


Previously gtfogirl Icon is made with this https://href.li/?https://picrew.me/image_maker/1473879

such a huge relief that hillary’s so ahead in the polls and trump has such a small chance of winning, right? WRONG. DO NOT GET APATHETIC OR COMFORTABLE. DO NOT DECIDE YOU DON’T NEED TO VOTE BECAUSE YOU’RE SURE HILLARY WILL WIN. the only way trump can win now is if so many people expected to vote for hillary don’t show up to the polls. because you BETTER believe ALL of his supporters will be at the polls.

brexit passed in the UK because young people grew apathetic because they were sure it wasn’t going to pass. and it did, because old racists and xenophobes showed up in DROVES to vote.



People, people, don’t pull the same shit that was done in 2016.

In 2016, people didn’t like Clinton so they either didn’t vote, protest voted 3rd party, or straight-up voted for Trump.

Look what that got us. 4 years of a literal dumpster fire.

in 2020 we united behind a candidate that might not have been our favorite but he wasn’t Trump, and we booted Trump out.

For some goddamn reason we are having a replay of that election - a felon (Trump) is running for the presidency, he has FLAT-OUT said he’s going to be a dictator on day 1, and has plans to completely eliminate a LOT of rights people take for granted and have fought for for years.

We need to unite once more behind Biden. Not because he’s your favorite (he may well not be), not because he’s perfect (he isn’t), but because if we DON’T we may never have another election in this country. It will be a major defeat for basically anyone who isn’t white, male, and evangelical.

Rally the troops. Stand up again like you did in 2020. Get out the vote. We’ve got to make this happen.

A battle was won. The war is far from over.


38.3% of eligible voters in New York voted in the 2022 general.

if you do not participate you do not get to complain when the time comes where your rights are getting stripped away and more people are dying than ever before. you will have done it to yourself.

your refusal to participate in the collective game is in itself a decision to murder millions of people abroad and disenfranchise millions of people stateside. you are pushing the button. you are flipping the switch.

your inaction is complicity. this will be your fault.


When the rest of the world looks at the united states right now, we see a government who sends billions to support genocide but cannot help their own people starving on the streets.

We see a police force who won't go in to save children from school shootings, but deploy at a rapid rate to arrest peaceful protestors using their right to free speech to protest a genocide

America, you are a war mongering snake eating your own tail. You will protect and support war criminals in another country but let your own people starve and die

To the students bravely protesting now, we see your strength. We see what we saw when students protested the Vietnam War. We have faith you will prevail


my first girlfriend turned into the moon🌕

sokka finally joins my ATLA series! you can view the rest of my atla series below⬇️



I AM VERY NEW TO THIS, I've always managed to handle things myself in my personal life but it's different this time.

I'm pretty nervous doing this because it's hard for me to admit that I need help and ask for it in the first place.

This is temporary as I find financial stability, literally anything would be tremendous help for me.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, for sharing, and for enjoying my art.

Anonymous asked:

Unfortunately moderating comments just stops the hate being public, if someone simply wants to bitch at the author it still succeeds in that goal

Yeah but you’d be amazed at how many of the people who send hate will give up pretty quickly if they realize that it isn’t getting anywhere


The whumpee waited and waited for what felt like lifetimes, they waited for rescue or any sign that they were still cared for. Desperation festered and fears grew- the whumpee hadn’t made any of their friends angry before the whumper kidnapped them, and they didn’t think they’d done anything wrong, so why was nobody looking, why hadn’t they been rescued yet?


hate when a batman artist isn't committed to bruce's lame bat schtick... give that man a bat insignia on the bottom of his boots rn

he already has back issues and hes committed to being a campy cunt.... give him the good boots.

i was going to comment how impractical it would be for Batman to be walking around in boots with his own damn insignia on the soles, but you know what i accept this explanation ajksjkdhajkdhkajkk. the man gets to strike fear into the hearts of criminals AND be as campy as his dramatic ass desires


Being a young adult is so strange. You enter a coffee shop. The 20 year old girl waiting behind you cried all night because she just came to a new city for university and she feels so alone. That 27 year old guy over there works a job he is overqualified for, he lives with his parents and wants to move out but doesn't know what to do about it. That one 24 year old dude already has a car, a house, and a job waiting for him once he graduates thanks to his dad's connections. The 26 year old barista couldn't complete his higher education because he has to work and take care of his family. The 28 year old girl sitting next to you has no friends to go out with so she is texting her mother. That couple (both 25 years old) are married and the girl is pregnant. The 29 year old writing something on her laptop has realized that she chose the wrong major so she is trying to start all over. We are not alone in this, but we are actually so alone. Do you feel me


if you've never engaged with a creative art on a regular basis you need to understand that it requires concerted effort to get into "the groove" to make something and every second that it takes to get into that groove causes physical pain, but the only thing worse than doing it is not doing it.


Perhaps it's time for the semi-regular reminder not to support JKRowling due to her being a terf and a Holocaust denier (see recent posts where she claims trans people were not targeted by Nazis) and several other things I'm sure I'm forgetting. Supporting her includes: buying her books, pirating her books, consuming anything that has her name attached to it. Your desire to relive childhood nostalgia should not win out over queer people's desire AND RIGHT to live their lives without fear.

She is still alive and she is using her platform to boost and fund organizations that want to erase queer people from the world.


Maybe ask yourself why you're so determined to consume media from someone who believes that if you read her work you agree with her views.

don't come to me and ask me to absolve you of your actions. I don't.

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