and catch the snitch before the other team’s so-called captain even has a chance to look. Like I said in practice, we’re not just going to win, we’re going to…?”

“Dominate them Auntie Ginny!” screamed Rose, holding her broom aloft like a sword, red curls flying everywhere.

“Let’s kill them!” shouted Lily, jumping up beside her cousin in her Mum’s old Harpies jersey, the sleeves of which went past her elbows.

“I think kill is a bit of a strong word,” said Vic.

“No such thing,” said Roxie, who was busy painting green and black stripes under her eyes. “You’re all allowed to knock my dad off his broom if you want. He’ll be fine.”

Rose, Lily, Vic, and Dominique laughed. Angelina smirked at Ginny, who grinned back. 

“Same with my dad,” Lily said. “You’re allowed to hit bludgers at him. But I’m going to catch the Snitch first anyway, so you probably won’t need to.”

The rest of the girls cheered their agreement as they stomped and jumped and skipped and marched their way to the Burrow’s makeshift Quidditch pitch with the energy of a thousand bludgers. Ginny and Angelina hung back, watching them approach their fathers and brothers and shouting what was most likely some extremely cute trash talk.

“Your husband the captain better not go too easy on Lily,” Angelina muttered to Ginny with a grin. “She sounds like she means business.”

“Oh, he won’t,” said Ginny as they watched Harry talk to his daughter and nieces, an obviously proud smile on his face. “He knows she’ll forgive him for winning against her, but never for that.”

Last sentence game. What’s the last bit you wrote in a WIP?
Thanks for the tag @brightlybound 💕


She’s six when she flies a broomstick for the first time, feels the intoxicating rush that taking to the sky brings. For nearly a decade after, she thinks that nothing more euphoric could exist. But then he kisses her in the common room, to the sound of breaking glass and giggling and a wolf whistle, and her world shifts on its axis— she knows then, and there’s no going back.


‘I keep thinking about that summer,’ she mutters. ‘The one when we all moved to Grimmauld. I thought we were the coolest family in the world. Like, there was going to be this big war, but we were on the right side, and it was going to be hard, and shit, but we’d live among these soldiers, and we’d learn to fight, and we’d win because we were the good ones'.

🪶 read the author’s note for this chapter (coming soon!)

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🪺 watch the trailer 

🦉 thoughts & questions? ask me anything!

Anonymous asked:

I need to know how you think Ginny or Hp characters in general reacted to the death of Princess Diana. She died right before Ginny left for Hogwarts her 6th year. I know wizards aren’t into muggle culture but Lady Di transcends cultural barriers. Plus that trio looking for the queens purse advert is definitely canon.

i did not expect this ask, and i regret to inform you my response to it was to write the following incredibly stupid ficlet about ginny and the death of princess diana. don't ask me why i did this because i don't know!

The last day of August 1997, she comes downstairs in her dressing gown and finds Kingsley in the kitchen with a Muggle newspaper that says that Princess Diana is dead. ‘Car crash,’ he says, pushes the paper across the table. No-one’s shared news of any sort with her in weeks - the only child and non-Order member of the house, at best an irrelevance and at worse a nuisance for the crumbling wartime resistance - so she forgets about the kettle she's just boiled and sits down, snatches up the paper, reads hungrily. High speed car chase, it says, Diana and her boyfriend, in a tunnel in Paris, being chased down by paparazzi. ‘I met her once,’ says Kingsley, musingly, sipping his tea.

She looks up. ‘Really?’

‘Mmm. With the Muggle PM.’

‘What was she like?’

Kingsley thinks about it. ‘Funny,’ he says. ‘But sad.’ 


Obsessed with your character ask responses - that Filch one was just *chef’s kiss*

2, 19, 47 for Lily Evans please!


thank you @alohaemora! troubling that i found filch easier to write than lily… but i love a challenge, so: lily evans! 🪷

2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on

lily evans had a regional accent 100%. either like a midlands brummie/wolves accent, or like a nottingham midlands/northern lilt. petunia did too, for a while, and snape had a particularly pronounced one, reflecting his class position relative to the evans family. petunia and snape trained theirs out - petunia as a sign of class ascension, snape as a calculated way of people knowing as little about him as possible. lily stubbornly hung onto hers - it was part of the reason she viewed james (and sirius) with contempt for so long, hating posh boy drawl shtick. but the more she hung out with the marauders, the more her vowels started slipping, another sign of her growing distance from the life and the family she was from. (can you tell i care too much about regional representation in this series)

19. Vices/bad habits

actually love this question - saint lily is boring! let her have flaws! i could see lily enjoying a Big Night Out. i want lily evans stumbling drunk in the street with a kebab in one hand and her heels in the other trying to flag down the night bus. binge drinking ladette culture is a proud and noble tradition and at least one evans sister needs to uphold it

47. Dream job

this was so hard. lily headcanons are so hard! criminally underserved in canon to an intensely problematic extent. people writing lily in canon compliant fic deserve medals, honestly

i suppose the one thing we know of lily’s intellectual interests, other than that she was a gifted all rounder, as that she had an instinctual and impressive grasp of potions, and i like the idea of her having an interest in discovery, a real attention to detail but also a flexibility of thought, an inventiveness and a curiosity that could push her in a lot of different career directions. i also just love a girl with an ego - that one of the things that pissed her off about james was the sense of him as an academic rival. so maybe something in magical chemical research? there’s also a part of me that just likes the idea of her dreaming of travel and exploration, particularly in the last months of her life when she was confined to the house. the letter to sirius focussed on james, frustration at being sealed in and unable to go out under his cloak, but i think that could be lily expressing a frustration she shares with james but not wanting to sound like she herself was complaining. so yeah something that lets her think and roam and comes with some prestige, because she’s got a lot to prove and a muggleborn chip on her shoulder that means she’s determined to make a name for herself. as she should!


This lady was the main act in a funny online "scandal" some weeks ago (?) bc she is some famous bigshot in the tradwife online community and it got 'leaked' that she is married to a pretty high up millonaire guy, and thats why she can live by making videos of her making all kinds of foods from scratch in vintage and original expensive ass old kitchen.

But well, nothing more trad than the rich wife of a rich guy being able to be a stay at home mom and to larp as a farmer. Even old time royalty liked to do that from time to time.


Yeah, didn't Marie Antoinette have a fake farm built so she could pretend to be a shepherdess in her spare time while actual shepherds were starving to death?

Actual lady partner in a law firm here. While I regret my career choice on an hourly basis, at least I can sleep well at night knowing I’m earning an honest living providing legal services and not profiting off of cosplaying Laura Ingalls Wilder and hawking glamorized trad wife nonsense to the masses who’ll never attain it because she married a millionaire and they didn’t

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