
sunshine kid


confused about everything

I would love to study moe bumbercatch or read like a seriously good analysis - if anyone knows any pls let me know. his one liners are giving me comfort


the miracle of being here

invitation, mary oliver// @arthoesunshine // when death comes, mary oliver//to be alive, gregory ott// the dead poets society(1989), quote: walden, henry david thoreau// joseph campbell// the aeneid, virgil// @babyangel-jpg // @rawjoy //sweet, charles bukowski// that it will never come again, emily dickinson// bjenny montero// ? // ? // moments, mary oliver// madness a bipolar life, marya hornbacher// wild geese, mary oliver// letters to a young poet, rainer maria rilke// on earth we're briefly gorgeous, ocean voung// @ashstfu // i thought on his desire for three days, linda gregg

Two Lovers in graves. Graves 3 Miles apart. They were separated for the people couldn’t know.

Never more will his hands hold his face. Never more will the faint whispers and laughter be heard

Never more will his lips be ghosting over the others with barely there kisses

For the prettiest sin lies in those graves 3 miles apart and 6 feet below


Binary System

Two suns waltz soft, a careful step– lightly. ~ Rocks spin around, lit by their warmth. ~ This celestial pair, forever held by gravity, ~ but never touching, never kissing. Just dance ~ and dazzle. Lighting each other until one dies, ~ and collapses soft, drawing in all matter. ~ Only in death will the two finally touch. * – S. E. De Haven


sometimes ‘brb’ stands for ‘be ready bitch’ so you have to be careful

“I kissed a flame, what did I expect.”

Rosanna Warren, from Departure: Poems; “From the Notebooks of Anne Verveine,”

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