
Black Girl Magick


Call me Dollface// Carefree black witch//Nature, herbs, and potions// Sun in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio// Lunatic and Storm work// The Sun lives in my skin, but oh how the Moon rules my mind

because a lot of people dont seem to get this:

  • golems are from jewish folklore. dont treat them like a generic fantasy creature, thats appropriative
  • kabbalah is a specifically jewish religious tradition. dont practice it if youre not jewish and dont use kabbalah symbolism as generic occult stuff, thats appropriative
  • for the record if it has hebrew on it and it doesnt have anything to do with judaism its probably appropriative
  • dont wear a magen david if youre not jewish, its used as a symbol for judaism so wearing it if youre a gentile is appropriative
  • while im at it heres a rundown of some terms you should know
  • goy: hebrew and yiddish for non-jewish person, it literally translates as “nation.” the plural form is goyim. goy is not a slur.
  • gentile: english for non-jewish person
  • anti-semitism: you probably know what this means but i just want to point out that the word anti-semitism was NOT coined by jews but by a german anti-semite who wanted a more scientific-sounding alternative to “judenhass,” which literally translates to “jew-hatred” so please shut up about how arabs are also semites. we know.
  • if you’re not jewish you should also avoid using the word “jew” since many jewish people are uncomfortable with it (though i personally am fine with it). use “jewish person” instead if youre a gentile

please reblog this if you’re not jewish, i almost never see gentiles acknowledging cultural appropriation of judaism and anti-semitism on tumblr, even among people who otherwise pay close attention to such issues


On Dreamcatchers//

First of all, for those of you who are reading this and don’t know me, hi hello my name is Violet, I am a Muscogee Creek Native American.

Second, I have been asked about dream catchers by many friends and strangers, so I am writing this post with my personal findings and opinions on the subject.

Origin// •The dreamcatcher comes from the Ojibwe and Chippewa people. Traditionally, it is made from bent wood, sinew and one or two feathers. The sinew is weaved to mimick a spider’s web. In many native religions, including my own, Grandmother Spider played a huge role in the placement of the sun in the sky. Dreamcatchers were traditionally hung over children’s beds to trap their nightmares.

Expansion// •During the 60s and 70s, the making of dreamcatchers became popular with other Native tribes, such as the Pueblo, Navajo, Lakota and Cherokee peoples. But as far as I’ve seen, the Ojibwe are the only traditional creators before the ‘pan-indian’ movement. This movement during the 70’s involved the sharing of many cultural aspects across many tribes such as dreamcatchers, fancy dancing, powwows, certain cleansing rituals, beadwork styles, Etc. This was no appropriation, but appreciation. Our tribes adopted certain things and shared certain things from one another to unite us in all of our relative struggles. We had all suffered at the hands of the invaders. The pan-Indian movement was a way of uniting us and making peace.

Symbolism// •Dreamcatchers are a very popular gift among native peoples. They symbolize peace, the unity of all Natives and are often considered sweet gifts given out of love.

Modernization// •Nowadays you’ll often find them with beads, colored leather, and multiple feathers hanging from the frame. Every Native Reservation produces and sells dreamcatchers, it seems. You can buy them at almost every powwow. •While traditionally hung above a bed frame, now they can be found as home decor and even on rear view mirror of cars. Some Natives view the dreamcatcher as the Christian equivalent of cheap plastic crosses sold at malls. •Sadly, outside of certified Native-made stores and powwows, dreamcatchers are often made and mass produced by underpaid workers who are not Native and do not practice Medicine in Asian sweatshops. These are cheap imitations and are insulting to our history and beliefs.

How it works// •Every Native has the Medicine. It lives and comes from our Puyvfekcv, the fire within. There are specific people in each tribe, clan, and village who devote their lives to the practice and preservation of the Medicine. In my tribe, they are called the Heleshayv, the healers. •When a Native weaves a dreamcatcher, they are honoring Grandmother Spider and requesting her aid in the banishment of unpleasant dreams. I guess one could say that it is a form of prayer, and a request for blessing. The Native uses Medicine when they create, and so too is true with the dream catcher. •Plastic, cheap, non-native made reproductions of dreamcatchers, in my extensive experience, do not work. •A dreamcatcher should, in my experience, be cleansed in smoke and prayer every once in a while, because the dreamcatchers duty is to trap nightmares. So when too many accumulate, where are they supposed to go? They will often escape through the center and return from whence they came.

Appropriation// •I do not recommend non-Natives owning a dreamcatcher, do to the religious and ceremonial ties to Native history that they carry. Much like frybread and spirit animals/totems, they have become a universally Native entity, carrying the spirit of Union amongst our people, and peace. •Also, if you are not Native, regularly cleansing a dreamcatcher can be difficult, as Grandmother Spider is part of our closed traditions, as is the sacred practice of Smudging, which is often used to cleanse it. •If you absolutely MUST have a piece of our culture, you must buy Native, or receive it from a Native as a gift. It will have no Medicine and will not work if you buy that cheap mass produced reproduction you see in gift shops. Don’t do it. •Respect the Spirit of the Dreamcatcher. •Respect Native culture. •Respect our wishes. •Respect us.

