
Little IT studyblr

@it-studyblr / it-studyblr.tumblr.com

Hi everyone! I am a college student and currently I am trying for a masters in IT - Networking.I decided to start a studyblr since I can´t seem to find someone who is studying in the IT field. I hope I can motivate at least someone in the way other studyblrs have motivated me . Avatar by the lovely @fourseasonfox on insta.

Shopping for laptops fucking sucks ‘cause I don’t know shit about computers. I’ve never had a computer with a functional webcam or microphone or the ability to play computer games made later than 2005 or a speaker that could play anything loud enough to hear from more than a foot away. How the hell should I know what I want?!

wow that would be such useful advice if only desktop PCs were small and portable and did not require desk tops on which to place them and I could take them with me when I traveled


I know this is a haha funny post, but for anyone who needs it, here's a quick-and-dirty of what you're most likely going to see while shopping for a computer/laptop (w/Examples)!

  • Cores/Intel Cores (Ex. i3, i5, i9)= Processing Speed= how fast your internet and other programs run. More cores is better.

  • Hard [Disk] Drive(HDD)/Solid State Drive(SSD) (Ex. 250GB, 480GB, 2TB)= How much you can store on your computer (files and apps and programs). A Terabyte(TB) is 1,000 Gigabytes.

*HDD is cheaper and more storage while SSD is faster, more durable, and uses less energy.

  • Memory/RAM(Random Access Memory) (Ex. 4GB, 8GB, 16GB) = How many different things your computer can do At The Same Time.

Ex. A computer with 4GB of RAM will probably shit itself if you try to play a game with with the internet open.

  • Video/Graphics Cards (Ex. NVIDIA, Intel HD Graphics, AMD) = How much visual complexity your computer can handle without throwing a tantrum. Only important if you play video games, do digital art, or watch a lot of movies on your computer. (When you're watching a video and it pixelates and lags when the action stuff happens, that's a bad/small graphics card)

Also the “avoid refurbished computers” tip is dead wrong.

‘Refurbished’ means it’s been in a technician’s hands recently and can’t be sold as new. That’s it. That’s all. In the US the FTC makes it illegal to sell something new if it’s been sold to an end user, so by definition a lot of perfect, ready-to-go hardware must be ‘refurbished’ in order to sell it again, no matter the circumstances.

Reasons a machine might be a refurb:

- Customer bought the item, decided they didn’t like the color, and returned it

- Customer bought the item, couldn’t figure out how to turn it on, and returned it

- Retailer opened the box for some reason and lost some of what gets shipped inside (manuals, cables, charger) and returned it

- Company bought 100 computers but went out of business before they could be installed or used

- Customer got a replacement for a damaged computer under warranty, and the manufacturer fixed what was wrong with the old machine and is now selling it as a refurb


Bottom line: ‘refurbished’ hardware has been repaired, tested, cleaned, and renewed back to original specifications by a trained technician. If anything, it’s probably MORE reliable now that it’s been doubly-tested. 

All responsibly refurbished equipment comes with a factory warranty... the only refurbs I would avoid are items sold ‘as-is’ without warranty. That’s dangerous unless you know what you’re doing, like buying stuff for parts.

A lot of my most reliable hardware -- servers, laptops, tablets -- were bought as refurbished goods at huge savings. When I go shopping for a new thing I always look at the refurbished options first. 

tl;dr: Refurbished is great!

This helped me recently and you might need it as well :)


i think the concept of a software install wizard is so cute… developers know the average person isnt comfortable running terminal commands so theyre like here!!! this wizard will do it for you <3 and we’re all like yay :) the wizard

<] :)

This is the wizard who runs my computer


so metropolitan museum of art has a register of books they’ve published that are out of print and that you can download for free! they’re mostly books on art, archeology, architecture, fashion and history and i just think that’s super useful and interesting so i wanted to share! you can find all of the books available here!


to those who want to read books,

so i had to do this, please don’t buy books from amazon cause i hate jeff bezos.

instead, you can download books from a website called pdfduck.

here it is   (this isn’t a rickroll i promise)

all the books are NOT pirated but are collected from free resources such as public libraries, universities, schools, training centers and book stores. books which haven’t been uploaded can also be requested in the website.

its safe to download pdfs and all of them are free.


to bring a little beauty to your life

Some days I feel colourless, empty and unmotivated. Maybe you do too. So, here’s what I do (hehe): 

  • wear a lot of accessories. Even if I’m not going anywhere, I put on my biggest earrings, shiniest bracelets, a chic scarf and - OMG WHO IS THIS BEAUTIFUL WOMAN???
  • go for a walk with some good music. Even if it’s raining, or maybe especially when it’s raining. I put on some ABBA, Queen or any music from the 00′s (because let’s face it, it’s iconic) and start walking. I swear to God, the day gets better with every kilometre I finish
  • make a fancy meal - I always feel too lazy to make a proper meal, but the thing is, the hardest part is deciding to do it - once you start it’s not only easy, but also therapeutic. And you can make something that you like to eat and then decorate it like it’s your personal masterpiece 
  • take care of your skin - you have to agree, that there is nothing more pleasing than the feeling of your skin after a face mask
  • make your notes/journal pretty - it’s like therapy, but free. But the best part is, you’ll make your future self happy, because pretty notes will make you happy whenever you look back on them <3

As always - with love, 

A very exhausted med student 


writing a cover letter is just like: here is my worksona she has no mental illnesses and hates breaks! i would like to larp her for 40 hours a week with full pay and benefits

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