
Random Drabbles

Some drabbles based on what's playing on my playlist.

Lips of an Angel by Hinder

Kang Minhyuk x Krystal

*Ring* Ring*

"Hello," Minhyuk answered.

"Hey, it's me," Krystal's unmistakable voice came through the other end.

"What's up?" Minhyuk asked, glancing at the sleeping form beside him as he slowly got up, careful not to make a sound as he exited the bedroom.

"Free to talk?"

"What's wrong?" He asked in concern.

"We fought."

"Again? What happened?"

"He came home drunk and started yelling and...," she trailed off as she sobbed quietly.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked worriedly.

"No, I'm fine," she said, "Minhyuk," she hesitantly continued.


"I miss you."

"Me too. Whatever happened to us?” He asked the question that’s been nagging him ever since the two of them parted.

“I don't know,” she said.

“We can’t go back,” he said, guiltily glancing at the door to the bedroom.

“I know,” she sighed, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have called,” she said before quickly hanging up.


45.7 cm by Yoo Seung Woo

Sehun x Sejeong

What exactly are they? Sehun wondered as he snuck a glance at Sejeong who’s walking beside him. Friends? No, definitely not just friends. Couple? Nope, not really. They’re not quite there yet. So, what are they?

“Earth to Sehun,” Sejeong called out as she waved her hands in front of him to get his attention.

“Wha… What?” He asked as he snapped out of his trance.

“You didn’t hear anything I’ve said for the past five minutes, have you?” she asked accusingly.

“Oops… Sorry,” he apologized with a sheepish smile.

“No worries,” she said grinning, “It was mindless chatter anyway. So, what were you thinking about just now?” She curiously asked.

“Uh… Nothing?” He said.

“Uh-huh,” she said looking unconvinced. “What’s on your mind?”

“Sejeong, what are we exactly?” He asked the question that has been niggling him.

“What do you mean?” She curiously asked.

“Are we just friends?” He prompted.

“Hmm… I don’t think we are. We’re closer than just regular friends, aren’t we?”

“Then, are we dating?”

Uh… no, definitely not dating,” she giggled nervously.

“What are we then?”

She pursed her lips in deep thought for a moment before responding, “Comfortable. We’re comfortable,” she finally decided.

“Comfortable?” He asked.


“Hmm… I think I like it,” he said as he slung an arm around her shoulder and they continue walking.


Runaway by the Corrs

Park Hyungsik x Go Ara

“Babe,” Hyungsik called out as he padded in his apartment, clad in nothing but his boxers, as he looked for his girlfriend.

He was half asleep when he reached out to the space next to him expecting to feel Ara’s warm body next to him, but to his disappointment, he felt nothing but the smooth sheets under his fingertips. He found her in the living room, sitting in front of the fireplace, her feet on the floor, knees up to her chest with her arms around it, as she stared blankly at the flames. She looked so tiny and forlorn sitting there that his heart clenched painfully at the sight.

“Everything okay?” He softly asked as he took a seat next to her.

“I’m fine,” she said, her voice cracking, as she tried to surreptitiously wipe the tears that fell from her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” He worriedly asked her.

“Nothing,” she said, swallowing back her sobs from escaping her throat.

“You’re crying, it’s not nothing,” he pointed out as he comfortingly wrapped an arm around her and laid her head on his shoulder.

“It’s stupid, really,” she said wanting to reassure him.

“Then, why are you crying? Don’t tell me you’ve been reading comments in the Internet again,” he said disapprovingly, when he caught sight of her cellphone on the floor next to her.

“It hurts,” she said, looking at Hyungsik.

“They’re mostly just fangirls who don’t want Oppa to date. Don’t listen to them.”

“It’s not that they don’t want you to date, Hyungsik, it’s because they don’t like it that I’m the one you’re dating,” she said sadly. “Maybe, they’re right that I’m not good enough for you,” she mused.

“Don’t say that,” he said annoyed at her thoughts, “They don’t know you, and they don’t me. They don’t know us,” he said as he reached out a hand to her chin so that he can look her directly in the eye, “And it doesn’t matter what they say or whom they want me to date, because in the end, you’re the one I fell in love with.”

“I know that,” she sighed as she snuggled more to his embrace, needing to feel more of his warmth against her. “But it still gets to me sometimes.”

“I’m sorry,” he apologized, “This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t insisted on us dating publicly.”



“Do you really love me?”

“You know I do.”

“Runaway with me,” she said, “Let’s leave everything behind and runaway together.”