Thank you for reading! Mvto!

@the-wiccans-glossary because youre obviously ignorant to this


Job Train

I pray that everyone who likes/reblogs this gets the job they’re looking for. 🙏🙏🙏🙏Good vibes sent 💸💸💸💸💸



I no lie just got hired today!! I am amazed.




In process! I will let you know if I get the job!

Job Interview today,I need this

It really worked

Not missing this chance to not reblog this. Send all the good juju my way, I need it& bad!!!



Need this


Ooh yes I applied today

Need it



Lmao I’m glad my blessings are reaching people

So true believe in him

Work in my favor!!!

please I just had an interview and I really need this or another job asap 🙏🙏🙏

Bless 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Praying for y'all ✊🏾💙

Point your hand toward this post!!!!!! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Can y'all send y'all good luck this way 😩 I need it


Why you mad, Becky?

why does it make white people so uncomfortable when black people speak about their lives and experiences, or simply do what the fuck they want??

white people mad about lemonade

white people mad about “Becky with the good hair”, even though it aint about white people lmao you thought.

white people mad about being dragged for cultural appropriation

white people mad about “Black lives matter”

white people mad about when you mention racism

white people mad when you talk about how the goverment treats poc

white people stay so mad about things like this but ironically black people got the stereotype for being mad all the time lol 


Retrograde Reminder

Stay Calm

Think Before You Act

Mind your Damn Business


pleeeeeeeeeeeeease do not text your ex and do not respond when they text you lol

too late. now im stuck in a boatload of bullshit. Moral of the story:DONT DO THE THING!


but honestly it makes me really uncomfortable how so many white people tag other white peoples selfies with things such as “space child” “angel fairy princess uwu” “cactus love plant!!” but when it comes to PoC (especially brown and black people) it’s always tagged with “SLAY ME” “sTEP ON MY PASTY FACE” “DRAG ME PUNCH ME IN THE ASS SLAAAAAY YAAAAAS BITCH WERK”…… do u not think we are tired as fuck of being associated with violence or…

i like how people are only liking this but won’t reblog it even though it’s the truth lmao


Today I called a woman in my area to see how much it would cost to start my dreads. She said 125-150 if you’re black and 500+ if you’re white. I’m still cackling. 

Lol doing the lords work


the cultural appropriation sliding scale 

The real nvp

Pause, they charging that much to start them for black people tho? That’s crazy. I paid like 80 if that


^^^Yeah, that’s pretty high.

Fam those are box braid prices like

Down here they charge 50-80

whet? I paid like 200+ for mine 😭 wtf where y'all stay??

FIRST, this is fucking bull shit, SECOND why the fuck is there a goddamn difference between white people getting goddamn dreads rather than black people? Fuck out of here with that “it’s my culture” bullshit, you let something as FUCKING STUPID as HAIR JUST HAIR blind you with fury and be so fucking quick to judge. If you still identify as fucking black white yellow or brown you ARE what’s wrong this world and are the reason why racism is still alive. Fuck everyone and their fucking stupid close minded shit.

Becky mad

^ she probably got finessed off $500, i’d be mad too


If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again

Isn’t it disgusting that 23 people just unfollowed me


Unfollow me too

this goes double if you call paedophilia a disability. unfollow me twice


Witchy Tip

Don’t let people shame you for curses. Spells that could have a negative impact on others are just as legitimate as other spells. And it is YOUR choice to do these. The 3x law is mainly a Wiccan belief doesn’t apply to everyone. Also, Wiccan’s, you shouldn’t feel restricted from these either. (You may or may not hold to the 3x law, and if you do it is YOUR choice, yet again). Your magick is yours, and yours only. Do not let others try to preside over your creations and expressions.


Hi! I’m looking for more witchcraft and pagan blogs to follow. Please reblog this if you’re a witchcraft/pagan blog and I’ll definitely check your blog out.

By the way, if I follow you, I’ll be following you as “porcelainecoeur.” This is just a sideblog!


@my fellow non black ppl of color:

I don’t want to see any of this “beyonce showed up for us women of color” shit. Like shut up. No she didn’t. LEMONADE is by a black woman about black women for black women. Appreciate it as an incredible piece of art, but also like sit down and shut up and let black girls have this.

Native Americans have commented on the bitter irony of these plastic shamans profiting from the degrading, twisted versions of Native American rituals while many indigenous people still live below the poverty level. New Age interest in Native American cultures appears more concerned with exoticized images and romanticized rituals revolving around a distorted view of Native American spirituality than with the indigenous peoples themselves and the very real (and often ugly) socio-economic and political problems they face as colonized peoples.

Plastic Shamans and Astroturf Sun Dances: New Age Commercialization of Native American Spirituality, by Lisa Aldred

(via echtrai)


Lavender Tea


  • 3 Tablespoons fresh Lavender flowers or 1 ½ Tablespoons dried Lavender flower
  • 2 cups boiling water
  • honey and lemon if desired


  • To make Lavender tea put the flowers in a teapot or container along with the boiling water allowing them to steep a good 4 to 5 minutes. 
  • Pour into cups straining if necessary to remove the flower buds. Serve Lavender flower tea with honey and sliced lemon.
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