
"You here to finish me off, Sweetheart?"


You can read my fanfic on AO3 under the same name

W I L L Y O U M A R R Y M E?

Author:  @mandelion82​ 

Prompt: ❤️ Day prompt “We met in optometry school 5 years ago. He liked me from the first day of class and wouldn’t leave me alone after that"  An Everlark proposal story…on Valentine’s Day 💍 [submitted by @mrspeetamellark​] 


Author’s Note: Trigger Warning- Mention of physical abuse.  Edit by @mrspeetamellark​. ________________

Anonymous asked:

Hello!! Do you still accept Everlark prompts or drabble requests? 😀❤️

Hi! Oh man, that's how I got into trouble in the first place (meaning having so many WIPs)! Lol. So, life is very busy, and I do have all those WIPs to get back to; however, you can feel free to go ahead and send me one if you have one in mind. Just keep in mind that it may sit in my ask box for a bit. You never know, though; I may get super inspired and crank it out!

Thanks for the ask and your interest!


first off, wtf? five years without sunlight???

second, Peeta my compassionate beloved

The Sun and The Moon

Heyyaaaaa! What a day to share with you my latest thg illustration ;) it’s 1 am now but I will return tomorrow to chat with you and hopefully share some more new stuff ❤️

Can’t wait for all my Second Quarter Quell head canons to be crashed lol. But in a good way! I’m sooooo ready for it!

Ah, and here are my precious Peeta and Katniss, my sun and moon, love of my life and THE SHIP of all my ships 🥰


i will say that it is strange that everyone has been like “the hunger games fandom is back” and “oh it was soooo dead”…

acting like the good people (my mutuals) have not been doing the lord’s work (delivering quality thg content) this whole time. LIKE DOGS.



The new Hunger Games novel is called “Sunrise on the Reaping”

And Peeta’s favorite color is “orange like the sunset.”

Haymitch is the beginning of the end. The dawning of change. Without him going first Katniss (and Peeta) wouldn’t have made it out.

Lucy Gray was forgotten, like a dream.

Peeta and Katniss are the sunset of the Games. And afterwards they are safe and can close their eyes. And when again they open, their children will grow up in a safe and warm world.

Haymitch is in the middle. I’ve connected the dots.

Waaaiiiit omg. I do love this. Does that make Lucy Gray midnight?


It’s always nice to see you pop up in the notifications! How are you doing?


Thanks! Yeah, I make an appearance now and then. Doing pretty well. My son is having ear tube surgery today, so I'm doing the nervous mother bit, and I have to get surgery for carpal tunnel upcoming, but yeah, hanging in here! ❤️ Thanks for asking! How are you?!


Dude it is SO FUN and EXCITING to see a reoccurring reader. If you've commented a handful of times on an author's work, I guarantee that they recognize you. You can't imagine how many times I've excitedly informed my friends "the person with the funny cat image commented!" "- anon is back!!!!" and the friends've recognized who I was talking about because I talk about my commenters so often LOL. We love you all!!!


Ack, I have carpal tunnel in both wrists! Gonna have to have surgery on at least one hand. 😫 I'm told the recovery isn't bad, so that's good, at least. Maybe I'll feel more like writing ✍️ after it's fixed.


i wish all my beloved followers and mutuals a very “you find a fic that has the exact premise and characterization you’ve always wanted to see but never had the energy to write yourself and it’s really good and just as long as you want to read”


I don't understand how people just Do things without daydreaming. like how are you not off in a silly little fantasy world rn


Out of Context Line

“Listen, merchant. You helped my sister, and for that I am grateful. Prim is a kind soul, and she wants to nurse you to health. I will help her. But don’t you think I won’t stab you in your worthless heart with this dagger if you ever put your hands on me again…or my sister.”

the rules: if you're tagged, make a new post and share one or two sentences (or lines for artists) from your unposted WIP with zero context.


“So, you met Peeta’s daughter, then?” 


“What’s she like?”

“She’s a conniving, vicious little two-faced brat.”


Tagging: @mollywog (sorry if you've done it), @mega-aulover. @absnow, @rosegardeninwinter, @pookieh, @endlessnightlock

And anyone who sees this is welcome to do it! I'd love to get a tidbit of what you've been working on, even out of context! Haha.

Anonymous asked:

If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better🌹💕

Awww, thank you! <3<3


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