“Where do you want to go?” He asked as he took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers.

“I was just kidding. I’m not really serious about running away.”

“Where do you want to go?” He asked again.

“Anywhere,” she sighed, “Anywhere, as long as I’m with you.”

There was a long pause before he spoke again.

“Vegas,” he decided. “Let’s go to Vegas.”

“Why Vegas?” She asked curiously.

“Let’s get married in Vegas,” he said as he pulled her close.

“Sounds like a plan,” she murmured as she closed the remaining space between them and kissed him on the lips.


Just Friends?

In a park in one of the affluent neighborhoods in Seoul, a petite girl sat on a swing. Her long black hair cascading down her back, framing her lovely face. Her porcelain skin seeming to glow underneath the moonlight. Her pink lips in a frown as she swung herself, her eyes looking faraway, lost in her thoughts.  

What do I do now? she asked herself, At least it's her best friend that he likes. But what am I now? Their third wheel? These thoughts have been bothering her for a week now, ever since she saw her two best friends, Minho and Ara, together. The two were walking home together after a school event that Ara's organization organized. Ara needed a date and guilt tripped Minho into accompanying her. She was about to greet the two when she saw Minho leaned in and kissed Ara. She left quickly and silently after that, making sure that her presence was not noticed by the two.

Ara has always been the sweet and popular one, and Minho has always been protective of her. She's sure that if one of them falls into the ocean and he can only save one of them it will be Ara. She sighed at the thought. She loves the both of them and wants to be happy for them, but...

"Hey," a male voice greeted her, "Lost in your own world again," he teased, as he took a seat the swing next to her.

"Hey, Minho," she greeted back with a slight smile.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while," he said.

"Just around... I've been busy," she said with a light shrug of her shoulders.

"With what?" he asked curiously.

"Ummm... Stuff," she said.

"You wouldn’t happen to be avoiding me and Ara, have you?" he asked with a piercing stare, "She mentioned that you haven't been around lately. You've also been distant with the texts and phone calls. We're both worried about you."

"Avoiding you?" she asked, keeping her tone light and avoiding his gaze. "Why would I do that?"

"Exactly. Why, Jinri?" he asked.

"I'm not," she mumbled, keeping her eyes averted.

"What's wrong Jinri? You know you can tell me anything."

"Nothing... I just... I'm fine..."

"Uh... Huh..." he said disbelievingly, still staring at her, seeing through the lie.

"I just wanted to give you and Ara space," she finally blurted out, squirming a bit at the way he's staring at her.

"And why would you do that?" He asked thoroughly confused.

"Because you two are dating and I didn't want to be a third wheel," she said fidgeting, unable to keep her hands still.

"Dating?" he asked amused, "Us? Since when?"

"But I saw you and her, and..."

"Saw us what?" he asked, prompting her to continue what she was saying.

"Nevermind," she mumbled, averting her gaze, blinking back her tears.

"Jinri," he said in a warning tone.

"Fine, I saw her you kiss her, and I assumed..."


"Yeah, last week, when you were walking her home. I saw her kiss you," she said, trying to keep her voice from cracking.

"Oh... That... You thought that we?" he said unable to keep the laughter from his voice.  

"I don’t see what's funny," she said in a flat tone, leveling him with a glare.

"We're not dating, we're just friends."

"But you kissed her."

"Yes, I did," he said, looking her in the eye, "On the cheek. I kissed her on the cheek. I was just thanking her for her advice and bidding her goodnight. It didn’t mean anything," he explained.

"Are you sure?" she asked in a suspicious tone.

"Have I ever lied to you?" he asked, exasperated.

She merely shook her head in response.

"Why would I start now?"

"I'm sorry, I guess I jumped to the wrong conclusion," she apologized.

"You should call Ara, she's very worried."

"I will," she promised. "But do you like her?" she pressed, still not entirely convinced that nothing's going on between the two.

"No, I don’t. The three of us grew up together, of course I care about her, but not in that way. I love her like a sister. Besides, she likes someone else, and so do I."

"She does? You do? How come you never told me?" she pouted.

"I guess it just never came up," he said shrugging. "She likes this guy from History class, and I think that he likes her too. They've been flirting all semester, both still hesitant to make the first move."

"And you?" she asked, wanting to learn more about the girl that he likes.


"What about the girl that you like? What's she like? Is she pretty? Nice? Tell me more about her."

"You can judge for yourself," he stated.

"I know her?" she asked.

He nodded in response.


