
The Mind of an Okami(-Zero)


Less of a lurker, now, but still reblogging stuff whate'er tickles my fancy. Includes choice bits of my own random ramblings, though I am trying to focus on showing off/working on my OCs. Currently gushing over my WoL (and other peoples's WoLs xD). Am 18+, as is a bunch of the stuff I share, fair warning.

what a beautiful day to not be in high school


This is the like those “remember to be grateful you don’t have a sore throat right now” posts. It IS a beautiful day to not be in high school! Thank you!


Imagine extrapolating "oh my God" > "oh my gods" to other popular Christian and Christian-adjacent oaths. Good lords. Jesuses Christ.

In love with the idea that plural Jesus is the same as plural general surgeon

Treating Jesus Christ as an adjective-noun phrase where "Jesus" is the noun and "Christ" is the adjective isn't terribly uncommon. I've actually met Christians who insist upon the American English word ordering and always say "Christ Jesus" instead of "Jesus Christ", which I probably find more amusing than I should.

Christ is the adjective. It means "anointed." That's where the "oily Josh" thing comes from.

If you're being a prescriptivist, sure, but from a descriptive standpoint it varies a lot. In practice, English-speaking Christians sometimes treat "Christ" as a title or adjective and sometimes treat "Christ" as (part of) a personal name. Even most English translations of the Bible wobble back and forth on this point, sometimes within the same passage.


Honestly my favorite construction on this point is the incredibly rare "Jesus THE Christ"


Marcille is so funny to me. she's such a bait and switch. when we're first introduced to her you see this cute girl who's totally distraught at everything Laios does and you think she's gonna be the tropey token girl in the party who does the healing and stays out of the fights and has to be the designated Team Mom. but that's not Marcille at all. she's only on healing duty because Falin isn't around. she's a frontline attacker and she's constantly thinking about murder and explosions.

dungeon meshi really said "so there's this incredibly powerful black mage whose signature spell is "explode your skull" and she loves necromancy and is wanted in 5 countries. she can heal in a pinch but when she does it, it hurts, because there isn't a gentle bone in her body" and then she looks like this. i love her so much

However she couldn’t bring herself to use the traditional method of harvesting mandragora (which sacrifices a dog) because she felt sorry for the dog.

On the other hand, okay with sacrificing a giant bat.


POV you tried to join a forum for Norse mythology enthusiasts

Solidarity with all of the people in the tags who have joined:

  • Celtic mythology groups
  • Large history-related servers or alternate history writing servers
  • Warhammer 40k forums (with lots of imperial guard players)
  • Anything related to Ancient Rome
  • Random, seemingly innocuous anime servers with little moderation
  • Metalhead groups for any band with a Norse or Celtic theme

Whoever tagged this as "#Percy Jackson roleplays on Roblox" has seen some shit


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The traditional gift for the sixth wedding anniversary is iron, which symbolizes strength, confidence in your love, and the "ironclad" life you've built together.

This place is very important to them; it holds some of the earliest memories of their tale, a tale of consent trials and tribulations, but through it all, even unknowingly, they were there for each other, and slowly, over time, love began to bloom.


name ONE episode\movie of star trek, entire star trek, old, new, animated, etc, all of them, that first comes to your mind when somebody says ✨star trek✨


Once again DS9 fans win, because I'm p. sure we ALL know about "In The Pale Moonlight" and "Our Man Bashir".

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