
you know where they say liars end up, don't you?

@endlessnightlock / endlessnightlock.tumblr.com

Icon courtesy of @Oakfarmer.
Header by 101panem.
Everlark fanfiction, lots of things that make me laugh (because I dearly love to laugh). Beth. Gen-X. She/her. https://archiveofourown.org/users/Endlessnightlock/works

Sometimes you gotta stop worrying about being the smartest and funniest person in the room and just enjoy being in a room with smart and funny people

I really implore y'all to stop letting the need to prove yourself get in the way of just enjoying life and the people you share it with. I'm using the word "implore" so y'all know I'm serious about it, btw


Reading a fic this morning and cracking the fuck up at this section:

I'm still for a moment, knowing that I can't get any drawing unless I deal with this. "Go down," I whisper, and suddenly feel foolish for talking to my penis like it's a damn dog or something. I just wanted to end the day with drawing and then go to sleep though. Maybe I'd have a good dream, where I'd wake up in this state and then I could deal with it. I try to talk some sense into this body part of mine. "Listen, we're going to get to know her, so maybe we can not get so set off by something as simple as brushing my cheek, alright?" I can only imagine what would happen if god forbid I was ever able to confess my feelings for her and she reciprocated something, in some way.

-Lovefool by hotpielookedlikehotpie

Anonymous asked:

Everlark kissing art request?

“Don’t let him take you away from me.”

Sorry! The last few requests have been too cute and I was in my Mockingjay angst yesterday so here we are!

Thanks so much for the requests anon 💗💕


also @atelierlili your tags ^^ just have me thinking of Gale doing this while Katniss shoves her entire tongue down Peeta’s esophagus 😭

like “uhhh what’s she doing? That’s not how she usually calms people down…”


are u ever sick w longing. and i don't just mean romantic longing. i mean longing for a place you barely get to see, longing for friends you no longer have, longing for feelings you might have left behind in your childhood, longing for creativity, longing for a rich and more expansive life, longing for less inhibition. longing for more passion. longing for ur life to be so incandescent w something it thaws all the frost in ur bones. are u ever so consumed w it it rends ur heart in two. do u understand me


“I’m ok with X topic being written abt as long as the narrative doesn’t condone it” u need 2 b spoonfed the conclusion that bad stuff is bad? u can’t come 2 it on ur own? are u serious.

"I don't like reading books where the bad guys win" = okay, cool, totally fair

"No one should ever read books where the bad guys win" = no wait. stop. hey

"We should forcibly prevent people from writing books where the bad guys win" = are you the reincarnation of Mao or something


just thinking about ‘i know this would have happened anyway’ and how goddamn inevitable it makes their love seem.

also imagining one day when they’re tangled up in bed together and peeta wonders out loud if it’s bad that he feels lucky. lucky to have her, lucky that they have this, after everything they’ve been through.

and she lets slip that they would’ve ended up together regardless. they have a moment like “what?” “…what?”, and then he gets all smug and smiley while she turns pink.

“you’re a closet romantic, everdeen. a real softie.”


characters have to be a little bit awful in ways that you cant defend. its good for the ecosystem. your honor he did do that. He did in fact do that

Anonymous asked:

top 5 things people should know about sex

  1. sex doesn't ever have to involve penetration or even genitalia if you don't want it to.
  2. the lack of an orgasm isn't necessarily a sign that the sex was bad, and the presence of one isn't a guarantee that the sex was good or even wanted.
  3. wanting or needing any kind of aides during sex - vibrators, other toys, more lube, pillows to prop up parts of your body, etc - is totally fine and doesn't mean that anyone isn't "good enough" as they are.
  4. there's no guaranteed trick to make yourself a better sexual partner except for subjecting yourself to the mortifying ordeal of being known and just talking to your partner(s).
  5. statistically speaking whatever you think is weird about your own body or sexual proclivities is probably pretty average.

most of my posts are normal I swear 😭


“My father. He seems to be everywhere today. Dying in the mine. Singing his way into Peeta’s muddled consciousness. Flickering in the look Boggs gives me as he protectively wraps the blanket around my shoulders. I miss him so badly it hurts…”.

Mockingjay Chapter 14


rasputin didnt become a fucked up sex wizard until he was like 30. your life doesn't end at 25 <3

if you're in your mid twenties and you're reading this you still have plenty of time to inadvertently topple a dynasty just by being really fucking weird and horny. don't worry.

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