He looked up in the sky before intently focusing his gaze on her, "The girl sitting beside me," he said.

"Me?" she asked, disbelief in her voice.

"That night that you saw us, I was asking her advice on how to tell you. I've always liked you, Jinri, I just didn't know how to tell you," he confessed. "I've always hesitated because you're one of my best friends and I don’t want to lose that friendship if things don’t work out."

"I like you too, Minho," she said shyly, her cheeks stained pink, her happiness clearly reflected in her eyes.

"You do?" he asked softly, leaning towards her slowly.

"Yeah," she whispered back, before his lips gently brushed against her, kissing her softly.


(Sort of an Epilogue)

The Next Day

A young couple, looking obviously in love, walked hand in hand in their campus as they approached a girl sitting on a bench, busily typing a text message in her cellphone.

"Ara!" the approaching girl called out, waving to her friend.

Ara waved back to the couple, as her eyes zeroed in to their entangled hands. Her eyes widening like saucers at the realization that the two have finally come to their senses and admitted their feelings to each other.

"Are you?!..." she asked, wanting to confirm what is already obvious.

At the other girl's nod, Ara shrieked in delight as she threw her arms around the girl and hugged her tightly, as the two of them jumped in joy.

"I'm so happy for you, Jinri!," she exclaimed. "Congratulations, Minho!" She exclaimed as she threw her arms around the boy next to Jinri. "You finally confessed!"

"Thanks to you," he said, as he returned her hug. "Now, it's your turn," he said as he pulled away.

"Turn for what?" Ara asked confused.

"To make your move on History guy, you agreed to make your move if I confess to Jinri. Time to hold up your end of the deal," he said ruffling her hair.

"Do I have to?" she whined as she swatted Minho's arm and fixed her hair. "Can't I just like him silently?"

"Nope," he said.

"A deal's a deal, Ara," Jinri piped up.

Ara just pouted at her friends in response.




This one-shot is set after they solved the case in Episode 8 in the "Busted" universe. This contains some spoilers so read at your own risk. :)

"Did anyone see that coming?" Asked a baffled Jong-min, still unable to fathom what just happened.

"I didn't," said Kwang Soo, mirroring Jong-min's baffled expression.

Their client, an old man, just shot the killer of his daughter. At first, they all thought that it was just a test, nobody could have guessed that they were investigating a real murder that happened 20 years back. Their group had no idea that one of the supposed suspects in the test was an actual killer.

"Who would've guessed," said Jae Wook with a shake of his head. "It's already late, perhaps we should all head back and just meet tomorrow to open the box," he suggested.

"I agree," said Minyoung. "It's already pretty late and some of us still have work in the morning and Sejeong has school," she continued, before turning to Sehun. "Sehun-ah, you live near Sejeong's dorm, right? Can you walk her home before heading home yourself?"

"Sure, no problem," Sehun responded.

"No, it's fine!" Sejeong protested with a wave of her hand. "I can walk home by myself. I don't want to be a bother."

"It's okay," Sehun reassured her. "You're not being a bother. It's not safe for you to walk home by yourself when it's already this late. Besides, it's just a couple of blocks away from my place."

"Sure?" Sejeong asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, let's go," he said as he took Sejeong's arm to lead her away from the group. "We'll see you guys tomorrow," he called out as he waved to the others.

"Bye," Sejeong called out with a wave of her hand as Sehun was leading her away.

The two walked side by side in uncomfortable silence, the one-foot distance they had between them seemingly wider than it really is, both sneaking peeks at each other when one thought that the other was not looking. Both of them hyper aware of each other's presence and actions and wanting to break the ice but unsure how to.

"So..." Sehun and Sejeong said at the same time.

"Jinx!" They called out at the same time, resulting in laughter for the two, the uncomfortable silence suddenly broken.

"You go ahead, Hyung," Sejeong said once she got ahold of herself.

"Ladies first," Sehun countered.

"It was nothing. I was just going to say that you were very impressive today. I would have never guessed that the culprit used the CD in order to lock the window to make his escape," Sejeong said.

"You're not so bad either, you were able to convince Pak Gu to come with us."

"That was nothing. That was just aegyo, anyone can do it," Sejeong said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I doubt I would have convinced him by myself if I went alone," Sehun pointed out.

"Hmmm... True... Perhaps you're right, maybe aegyo is a talent, Hyung," Sejeong said with a light laugh.

"Sejeong-ah, is it okay if I ask you a question?" Sehun asked, his lips pursed, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Sure, you're already asking me one now actually," Sejeong teased him.

