
Tenzō's Cabin

@tenzoscabin / tenzoscabin.tumblr.com

Tenzō’s Cabin is a Yamato | Tenzō focused blog with a Community Discord Server. By joining our Discord you can share and discuss all the Yamato | Tenzō content you wish with other members, and join server-hosted events.

Tenzō’s Cabin Discord Server is a small community where all Yamato | Tenzō fans are welcome. Here you can connect with other fans to discuss the loveliest and most badass Naruto character: Yamato | Tenzō.

In this Discord you will find general chit chat channels, content creating channels, and other exclusive events. This is not a pairing locked server, so all pairings are welcome.

To join you must be: 

  • At least 18 years old. 
  • Respectful and nice to other members.

hey guys look what I made look :DDD Tenzō our man, in Kimetsu no yaiba style hehe. I gathered many references and sources to come up with this outfit, do not hesitate to ask me if you're wondering abt something :) Btw, expect to see this turn into a series (if I don't abandon it lol)

I just love anime styles crossovers <3


Sinopse: Yamato sempre foi mantido escondido, preso naquele lugar sem nenhuma janela, sendo usado como cobaia para todos os tipos de experimentos e para ver até onde seu poder.

O que mais desejava era que aquilo tivesse fim, que não acordasse após demais de exaustão.

Mas seu poder, suas habilidades não lhe permitiam, nem se quisesse conseguiria dar fim a sua vida.

Uma luz, ou pequeno raio de sol surgiu quando menos esperava.

— Vou te tirar daqui, confie em mim.

Ficwriter: GlayceUzumakiKen

Designer: UzumakiKen

Art: @kankuroplease I ask for permission on another profile @projectshinoaburame

event of @tenzoscabin ,

Month: March:

Theme: Power

Link da Oneshort:https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/historia/010992-yamato-24764812

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