"Right," Sehun said with a chuckle. "I was just wondering why you keep calling me Hyung. It's pretty unusual."

"I guess I've just gotten used to it. I wasn't sure what to call you at first. It would have been weird to call you Oppa when we first met given that we barely knew each other. Calling you by your first name didn't seem right either as you are older than me. Hyung seemed to be the least weird among the options that I had," Sejeong replied.

"Aren't we close enough by now for you to call me Oppa?" Sehun asked, feigning hurt at the slight hint that they're not yet that close for him to be called Oppa.

"Are we?" Sejeong asked with a teasing grin.

"Ya!" Sehun said in a mock annoyed tone.

"We're here!" Sejeong exclaimed when they arrived in front of her dorm. "Thanks for walking me home."

"What about calling me Oppa?" Sehun asked pouting.

"I'll think about it," Sejeong said laughing. "I'll see you tomorrow, Hyung."

"Fine," Sehun said rolling his eyes. "Goodnight, Sejeong-ah," he said with a wave.

"Hyung!" Sejeong called out turning to Sehun again, before going inside.

"Yeah?" Sehun asked looking back at Sejeong.

"Thanks, Oppa! Good night!" Sejeong called out with a cheery wave before heading inside.

Oppa. She called me Oppa, Sehun thought grinning as he walked home.


so recently, my loser self managed to convince 1k people to put my content on their dash. as a thank you, i’d like to give back to this community that has always encouraged me in my writing pursuits. i’m awful at replying to all of the amazing comments i’ve gotten over the span of the last couple of years, but every single one of them has encouraged me to push on. thank you!! 

some parameters:

  • 10 fics of around 3k words each (the word count is not a limit–sometimes things get out of control in my hands haha.)
  • i love my ladies about 10x more than i do my boys, even for those on my short-list of sons. so 9.5/10 times, what i write will be heroine-centric. 
  • i’m open to do gen fic, but i think i’m better at shipping? so i’d prefer to write romance for you guys.
  • feel free to request extensions and timestamps for fics i’ve already written
  • i generally write better when i’m inspired, so here’re some dramas that have inspired me
  1. the reply series (any of the 3)
  2. the good wife
  3. prison playbook
  4. chicago typewriter
  5. individualist ms. ji young
  6. if we were a season
  • there’s probably about 50 other dramas that i’m missing, but if i’ve posted about it/shipped it, it’s fair game.
  • crossovers are also fair game.
  • that said, i find i’ve thrived in writing for dramas that have great characters but mess up the execution. if you are in need of fixit fic, speak up now!
  • please don’t ask me to write for my notps.

go wild! this is an iron-clad guarantee. i’m doing this for real. no flaking. i promise.

it has been brought to my attention, that i haven’t given any instructions on how to enter. see, this is what i mean by incompetent potato lmao. but yeah, okay, so just send your wishes to my ask. on anon, off anon is fine. i’ll sift through these and pick 10. :D


“Am I the only one who gets annoyed when I check on the SNS of actors/actresses that I like and see comments tagging in an actress/actor that is/was a love interest in a drama or movie? Take for example Lee Da In’s and Go Ara’s insta, there will always be someone who’ll comment and tag Do Ji Han, and Park Seo Joon, respectively. I understand that it’s the shipper’s delulu minds at work, but come on, the people being tagged most probably do not care nor appreciate it. Just my 2 cents.”

damn! this is harsh! but couldn’t agree more. LOL...

“Black” is about a grim reaper who gets erased from the memories of the world for breaking the rules and falling in love with a woman after borrowing a human’s body. It is set to air after the upcoming drama “Save Me.”


highly unlikely, but can we have yoo yeon seok as the lead instead? LOL... been hoping for a reunion drama between him and go ara.


“To be honest, I didn’t like Ahro and Sunwoo in Hwarang, I feel like their chemistry made the drama really boring. At first, i was getting hopes up about Ahro and the King. There was literally no chemistry at all between Sunwoo and Ahro and in the last 3-4 episodes it was so awkward like why did they even introduce them as siblings it felt so weird. Anyways the drama could’ve been better without Ahro getting head over heels over Sunwoo while the King watched them from distance”

agree, the ah-ro and smj pairing had so much more potential. as for sunwoo, he had sizzling chemistry with sookmyung.


“The low ratings that The Liar and his Lover really made me sad. It’s a pretty good drama and I feel like it deserved so much more love than it got. Most of the actors might be rookies but they did a pretty good job. Another thing that I love about the drama is its OST. The songs were really, really good. Perhaps the only gripe that I have is that I would have like it had Crude Play contributed more songs. Maybe they can release a special or a concert of the band? :)”


“This is about an old drama but - I always felt a little bad that Lee Yoo Bi got so much shit for Scholar Who Walks the Night. I’ve seen her other stuff and she’s talented and even good at other sageuk roles, but her role in SWWTN was beyond horribly written and it sucks that she got the blame for it even though she made a major effort to find any depth or emotional connection with her character and actually did a great job of believably having a huge crush on Lee Jun Ki.”

Same OP different confession:

Hi I’m the asker who talked about Scholar Who Walks the Night. …. I was rewatching some Olympics gymnastic performances and realised Laurie Hernandez and Lee Yoo Bi look a lot alike from some angles (something about the eyes and smile/face shape ). I may be the only one to see it but I can’t un-see it, am I delusional? Help!

she was at her best in gu family book. hope she chooses a better project next time.


“This is about an old drama but - I always felt a little bad that Lee Yoo Bi got so much shit for Scholar Who Walks the Night. I’ve seen her other stuff and she’s talented and even good at other sageuk roles, but her role in SWWTN was beyond horribly written and it sucks that she got the blame for it even though she made a major effort to find any depth or emotional connection with her character and actually did a great job of believably having a huge crush on Lee Jun Ki.”

Same OP different confession:

Hi I’m the asker who talked about Scholar Who Walks the Night. …. I was rewatching some Olympics gymnastic performances and realised Laurie Hernandez and Lee Yoo Bi look a lot alike from some angles (something about the eyes and smile/face shape ). I may be the only one to see it but I can’t un-see it, am I delusional? Help!

she was at her best in gu family book. hope she chooses a better project next time.


did anyone tell ah ro what happened to han sung? 

she was basically locked up in the palace before visiting the shrine, and then she gets locked up again before being released by ji dwi. we don’t see her interacting with other characters who would have told her what happened to han sung when she’s shot by an arrow, and those that could have told her (sun woo and ji dwi, for example) didn’t seem to mention anything about someone who just died. it’s not likely that she heard it through the servants or other members of the court gossiping about it. 

even though the plot line focus is on her love triangle, no one seemed to tell her that the boy who came to be a sort of little brother and often talks to her about about his problems just died and i feel like someone should make an angsty fanfiction about her discovering that he died plz. 

i don’t think she knew. :( to be honest, i liked the ahro and hansung scenes so much more than the ahro and sunwoo scenes, even if their relationship was purely platonic in nature.


“Hwarang was a disaster from the moment Ahro and Sunwoo met. If the writers had focused on the hwarang story rather than a weird love line that really doesn’t work, it would have been so much better. The drama was a huge disappointment. From what I’ve seen, Go Ara acts best in comedies, I guess its a romcom but the nature of Sunwoo and Ahro’s relationship was serious and her one faced acting just ruined it.”

agree that the writers should have focused on the hwarang storyline. as for the loveline, perhaps it would have been better if they did sunwoo and sookmyung, and jidwi and ahro. those two pairs had more chemistry than the sunwoo and ahro pairing.


“I think I’ll be skipping out on Go Ara’s dramas from now on until I’m sure it’s clear of SLS. I got so badly burned by Reply 1994, it’s been years yet I’m still bitter over it. I couldn’t bear to finish the drama because my heart just breaks for Chilbongie. Now, Hwarang happened, and I couldn’t help but root for Ji Dwi despite knowing that Sunwoo was end game. My heart kept breaking for him. Why is her chemistry so strong with the second leads as opposed to the main leads?”

and i thought i was the only one... LOL... why indeed?


“Lee Hyun Woo is similar to Kim Sae Ron in that they excel in movies but tend to have terrible luck with picking dramas in general.”

sad but true... though, i would like to say that i think mirror of the witch is a good drama. as for lee hyunwoo, i’m hoping the liar and his lover would get better ratings. it’s pretty decent, good actually, and he and joy have sizzling chemistry.


“The liar and the lover is surprisingly better than what I expected. It’s such a feel good and lighthearted drama, and I find myself really enjoying it. Joy is actually decent as so rim and is able to deliver the emotions needed, even the crying scenes. I most especially love her moments with grandma. I hope this show gets better ratings. it’s sad that some of the good dramas are pulling really low ratings nowadays, ie tomorrow with you. hope this one doesn’t follow the same path.”

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